Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Thanks For The Memories.

Ch21. Second Thoughts

by secretive 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2011-06-20 - Updated: 2011-06-20 - 1020 words - Complete

(Pete's POV)
I'd been sat nervously on the little blue chair for about 20 minutes now and i was beginning to have second thoughts. Patrick had gone to get us some coffee and the queue was huge, i was left alone with my thoughts. Why did i leave Gerard? I know Fall Out Boy is my dream, my passion, but we were doing so well before, we didn't need a world tour, maybe we could've just toured the USA. Either way, what was i doing leaving Gerard? I love him, love doesn't come around often and i couldn't see it happening again for me. Every moment of the tour i'd be thinking of him. Every moment i was on staem every moment i was in the hotel room at night by myself, every moment before i fell asleep at night. It would kill me, i want him , i need him.

(Gerard's POV)
I bolted over to the reception desk, there was a small queue. I waited impatiently, every moment was agonizing. The five minutes i waited seemed like hell to me. As soon as i got to the reception desk i slammed my palm down and shouted "Give me your next ticket out of here!". The woman behind the desk stared at me, obviously startled. "No particular destination sir?" she asked, looking puzzled. "No, hurry up!" i fussed, i know i was being rude, but i needed to be or i wouldn't get anywhere. "There's a flight leaving to Moscow in an hour..."
"I'll take it!" i shouted, she narrowed her eyes at me as she handed me the ticket. As soon as it left her hand i raced over to the security check. I would have to queue more, but every second of queueing was a second closer to the possibility of stopping Pete from leaving me.

(Pete's POV)
I rocked nervously on my seat. I felt purely agitated and confused. I didn't want to leave, yet i had to now. Or did i? Thoughts rushed throughy mind, i imagined myself getting up from my seat and running through the crowds of people. I imagined the way i'd somehow get myself back to Gerard's house and beg for his forgiveness, how he'd forgive me and we'd be happy together for the rest of our lives. But i was only imagining. I looked back at Patrick, stood so carelessly in the queue waiting patiently. I couldn't stand it, i'd never be that carefree again. I'd spend all my time wondering what happened to Gee when i left, how did he react? Is he okay? What's he doing now? Fuck it, i'm going back to him.

(Gerard's POV)
That's it, i'm stuck. Security won't let me through. "Fucking let me through you bastards!" i screamed at them. I ddin't care who saw, old ladies, families, children... they'd all understand one day. I needed to see Pete. "Please.." i pleaded, "Just let me see one person, PLEASE!"
"No Pasport, no entry!" the security guard told me sternly, trying not to make a scene. I didn't care though, i wanted to make a scene, that way maybe Pete would see me. The guard grabbed my wrist with his muscular arm, "Get your hands off me!" i cried, slappin his arm away from me. He scowled, staring straight at me, as if he were staring right through me. I gulped, i was terrified, i;d never acted up like this before. I guess that's just what love can do to you.

(Pete's POV)
I leapt up off my chair and ran accross the airport. I'd have to explain to Patrick later. I was sweating with nerves as i dodged the crowds. Everything seemed like a blur to me, but i managed to fight through it all as i thought of seeing Gerard again. I made my way to the front area of the airport. My head hurt, my vision was blured. I was sure i was going crazy, i could hear him. He was shouting, he seemed angry, he sounded pained. Oh shit, i really was crazy. Is that how he reacted when i left him? How would i know, it was all in my head. Then i heard him again "Just let e see one person, please!" the voice begged.It seemd a little too real to be in my head now. I whipped around and almost fell oer in shock. It was him, my vision was still blured, but he was the only thing i could see clearly. He was arguing violently with security. I grinned stupidly as i watched him put up such a fight just to see me. I felt on top of the world, he loves me. "Gerard!" i shouted, he turned his head to look at me and a huge smile spread acrosshis beautiful, yet tear stained face. He took one last look at the security guard, swiftly gave him the middle finger and ran over to me. I caught him in my arms and held him as close to my body as i could possible get him. "I promise Gerard," i sniffled into his shoulder, trying to hold up tears "That i will never leave you again".
"I love you" he whispered in my ear,
"I love you too.." i cried. I loosened up and stared into his perfect eyes. He was so beautiful, how could i ever have even thought about leaving him. I dragged him into a passionate kiss, nether of us cared who was watching. We were just so god damn happy! And i knew then that i would never leave him again... we stared into eachothers eyes longingly.
Suddenly i heard the a thud on the floor and as i looked down, coffee was starting to puddle around my feet. I looked over to my left, Patrick was stood, mouth wide open staring at us. He'd seen everything, i could tell by the way he was looking at me. His eyes were filled with confusion... our now empty coffee cups lay on the floor. "W-what's going on Pete?" he asked, his voice wavering slightly.
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