Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Our Time Is Running Out

Bad Smell

by AlexandraSweden 0 reviews

Frank and Gerard gets ready to leave the apartment for the first time together.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Romance,Sci-fi - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [V] [X] [?] - Published: 2011-06-25 - Updated: 2011-06-25 - 835 words - Complete

When Gerard woke up his body was twisted in awkward angles where he laid in the bathtub. His body ached badly.
Gerard knew that he couldn't sleep in the bathtub forever. It was far too painful.

Gerard let a soft groan slip out of his mouth as he climbed out of the bathtub and stood in the middle of the stinking room on wobbly legs. His joints cracked and grated as he stretched and yawned.
Then the man with long dark hair walked out of the bathroom and moved towards the kitchen.

"Morning!" Frank called as he sat on the mattress with his back leaning against the wall. It looked like he had been waiting for a long time.
Frank didn't look like he had gotten much sleep since he had dark rings under his eyes and his body language was slouching.

"Morning," Gerard replied and rushed past Frank to get to the kitchen. As Gerard remembered the peck he had been given in the middle of the night, his cheeks turned pink and hot.

What Gerard was looking for in the kitchen was a piece of paper. A calendar. Gerard found it and looked at the small amount of days that were left until his death-day.
He sighed and put another X on the calendar.

Only one month and four days left now, he though and felt sad.

His eyes found Frank's. Frank was hugging his knees with his arms and he too looked sad. The tattooed man knew very well that Gerard didn't have much time left.
Frank himself could rock his body for ten more years before he'd either kill himself and get reborn or simply wait until his 30th birthday and pass away like everyone else.

Gerard let go of the marker he used to do the X's with and opened his mouth to speak.
"We need to get to the bank now. The sooner we get going, the better," he said sternly. Frank pouted.

"Why?" he asked and hugged his knees tighter. Gerard rolled his eyes dramatically. Frank was so childish, but that was his charm.

"Because the trip will probably take all day because of your bad leg," Gerard explained to a nodding Frank.

Frank released the grip around his knees and started to get himself to stand up. He grabbed the sides of a radiator on the wall and with the help from the object managed to get up.

He then limped his way over to the hallway and looked at Gerard.

"I don't know if this is a good idea," Frank suddenly said. Gerard frowned.

"What made you change your mind?" Gerard snapped and put his hands on his sides.

"I'm afraid that those who sliced my leg like a pizza are still out there. I'm afraid of what will happen if they see us. I'm afraid of what they'll do to you," Frank mumbled and looked down upon his show-covered feet.

Gerard rushed to Frank's side and put a hand on his back. "Don't worry, Frank. They aren't going to see us," he said to comfortingly. That wasn't the truth though. Gerard had no idea of whether or not those guys were still in the area.

He gulped as he thought about what could possibly happen if they found Frank alive. They had probably thought that he was a dead man, for sure.
And he would have been if Gerard hadn't helped him.

But Gerard and Frank still had to go to the bank. If they didn't have money they wouldn't have food to feed their stomachs with.
It was vital that they got the money.

"They won't see you but they will see me. You have your coat to hide underneath. I have nothing but what I'm wearing," Frank said and let his hand slide over his chest.

Frank was wearing a black t-shirt, loose black pants and a pair of boots. He wasn't really invisible because of his blond and black hair either.

Gerard came up with an idea that would make Frank blend in among other people. He unzipped his hoodie and pushed it into the hold of Frank's trembling hands.

"Use my hoodie! Pull the hood up and it will probably cover at least some parts of your face," Gerard said excitedly.

Frank put his arms into the dark hoodie and pulled the hood up. It covered his hair and eyes and stopped right above the tip of his nose.
The whole garment was a bit too big for Frank's tiny body. he had to roll the sleeves of the hoodie up a couple of times before it looked right on him.

Gerard liked that Frank was wearing something that was his. That gave him the feeling of that Frank was his property.

His little Frank.

"The hoodie smells like you," Frank stated after sniffing the fabric for a while.

"Really? I bet it smells like old sweat and mold then," Gerard hummed. Frank bit his bottom lip playfully.

"Yeah, pretty much."
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