Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I lost my fear of falling.

Chapter 2

by wearethenewreligion 0 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2011-06-17 - Updated: 2011-06-17 - 1967 words

Gerard's P.O.V

My eyes flickered and blurred. I could here a distant buzzing of people's voices... where was I? It sounded as if I was inside a glass room, and peoples voice's were echoing around it. I was trapped. Then I felt warmth around my head... It was comforting. The softest thing was stroking my hair lightly. I liked this feeling, it was like I was alone with no body to hurt me, but I had someone comforting me. I felt loved... for once.

Another, slightly louder, echoing voice vibrated my dreamy world.
"GEE? GEE, ARE YOU OKAY?!" It was Mikes. My heart felt for him, he sounded really panicked. I urged my throat to say words but it felt as if someone had stitched me shut. No! Mike needs to know I'm okay! I'm okay in this dark world, it's peaceful.

Something brushed across my face lightly and across my nose. I breathed in and the smell was soothing, it reminded me of home. Ah, home. I miss it.

My world fell black again... I guess this is goodnight then.

- About half an hour later -

Ergh, I awoke in a bright room... it seemed familiar. Then I noticed the old hag in the corner, I was in the nurses office. Back in the real world again. I sighed and turned my head to get up-
"OUCH! F-"
"No! You lie back down Gerard, you had a pretty bad hit this time"
"What the f-.. uh, I mean.. what happened?"
The woman looked at me with her stone cold, blue eyes.
"Punched in the head, you poor thing. You hit the floor pretty badly too, do you feel any more pain?"
I feel the pain of being alive. But how would I explain that to her?
"I'm fine, let me go please, Miss." And with that, I got up and made my way out, ignoring her shouting pain killer's names at me. Tucking my hair behind my ear, I swung the door open with force. I loved scaring Mikey, his reaction was great, a change from his normal blank expression! Haha, I care for him so much though. He's been my best friend, for life. Not meaning to sound like a cheesy little girl there...

Anyway, Mikey jumped as I stood in the door of the dull waiting room, shouting "Ta-da!" and giggling, he nearly fell from his chair bless him. Ray laughed along, and then I turned to see someone else. Oh my gosh, it was him. I looked on at him through my hair, he's even cuter than I remembered! His crystal green eyes thoughtfully staring - straight at me. Jerking my eyes away from him, I glanced to the floor feeling my cheeks begin to burn. I had to force myself to not look up at him. He looked so nervous, chewing his sleeve.

"GEE! Are you okay? You don't look okay- you're really pale! Oh wait you're always pale. But you looks scary pale! I'm going to kill them Jocks, if I see them again-"
"Mikes, calm down! I'm used to it, my head doesn't hurt that bad man. You'll only go and get yourself snapped in two if you stand up to them, then what would I do? I'd have to glue you together. I can't be friends with a wonky Mikey." I giggled at the thought and Mikey looked up at me and rolled his eyes playfully.

"Uh, G-.. Gerard?"
I spun round in shock that he knew my name. And... why was he here?...
"I love your top" - Then he smiled at me, with the most amazing breath taking grin I'd ever seen. It was like a child's smile.
"Awesome! Thanks, you have good music taste then, am I right?" I cringed at my attempt of a flirt.
"Fuck yeah, only the best music taste." He giggled a high pitched laugh, it was contagious!

Oh god, I'm falling for him. A guy I hardly know.

Frank's P.O.V

We spoke. We actually spoke!

After the situation in the nurses office, me and Gerard had Art together. I waved goodbye to my new friends Mikey and Ray, and awkwardly stepped alongside Gerard.
"Gerard... I know it's probably none of my business, but why did you say to your brother that you are used to it? getting hurt, I mean?"
I saw him bite his bottom lip and chew it while he thought, watching our feet walk in unison down the white washed corridors.
"Uh... it happens to me a lot. I've grown up with being hurt, it's an every day thing really. But I'm still here, I'm invincible you see!" He winked at me, and ran ahead of me jumping in the air with so much grace, he could of been mistaken for a dancer... that was until he hit the floor with a thud and a girlish giggle. He lay still though, and I got anxious.
"Gerard?! Stop messing with me, are you okay?!" I quickly ran over, and crouched to the floor beside him. My heart raced faster.
He'd bolted up right and grinned at me, making me scream like a girl. Next thing I knew, we were in fit's of giggles on the middle of the bare corridor's floor.
"SHIT! I have eye liner in my eyes now!" Gerard's eyes were watering just as mine were from laughing so much. I risked it.
I reached over and wiped a tear away that was rolling down his fragile skin. Gerard suddenly became stiff under my touch. He jerked back slightly and turned so his hair fell, veiling his face.
"Uh.. I.. I'm sorry. What did I do wrong..?"
Again, he bit down on his bottom lip, but hard this time. A staining of red appeared. Blood. He licked it away quickly, shyly looked down at me and spoke, with a shaky voice.
"I'll.. uh.. Let's just get to Art before we miss it all, yeah?"

I nodded and we got up and made our way there in silence. I was too afraid to speak. Not afraid of Gerard, but afraid of ruining anything else.

We turned a corner, and my eyes searched the new darker, orange-tinted corridor. The walls were covered in paintings, some new, some looked like they'd been here for centuries... wow.

As we paced the eerie corridor, one painting caught my eyes. A beautiful woman was painted on a rock, it was stormy in the skies and she was over looking the ocean. Her lips were a bright, blood red and they contrasted perfectly with her beautiful blonde hair. I slowly walked towards it and gazed for what seemed like hours. Her eyes were full of emotion and sadness. I felt for her. I reached up and traced the outline of her heart-shaped face, her blood red lips...

I turned to see Gerard looking at the painting with a weird look in his eyes. I couldn't make out what it was. Also his faced was creased as if he was about to cry. I never asked him anything, I know what it feels like when you don't want to talk. One thing I knew about Gerard was that he was a very mysterious kid. A dark horse. I feel like he has a whole story to go with him, as if he was a comic book character or an action figure.

We both carried on walking down this weird hall, and ended up inside a room with walls blanketed in colours, textures and patterns. It was amazing. Personally I've always hated doing art, but to look at it... I could for hours. It mesmerises me. When I look at art, i create a story to go with it.

Finally, Gerard spoke again. I'd missed his voice for that short period of time.
"Come with me" He had a slight enthusiasm to his voice as he skipped ahead. He disappeared around the next corner, it was very dark in here. I liked it, I felt safe. We were in a small, box like corner, and covering the walls, dangling from the ceiling and just about everywhere was artwork. Thousands of pieces of art...

"Wow" I was speechless. The art covering this little area was so different. There were cartoon characters, paintings of beautiful women, drawings of skeletons and there were sketches of instruments. I'd never seen art so good!

"Do you like this?" I heard Gerard from the corner of the room. His voice was really quiet, it took me a while to spot him in the dim light. He was curled up on the floor gazing up to the ceiling.

"This is amazing.. who did all of this? It must of took years..." I let my sentence drift off as I admired the art.

"It's all mine" I stopped my fixed stare on the walls, and turned to Gerard. Dropping to my knees, I nearly screeched out my words.

"Gerard?! How.. what.. um.. wow! Gerard, you're amazing! Uh.. at art, I mean." He giggled his gorgeous laugh, he settled his eyes on me. Gerard's blank expression broke into a tiny smile.

"Thanks Frankie, you don't understand how much it means for someone to tell me that. I've only had Mikes to tell me, sometimes I think he get's bored of my constant obsession..."

He trailed off and looked up at me again, tucking his hair behind his ear slowly. Something about this dark room made him look scarily beautiful. I turned my body around to lean against the wall he was resting on and we sat in silence together. Gerard's breathing was very quiet but it calmed me. I was letting my eyes explore the different illustrations, making a little story of my own for each one.

"Frank?" His voice was quiet again. So soft and gentle, not disturbing the shadows of this hiding place.


".... what are you thinking about?" His eyes were vacant and stained, glancing towards the ceiling.

"I was.. uh.. this is embarrassing.." He interrupted me;

"Frankie, I won't judge you. I'm not like that. I'm pretty messed up anyway so it can't be that bad!" He laughed but became serious again, awaiting my answer.

"Okay... I.. I was making up a little story for each of your drawings..." I went quiet, hid behind my fringe and didn't look up. Gerard had been quiet for a while so I peeked from behind my ebony hair and saw him smiling crazily, again looking up into the artwork. He looked so happy.

"That's so cute Frankie. I do stuff like that... don't worry about it. Actually, you saying that inspires me to draw and paint more art based on stories. I'll write stories then create characters for them.... something like that anyway" He seemed lost in thought and it was very adorable.

"Gerard, could I help you with the stories?" I went shy again, chewing on my sleeve and avoiding eye contact with his beautiful hazel-brown eyes. He startled me with the thrill in his voice next.

"Frankie! Oh my gosh, that's a perfect idea!" He looked at me with eager eyes. He had a child-like excitement to him now, I was glad I was making him happy.

"I was looking at this piece of art," I pointed to a black and white sketch of a marching skeleton, in uniform, "It made me think of a parade, so I let my mind wander. The Black Parade. A place where people go if you die - instead of heaven or hell."

"I love it! Oh Frank you're amazing!" Gerard jumped up and grabbed a scruffy black, charcoal-smudged book and began writing "THE BLACK PARADE" In old movie style writing. This kid was truly talented.

End of Chapter 2
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