Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Our Time Is Running Out


by AlexandraSweden 0 reviews

Frank talks about the love of his life, Anna-Belle.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Angst,Romance,Sci-fi - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [V] [X] [?] - Published: 2011-06-24 - Updated: 2011-06-24 - 601 words - Complete

"She was beautiful," Frank started and let air enter his nostrils, "Honey blond hair that was long and smooth, deep brown eyes and a smile that would drive you insane."

Gerard nodded and bit his lip. He wasn't like Anna-Belle in any way. His hair wasn't long nor blond. His hair was a dark mess that just happened to live on top of his head.
A greasy dark mess. On the other hand so was Frank's hair. It wasn't like the two men felt the need of taking good care of their personal hygiene.

Anna-Belle had brown eyes which Gerard hadn't. That was another thing setting them apart.
And Anna-Belle had a nice smile but Gerard hadn't been able to smile during his whole lifetime. Not like he didn't want to smile, he just simply couldn't.

He could never compete with such a perfect creature. Luckily, she was long gone.
But Frank wasn't gone and Gerard wasn't gone, yet. They were together and that was the only thing Gerard had that was to his advantage.

"Did you love her?" Gerard asked hoarsely as his throat felt like it was made of sandpaper. He needed a drink but first he wanted to know what Frank had to say.
It was important to him.

Frank's eyes scanned the room and his brain was ticking inside the walls of his skull. "Very much, yes."

Gerard bit his lip harder only to penetrate the skin with his teeth. The faint taste of iron spread in his mouth.

"Do you love her now?" Gerard asked nosily and licked the inside of his bottom lip where the skin was punctured. He quite enjoyed the taste of his own blood.

Frank sighed and scratched his head. "I guess. I don't think that you can ever stop loving a person if you once started to. But I didn't love the new person that Anna-Belle became. You can't possibly give so much love to an apathetic person who can't give you anything back."

Gerard nodded again. "Do you think you can find love again?" he then asked. It was the million dollar question and he hoped that Frank would give him the answer that he wanted.

Frank wrinkled his forehead as he thought about it. He then opened his mouth and answered coolly.
"I don't know if people are able to love now. All we do are selfish actions and I don't think anyone is charitable enough to give love to another human being."

Gerard frowned. He didn't like that and he wanted to prove Frank love. He wasn't nigh and wanted to give every drop of love his lean body possessed to Frank. The problem was that he had no idea about what love was.

Was it the feeling when you hug your mom? The feeling when you win at poker? Gerard didn't know and that annoyed him.

"Never say never," Gerard mumbled to receive an amused look from Frank.

"You are right about that, Gerard. It's never too late."

Gerard was doubting that. He also wondered if Frank suspected that he was talking about them and their relationship. Maybe he did, maybe he didn't.

He had one month and nineteen days to prove that he was able to give Frank love. The question was if that amount of time was enough.
Gerard wished that he had met Frank sooner.

If they had gotten more time it would have been a different situation. Now all gerard could hear was a clock faintly ticking away in his ears.
Tick tock, tick tock.

Because his time was running out now.
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