Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Our Time Is Running Out

Odd Couple

by AlexandraSweden 0 reviews

Their journey to the bank. Gerard and Frank jokes around.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Romance,Sci-fi - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [V] [X] [?] - Published: 2011-06-26 - Updated: 2011-06-26 - 729 words - Complete

It was difficult for Frank to stumble his way down the stairs. He looked equally odd as a blind man watching a silent movie when he took one hesitant step after the other downwards.

Gerard tried to help by grabbing the shorter man's arm as he often was about to fall over. Frank didn't appreciate that though.
Instead he just slapped Gerard's hands away and frowned.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? I'm just trying to help!" Gerard snapped. His word echoed between the naked walls in the staircase.
Frank groaned and rolled his eyes.

"I don't want any help from you! I feel like I'm a baby all over again. I can't do anything on my own," Frank mumbled. His mouth hung slightly open and he breathed heavily because of his lack of energy.

Gerard backed away a couple of steps and raised his arms into the air in defeat. He didn't want to get into a fight with the cranky tattooed man. Frank nodded as a gesture of appreciation and started making his way down the steps again, ever so slowly.
His fingers were tightly wrapped around the rail and he carefully placed one foot after another onto the next step.

When Frank finally reached the end of the stair he was sweating like a pig, but he had a whole new kind of light in his eyes.
"I did it," he said and his eyes twinkled from under the heavy hood of Gerard's hoodie.

Gerard followed him to the front door, holding it up like a true gentleman should. Frank exited the door and stopped outside to bow mockingly before Gerard, who only sighed.
"You are the weirdest excuse of a human being I've ever seen," Gerard hummed jokingly to receive a playful slap on the arm by Frank.

"That didn't come from the right mouth," Frank replied and hugged Gerard's hoodie closer to his tiny body. Gerard wanted to kiss the air and cockiness right out of Frank's body.
He couldn't though. If they were kissing in the middle of a street they wouldn't be giving the surroundings their full attention. And not being careful could lead to horrible consequences. Lethal consequences.

"The bank is that way," Gerard said and pointed to their right. Frank nodded and they started walking.

Frank walked alone without any help or support until his breathing got heavier and heavier and he turned into a shaking mess. It was almost physically painful for Gerard to watch the shorter man's tragic attempts of keeping a straight face and carrying on walking.
They still had a long way to walk before they would reach the bank.

"Will you let me help you?" Gerard asked pleadingly. Frank wrinkled his forehead, thinking about Gerard's kind offer. He then nodded.

Gerard skipped to Frank's side and let his right arm snake its way around Frank's waist as support. Frank placed his left arm loosely around Gerard's neck and they were ready to go.

"Lean on me when you have to, okay?" Gerard said. Frank bit his lip, not answering.

"Frank?" Gerard said as he was waiting for an answer. Frank looked down at his feet and wasn't moving an inch. His bad leg shook involuntarily.

"I don't want to be a burden for you," he said after a moment of silence. Gerard groaned.

"You aren't! Silly boy," Gerard mumbled the last two words mostly for himself and shook his head.

After those words the boys finally started moving. After an hour Gerard could see the big building bank up. "There it is!" he almost screeched. Frank moved quicker as he now could see the goal in the horizon.

Gerard and Frank made an odd couple as they walked together as one. Occasionally people would pass them on the streets and give them weird looks.
They didn't care as long as the people didn't carry knives.

Frank let out dozens of sighs as they reached the huge glass door where they entered the bank.
"My leg may not be what it used to be, but I still made it," Frank said proudly. Gerard leaned closer to his company so that his mouth was brushing against Frank's fabric-covered ear.

"You're a champion, Frank. Just remember to hide your face and be quiet in here. We don't want anyone to find out that you're still alive."
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