Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Vampires Will Never Hurt You.

Chapter 4

by HowboutyouMoikey 0 reviews

Ahaa, here's my next chapter. Enjoy :) xo

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2011-06-15 - Updated: 2011-06-16 - 890 words

"Sorry Gee." I whispered and grabbed the collar of his shirt and flipped him over the couch. I got up as soon as I heard him hit the ground. When I got up, Bailey pinned me to the wall.
"I love you, Nikki. Why'd you leave me?" Bailey whispered. I just looked at him, disgusted.
"Don't get all sexual on me." I growled. I kicked his shin, and he fell to the ground. I ran over to where Gerard was on the floor, "Yet again, I'm really sorry for flipping you over the couch." I said, grabbing his arm and helping him up. I grabbed his hand, and he followed me up the stairs. We ran into Becca's room and locked the door.
"You guys okay?" Becca asked.
"How long have you been awake for?" I asked her.
"Oh, I had a friend over. He went downstairs. Did you see him down there?" she said, as there was banging on the door.
"What?!" I said, "That's Bailey! Are you insane?" me and Gerard both looked at her. The door flung open and I ran for the apartment balcony. I stopped and took a second to think how far down it was, and what would I hit if I jumped. I realised it was a pool that I'd hit and it was a pretty far fall.
"I'll never let them hurt you." I said, pushing Gerard, "Come on, Becca!" I yelled, as she ran and we both jumped at the same time. There was a huge splash as my feet hit the water below and I went under.
"That fall was EPIC." Gerard said, when he re-surfaced, "Can we do it again?"
"No." I said, "Now, come on!" I said, getting out of the pool. In the horizon, I could see the sun slowly beginning to rise. I ran down the street with Becca and Gerard behind me.
"This chick is EPIC." I heard Becca say to Gerard.
"And that's why she's awesome." he said back to her.
"Shush it, you two." I said. I turned around an alley way, and they followed, "Now, shhhh!" I whispered harshly. I bumped into someone. I looked up and it was Bailey, "RUN!" I screamed, and he grabbed me. Gerard stopped and turned around, "JUST RUN, GERARD. DON'T CARE ABOUT ME." I screamed.
"Why?" he asked me, "I don't want to lose you again." he said, and I saw Bailey's sister walk over to Gerard.
"JUST RUN!" I screamed again, and he ran off to catch up with Becca. I looked at Bailey and he looked down at me.
"Just hurry up and do it Bailey. Get it over with." his sister said. I death glared her and looked at Bailey . . .

I ran off to catch up with Becca. We ran a long way down the street.
"I hope tha idiot dosn't come after us." Becca said, trying to catch her breath. I stopped and walked back towards the alley way, "Gerard, no. Where are you going?" she said. I ignored her and kept walking. When I got there, I looked around the corner and saw her with them.
"No one takes my best friend." I whisper to myself. I walk out from where I'm hiding, "Vampires will never hurt you." I said. They all looked at me.
"What?" Bailey asked.
"I clearly stated; vampires will never hurt you." I said again.
"Gerard, no. What are you doing?" Nikki said to me. I just looked at her.
"Vampires will never hurt you." I whispered again.
"Oh, bull crap." Bailey's "sister" said. I just looked at her. I could tell she was eyeing me off. I raised an eyebrow, "Did I mention you have such a musucluar build?" she said, feeling my muscles.
"Do you mind?" I said.
"And your firey red hair suits you so well." I just looked at her again, "And you're just so nice. Perfect in every way."
"Please." I said, "Anyways, hand over Nikki and no one will get hurt."
"What are you going to do to us?" Bailey said, followed by a bit of laughter. I just looked at him.
"Please, Gee." Nikki said, "JUST GO. Before you get hurt."
"No." I refused.
"Gee, come on." Becca said.
"NO." I yelled, "I am not leaving someone I've just seen again. I'm not leaving Nikki." Becca looked at me, and smiled.
"Even if it means putting up a firefight." she smiled and walked to my side, "And I'm not leaving someone who changed my life." Becca said, I smiled at her. Nikki got out of Bailey's grip.
"Why? Why exactly do you want to marry me? Just so you can take another innocent life? Is that why you convinced my mother you were the one for me? Well, guess what. It never worked. You were never the good boy. You acted so innocent. So nice. But to you, that was all an act. Just so you can take away the life of someone so innocent. Someone like me. Why? Why would you do that? That's not what vampires do, is it? Well, maybe it is. Maybe it isn't." Nikki took a moment to think.
"Just remember; vampires will never hurt you." I winked, and grabbed Nikki hand and walked off. Becca walked on the other side of me.
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