Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Thanks For The Memories.

Ch.20 I will always love you

by secretive 0 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2011-06-20 - Updated: 2011-06-20 - 1041 words - Complete

(Pete's POV)
There was three things i did that night. I showered, i decided and i left. That's right, i left him. It was the hardest thing i'd ever had to do, but i did it. I did it for myself, i did it for the band, but mostly i did it for Gerard. I knew that if i stayed with him i would spend all my time wondering 'what if i'd left? Where would i be now?' How could Fall Out Boy survive without me, they'd replace me wouldn't they? I couldn't take that. So whilst Gerard slept i packed my things. I tiptoed over to his bed and stared down at the amazing, wonderful man who'd made me so happy. I couldn't help myself as a tear rolled slowly down my cheek, planted a soft kiss on his forehead and walked out of the room, leaving the one person i had ever loved forever.
I shuffled down the hallway untill i got to the front door. Then something stopped me. A burning sensation in my heart, it was physically painful to leave him but i had to fight my way through it. I turned back to stare at the hallway one last time. The hallway of the house i'd been welcomed into when i had nowhere else to go. How could i leave like this without even telling Gerard? I couldn't wake him up... honestly i couldn't stand to see him cry. I knew it would be impossible to leave him when tears were flowing down his perfect face. I made my way to the kitchen and pulled out the bottom drawer. Inside was a wad of paper and a black ballpoint pen. I wrote him a note. A note, i'm such a fucking awful person that i left the man i was desperatley in love with by leaving him a note. I wanted to shoot myself, my tears dotted the paper, smudging the ink slightly as i wrote:
"Gerard. I love you, i will always love you, but i have to leave. I've put all my life's effort into making this band a success and i can't let my friends down. I wish i could have both, but this is the hardest thing i have ever had to do. I'm leaving tonight, i'm going to the UK. Just remember that i will never stop loving you. I'm so sorry."
And just like that i left,slamming the door a little too loudly as i said goodbye to the house. I got a taxi to the airport and met Patrick at the gates. He smiled and hugged me. It was nice to see how excited he was, he kept telling me how great life was going to be from now on, but he ddin't know what i'd just been through. And that's where I am now, i'm sat in a large, open waiting room waiting for my plane. I glanced down at the small, blue chair i was perched on, it was kind of like the chair i was sat on in the police station when Gerard... No! i can't let everything remind me of him. I glanced over at patrick who gave me an excited grin. I forced a smile, after all i had to try and be happy now. I was going to miss Gerard, but he wasn't a part of my life any more.

(Gerard's POV)
It was about 4:00am when i was awoke by a loud bang. I shot up into a sitting position and let my eyes gain focus to my alarm clock which flashed telling me i was up way to early. I wanted to go back to sleep, but the noise had me curious. I shuffled out of bed as quietly as possible and pulled on some clothes. Slowly, i tiptoed down the hallway, peering in every room as i passed. It was probably just Pete making a coffee or something, i would've been surprised if he'd slept at all. He had so much on his mind. I made my way drowsily over to the kitchen, but it was empty. No Pete? Then what was that bang? I checked the cupboards for a snack, anything really. I was kind of hungry after last night... i grinned as i remembered.
I pulled out a packet of salt and vinegar crisps and placed them on the table, then something caught my eye. A small white slip of paper at the other side of the room. I walked over to the counter and picked it up. It was a note, i let my eyes scan the words. My eyes widened in horror, my heart seemed to stop as my mouth hung open. I re-read the note over and over. How could it be true? How could he leave me? I love him, I FUCKING LOVE HIM! "N-n-no..." i stuttered out loud, my voice breaking into a higher pitch as tears began to stream down my face. "NO!" i screamed. I fell to my knees and sobbed, "How could he fucking leave me!?" i cried to myself. Mikey wasn't in to hear me, nobody was. I was alone and i always would be. I curled myself up into a ball on the floor and wept violently. I was almost sick, what would i do without Pete? I couldn't ever even imagine myself loving anybody else. No, he couldn't leave me, we were meant to be together. I wasn't going to let him get away that easily.
And that's why i'm here now, dashing as fast as i possible could, my heart pounding as though it were going to break through my ribcage. I was at the airport finally, i left my car in the carpark, unlocked. I didn't have time to lock it, i'd rather lose my car than lose Pete. I sprinted desperatley into the airport, people staring as a ran past, but i didn't care. I needed Pete, i had to change his mind. He was making a mistake, i just had to make him see that. I skidded to a halt when i reached security, i had to make my way through here somehow, and i would, no matter what it took.
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