Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The glory days are gone

Like a bullet through a flock of doves

by Confusedlots 2 reviews

I include some Nirvana love :)

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2011-06-22 - Updated: 2011-06-22 - 688 words - Complete

Franks P.O.V

I woke up feeling shit. Mum had left some cerial on my bed side table. Next to it was a note.
Come Down stairs. We've got something to tell you.
This was either really good, or really bad. But probally really bad. Well might as well get it over with. I swung my legs over the side of the bed, pulled on a shirt and went downstairs.
Mum was sitting at the table looking at me, smiling.scary. Shes not pregant, is she?
"Honey, we have been thinking... Seeing as through your getting older and going out more... do you want a pet dog? Just a little one though," Like I could have a great dane. It would take me for walks. Oh My God!!! Ive always wanted a puppy! What kind would I get? Probally a british bulldog. Their faces made me laugh so much. Mum carried on talking. "We feel more safe leaving you alone or walking the streets with a dog. What kind do you want?"
"Bulldog" Im gunna call him Kabane. Awesome! Mum went with me to the pet shop as soon as i got dressed. There were loads of dogs but i saw the one i wanted, straight away. He was sitting at the edge of the pen, leaning against the glass wall. His face all crumpled up and smushed, but he still appeared to be scowling. Perfect. When the shop owner lifted him out of the dog pen, Kabane (Kurt for short) looked so confused. I took him of the man and looked at him. He began to lick my face. God i love dogs. As soon as we got him back, he settled in like he had been here all the time. He had a new lead, basket and bowl. I wanted to take him for a walk. Mum said okay as long as i didnt let him off his lead because the owner said he wasnt trained and would most likely run away if he did not sense ownership, which would only happen after about 3 weeks at a new home. The walk toward the park was funny, becuase Kabane would stop waddling every 2 seconds to sniff a street lamp or litter. Or would trip over his giant paws.
The park in the area was shit, but i decieded that kurt might as well get used to it soon, of he was going to live with us.I took him around the little nature walk and straight away he was snapping at the few dogs that could live in smog. He seem really clever... until he jumped into a deep puddle and finding himself up to his stubby little neck in water, yelping and jumping out, just to glare at the water for a second and jump back in again. Crazy dog. We walked on some more. In the middle of Belleville park was a pond. The fish that had oncede lived there were long dead. Killed by wrappers or teenagers. As we approached the wrought iron gate around the water, i noticed two people leaning against the fence, holding hands. I stopped when i realised who it was. Gerard Way. And the person standing next to him, back facing directly towards me must be Sam, his girlfriend. Shit. I didnt want to be here. Gerard was talking to Sam, face turned towards him. I could see the midday sun light reflecting in his beautiful hazel eyes, making them a yellow-green. Sams shoulder lenght blonde hair was touselled and blowing all round her face. I think i may have been staring at them a little too much, too hard, because Gerard seemed to stop and turn around slowly. Shit! Shit! Shit! Mega Shit! Kebane was pulling strongly at his lead. I felt it slip through my clammy fingers and he ran fast away, crashing into Gerard and him landing on Sam, pulling him to the ground. The dog ran around the fountain a couple of times before coming to sit obidiantly at my side as i stood frozen, sudden realisation dawning over me. Sam was a man...
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