Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Our Time Is Running Out

Teach Me How To Kiss

by AlexandraSweden 0 reviews

Gerard orders Frank to show him how to kiss.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [V] [X] [?] - Published: 2011-06-24 - Updated: 2011-06-24 - 509 words - Complete

"Honey, I'm home," Gerard called out sarcastically as he unlocked and opened the door to his dusty apartment. His old black coat, which was so long that it went all the way down to his knees, was heavy because of the food he had hidden in its secret pockets on the inside.

Gerard had with his fifty dollars bought an old loaf of bread, two oranges, some packages of powder-soup, dried meat and a small sack of potatoes.
He was not a champion in the kitchen but he could sure manage to at least make Frank something eatable. The weight of the food in the inner pocket was safe.
They wouldn't starve.
Well, at least they would survive another week.

"It took you hours," Frank grunted from where he was lying. He was immovable because of the huge wound stretching from his hip down to his knee. A wound which had been caused by a knife held by some jealous kid.

"You're not in the position where you can afford to bitch at me," Gerard snapped, slipping out of his shoes and strolling into the room in the middle of the apartment.
Frank laid on the mattress, right where Gerard had left him.

Gerard walked over to him and unbuttoned his long and mysterious coat. He then hauled the food out of the pocket. Frank's eyes widened and his mouth hung slightly open.
It was like the tiny man hadn't seen food before.

When the sight of the two oranges reached the lying man's eyes it got too much to take.
"Give me that!" Frank snarled and threw his arm, closest to the newly purchased groceries on to the floor, towards the oranges.

Gerard had strategically placed the food slightly out of Frank's reach and watched the wounded man desperately trying to grab himself something to eat.
He gulped, looking at the amusing sight before him.

Frank stopped after awhile, letting his haunted eyes meet Gerard's calm ones. "I want to eat. I need to eat," Frank murmured, a bit out of breath.
The silence lingered like a blanket in the air.

"You have to do something for me first," Gerard said and licked his cracked and dry lips clean from dust and dirt. The silence in the air was gone and what took its place was disbelief.

"What?" the tattooed man asked agitatedly.

Gerard tasted the words before he let them spin out of his mouth. They tasted sweet.

"Teach me how to kiss properly," Gerard said. Frank furrowed his eyebrows, clearly very confused about what the man next to him was saying.

Gerard wanted to be with Frank, so bad. he couldn't contain himself. The want was greater than his common sense and the moral his mum had taught him once.

"Uhm, fine. Just move your lips against the other person's lips and..." Frank didn't get to say more before Gerard abruptly cut him off.

"Frank, I need you to show me how to do it."

The tattooed man looked shocked.
And why wouldn't he be?
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