Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Our Time Is Running Out

Stiff Wood

by AlexandraSweden 0 reviews

Gerard uses his smarts to make his sleeping place more comfortable.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Romance,Sci-fi - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [V] [X] [?] - Published: 2011-06-24 - Updated: 2011-06-24 - 405 words - Complete

When Gerard woke up his neck was stiff as a piece of wood. He cursed.
Having to sleep in a bathtub wasn't really a top ten experience in any way.

He heaved himself out of the bathtub and looked at it. How could he make it comfortable? The only pillow and mattress in the place was placed underneath Frank and Gerard had no intentions on moving either the mattress or Frank anytime soon.

His eyes then looked at the awful shower curtain. It had blue, yellow and pink dots on it. So childish.


The shower curtain!

Gerard's eyes widened and he easily ripped the ugly dotted thing off its rail. He then put it inside the bathtub and placed himself in it too. He had to admit that it felt a lot better than to just lay in the bathtub without any fabric protecting him from its roughness.

He had once again used his smarts to handle a tricky situation. The instinct for survival had clearly not been sucked out of humanity.

After that Gerard had taken care of and decorated the bathtub, his new bed, he walked out of the bathroom to check on Frank.

And there he laid on the mattress, the loyal little guy. Around him was the peel of the orange Frank had gotten before Gerard went to bed.
It was scattered over the floor like orange flowers.

It was cold in the room and as Gerard stepped closer to Frank he noticed how the man was freezing. He was shaking, chattering his teeth and the hairs on his body stood in attention.

It was all quite understandable since Frank was wearing a t-shirt and, well, nothing else. Gerard had been forced to cut away his pants and boxers the first day to be able to take a good look at the wound.
The only thing covering his body from the waist down was the pink tablecloth wrapped around his leg where the wound was and a piece of the mattress which covered his junk.
Well, most of it anyways.

Gerard decided not to wake Frank up just yet. If he was cold and sleeping he wouldn't be in pain. It wasn't until the moment he woke up that it would be a big problem.

Gerard picked the peels of the orange up and threw them away.

Now all he could do was wait for Frank to wake up.
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