Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Welcome To The Black Parade: The Musical

Act 1 Scene 7 Continued...

by dancer126 1 review

The Moment you have all been waiting for

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] [X] [?] - Published: 2011-06-24 - Updated: 2011-06-24 - 1041 words

Act 1 Scene 7 continued....

[Gerard walks over and taps Gean on the shoulder]

Gean, I know what happened

[Gean looks up at him]

I can’t believe I did it I just can’t

Why, just tell me why! Why did you do this to us!

Us! You don’t even know me! What do you mean by us!

Gean you may not believe me the first time I say this but, Your boyfriend is two people

What the hell!

Let me explain, When I died Mother War put me and my friends on a quest that would grant us another chance at life. She gave me the ability to be able to travel around the real world in the bodies of over people. Well I wanted to be in body I would be able to tolerate and I ended up in your boyfriend’s body. I mean we are pretty much exactly alike, we have the same interests and tastes. When I met you in his body, I-I just got distracted from my quest. You were the first person I have ever fallen in love with. The way we would draw up in your room together. The way we would kiss at the Fireworks displays at the 4th of July parties.I pretty much became a part of him when my appearance turned to his and I made you my world. I never thought I would actually meet you this way.

You mean to tell me I have been in a relationship with two guys

Yea, I am really sorry you had to find out this way.

[Gean begins to cry more. The Interlude Song begins]

Saints Protect her now, come angels of the lord, come angles of the unknown

[The song ends and Gean looks up]

That song, that was you

That Lullaby was mine, Geany Bean was from me, and that painting of us in black marching uniforms was from me...

Wait black marching uniforms, I remember that portrait, you are wearing that same uniform

I wanted to give you a little taste of me. I thought I would never come face to face with you directly....

Everything has to be so damn fucked up. Why does everything change and not go the way it is planned. Why, why couldn’t of we just stayed there.

Is that why you pulled the trigger on your head

Ahhhh....we were going to leave everything behind pretty much. I just......I just...

Your afraid of change, it drove you over the edge.You couldn’t bare the fact of leaving the house. So many things happen there. You could gave a little communication! You don’t know how piercing it was to see you on that bed all bloody

Why does it have to be so difficult, you don’t know how it is

Difficult,Gean you gave up when it got difficult. You weren’t supposed to die you had allot coming for you and you just cut it all of! Face it Gean you were afraid to move forward. You never took into the account that you had someone to move forward with! To help you move foward!

Ahh I can’t take this!

[Gean walks over to the front of stage right]

There you go running away, giving up! Just like become afraid to live once the fear....consumes

[The song Cancer begins to play. Gerard has a sarcastic look on his face while he begins to sing] away, if you could get me a drink of water cuz my lips are chapped and faded, call my Aunt Marie, help her gather all my things, and bury me and know my favorite colors, my sisters and my brothers still, I will not kiss you

[Gerard’s face turns into a tortured sad face. Gean Turns towards him when he sings “I will not kiss you”]

Cuz the hardest part of this, is leaving you

Now turn away, cuz I’m awful just see, cuz all my hair’s abandoned all my body, all my agony

[/Gean and Gerard start walking to the middle of the stage.]

Know that I will never marry, baby I’m just soggy from the chemo, and counting down the days to go. It just ain’t living

And I just hope you know

[Gerard cups Gean’s cheeks and stares deeply at her with a crying face]

That if you say

If you say

goodbye today

goodbye today


I’d ask you to be true

I’d ask you to be true

Cuz the hardest part of this is leaving you______

Gerard and Gean
Cuz the hardest part of this is leaving you_____

[Gerard and Gean cry and hug, the instrumental version of the song continues and Gean and Gerard walk to the back of the float and Gerard begins to take of his shirt while Gean helps him. The lights go down and the music fades away. The Curtain closes marking the end of Act 1..]

And BAM! Act 1 is done, I'd like to thank my fangirls for making me want to continue! So you guys go and take a quick shit and gets some popcorn and get ready for Act 2. It probable be up by Sunday since I just got Motion for my MacBook and so I wanna learn how to use it and I am using a "familiar face to practice with:
also follow me on twitter:!/dancer126DCG
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Dumb intro about me on the forums:

Here is a fun fact about me, I am an amateur Graphic Designer,Cinematographer...I want to be a Broadway Star when I grow up and my dream is to play Christine in The Phantom of The Opera. R&R love you guys and my crazy fangirls!
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