Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Forever and Ever Continued....

Teach Me

by MCArmyWife 9 reviews

Katherine surprises the others. Anna prepares to do what is required.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Fantasy,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-06-29 - Updated: 2011-06-29 - 2251 words

Once the former council members had departed Jacob, Gerard, Anna, Hudson and Katherine retreated to the study.

Jacob sat down heavily behind his deck simply wanting this day to end.

Anna sat down on one of the sofas with Gerard taking a seat next to her. Neither spoke.

Hudson walked over and perched himself on the corner of Jacob’s desk. “Okay I’ll be the first one to admit I really want to know who’s blood runs through Christa’s veins.”

Jacob sighed, “As do I.”

Anna sat almost completely still, not bothering to breathe. Because Katherine was in the room it was impossible for her to admit she hadn’t even realized Christa was Ingredior Utriusque.

Katherine took the seat in front of Jacob’s desk. “The blood has to be that of a very old and powerful Pure. I’m sure that is why His Excellence did not question Christa’s honestly.”

“That definitely worked to our advantage.” Hudson said softly.

Suddenly Anna stood. “I am going to retire to my room.”

Jacob sighed, “Perhaps you should wait until His Excellence leaves.”

Anna knew that if she was forced to stay any longer she would not be able to hide her sorrow. While the others believed the outcome of today’s inquiry had been favorable she did not view it in the manner. The man she had loved was lost to her forever.

Hudson smiled at her sadly. “I think it’s okay for Annabelle to go to her room.”

Anna forced herself to smile. “Please tell Christa I will see her soon.”

“I will.” Hudson nodded. ‘As soon as His Excellence leaves we will be heading back to New York. I’ve got to get back to Europe.”

Anna turned and left the room without glancing at Gerard.

Hudson and Jacob both exchanged a look each acknowledging they understood Anna’s feelings.

Suddenly Katherine sighed dramatically. “Okay I’m gonna acknowledge the elephant in the room.”

Hudson gave her an amused look.

“Look.” Katherine said rolling her eyes. “I understand that everyone is treading softly around the truth and I have to admit it sorta hurts my feelings.”

Jacob frowned, “I do not understand. Have I done something to make you feel this way?”

Katherine smiled at him. She lowered her voice. “I am not stupid. I know that Anna was turned wrong. I know that Hudson came here to protect her.”

Nervously Jacob glanced at Hudson.

Katherine went on. “I’m very fond of Anna.”

Before she could continue Jacob spoke, “But as a Pure it is of course your duty to bring the fact that Annabelle is wrong to light.”

Katherine actually laughed, “Yes that’s true. Well I’ll do that.” She flipped her long hair behind her shoulder looking directly into Jacob’s eyes. “I’ll inform the head council member.”

Jacob understood what she was doing. “And what do you think he should do with this knowledge?”

Tilting her head she said softly, “The same thing he’s done since he turned her. He should protect her.”

“But that would be against our laws.” Jacob forced himself to say.

Katherine nodded, “Yes well I’ve always believed those laws to be flawed. Perhaps now that we are both on the council a more open interpretation of our laws will come into play.”

Jacob sighed, “You honestly believe that our kind will ever change?”

Her smile slipped. “Our kind?” She said softly.

Now it was Hudson glanced nervously at Jacob.

“So you know that truth?” He said sitting up straighter.

Katherine paused a moment to chose her words. “What I know is that you are a very old and well respected Pure.” She looked directly into his eyes. “That is all I know."

Jacob understood what she was doing yet he was so weary of the life he had lead for so long he couldn’t stop himself. “But I am not a Pure like you.”

“No.” Katherine said softly. “You are not like Marcus and I. I realized that when you ended Judith’s life. Everyone else was watching her but I was watching you. I saw the look of pain in your eyes before you closed them then pulled the wire taunt.”

“And what will you do with that knowledge?” Jacob asked.

Katherine gave him a beautiful smile, “I will do what I believe is right. I will inform the head of the council.”

Hudson laughed, “You’re a good woman, Katherine.”

She forced herself to look away from Jacob. “Yes I am but I’m still a bit miffed you didn’t trust me.”

Until now no one had acknowledged Gerard’s presence but the sound of his lighter caused Hudson to glance over at him. “Been a rough day, hasn’t it?”

Gerard inhaled deeply, ‘Yeah, you could say that.” He stood. “I’m gonna go talk to Anna.”

Hudson nodded, “Yeah, we might be gone before you get back. I’ll see you guys soon.”

Gerard nodded the left the room.

Several minutes later Jacob had just poured Katherine and Hudson a drink when Mrs. Ellis appeared at the door.

“Sir, His Excellence is preparing to leave now.”

They all immediately rose and followed the housekeeper to the front door. His Excellence, his men and Christa were waiting.

“I must take my leave now.’ His Excellence said. “I pray the next time we gather it will be under happier circumstances.”

“As do I." Jacob said with a nod.

His Excellence turned to Christa. “It was a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Christa.”

Christa smiled looking directly into his eyes. “The pleasure was mine Jo….” She stopped herself, “I mean Your Excellence.”

He reached out and touched her cheek gently. “You know my name Ingredior Utriusque. If we ever met again you may speak it.”

“Thank you." Christa whispered.

The others stood watching the scene before them in awe. Never would they have believed His Excellence would speak or act towards a mortal in this fashion.

His Excellence slowly dropped his fingers from Christa’s cheek. “May you have a full and happy life.”

Christa smiled, “It has been an honor.”

“No, the honor has been mine." He said. Turning he nodded to the other then swept through the door that was held open for him.

Several minutes passed before Katherine broke the silence, “Wow.”

Hudson nodded, “Yeah, wow.”

Christa grinned.

“He told you his name?” Katherine asked in shock.

“Yes.” Christa nodded, “He did.”

Hudson was staring into her eyes. “But you’re not gonna share that info with us, are you?"

“Nope.” Christa giggled.

Katherine was still trying to get over what she’d just seen. “You just spent time with one of the oldest, most powerful Pures. One who rarely, if ever, consorts with mortals and you’d think you’d just chatted with an old friend by the way you’re acting.”

“It was a very nice chat.” Christa said smiling. “He’s fascinating.”

Hudson was sure he knew the answer but he had to ask. “What did you talk about?"

Christa glanced away, “Oh just this and that.”

“Just this and that?" Katherine repeated. “Come on.”

Hudson walked over and put his arm around Christa’s shoulder. “It was a private talk. Stop trying to pump her for information."

Katherine glared at him. “Stop pretending like you don’t want to know too.”

“I want to know but I also know she’s not going to tell us.”

“Fine.’ Katherine sighed, “But at least tell me this…did he tell you the name of the Pure who’s blood runs through your veins?”

Christa nodded. “Yes he told me the name of the Pure.”

“Wow.’ Katherine said shaking her head.

Hudson grinned, “Okay enough. We need to be going. I’ve got to get back on tour and Christa needs to get home.” He walked over to Jacob. “Take care of our Annabelle. This will be a difficult time for her.”

Jacob nodded, “Yes, it will.”

Christa’s earlier happiness faded. “She’s so lost." She whispered.

“Yes." Jacob said sadly. “But she is strong. She must be.”

Not understanding that Katherine could be trusted Christa remained silent. However she knew from listening to Anna’s thoughts that she had no intention of staying with Gerard.

“Ready?” Hudson asked turning to Katherine.

“Uh, well.’ Katherine hedged. “Not really.”

Hudson frowned, “Not really?”

Katherine looked over at Jacob. “I was thinking that maybe I could stay here.”

Jacob gave her a surprised look. “You wish to stay?”

“Well we do have a council to set up.” Katherine answered. “But if you’d rather I go at this time I understand.”

“Oh yes, the council.’ Jacob nodded. “Of course you are welcome to stay. We will begin working on that matter."

“Oh shit.’ Hudson laughed causing Katherine and Jacob both to glace over at him.

“Something is amusing?” Jacob asked with a furrowed brow.

Hudson sighed, “Oh no, nothing at all. I’m sure the only reason Katherine wants to stay is because of the pressing matter of the council.”

“Shut up." Katherine glared at him.

This caused Hudson to laugh again.

Jacob was obviously confused. “What am I missing?”

Katherine who was not used to any man, mortal of immortal, not desiring her presence frowned, “Oh never mind. I’ll just go grab my things.”

“No, wait.” Jacob said hurriedly, “Why have you decided to leave?”

Hudson clasped Jacob’s shoulder. “For a wise, old Pure you can be pretty slow.”

Suddenly Jacob’s confused look turned to shock. “You wish to stay because of me?” He asked.

Katherine’s anger faded. “Why do you find that so hard to believe?”

“Well.” Jacob fumbled for words. “I am not very social. I have spent years alone. Until Annabelle I never even associated with Pures more than was necessary. I am afraid you would find me quite boring.”

Katherine looked into his eyes. “Perhaps we can change that.”

“Oh boy.” Hudson grinned, “Time for Christa and I to leave. I’ll talk to you two in a few days.”

Still Katherine needed to hear the truth. “Do you wish me to stay?” She asked Jacob.

Slowly a smile came to his face. “Very much so.”


Gerard stood looking out the window of the room where he’d begun his life as an immortal. He needed to speak to his Maker but first he needed time to gather his thoughts.

He lit another cigarette.


Anna sat in the chair before the window staring out but seeing nothing. Sadly nothing was what she felt. The life she had dreamed of, her life with Gerard was gone. Now she was only his Maker. The love they’d shared was gone forever.

When she heard the door slowly open she didn’t move.

Gerard saw her sitting at the window. Immediately lust consumed him. As a newly turned Healer the blood lust was strong. It filled his mind, it took over his body. He started across the room but as he passed the dresser he was shocked. Slowly he made his way over to the mirror. This was the first time he’d seen himself as a Healer. His topaz eyes shocked him. He opened his mouth and saw the fangs.

“Fuck.” He whispered.

“I am sorry.” Anna said still staring out the window.

He continued to gaze at his reflection. “How do I control my eyes?”

Anna sighed, “It is difficult. You must use all of your willpower to turn them back to the eyes of a mortal.”

Gerard closed his eyes a moment and concentrated. When he reopened them they were back to their original color.

“There is much you must learn." Anna said without emotion.

“As my Maker you will teach me.” He said still staring at his reflection. However his words, directed at Anna, caused his eyes to flash and turn topaz again. And again pure lust filled his mind and body. He wanted her blood, he wanted her body.

Anna understood his lust. She hated it but she understood. Standing up she turned to him. Without a word she slowly undressed. Until the time came when she could leave him this is what she would do. She would take care of his needs.

Gerard’s eyes burned bright as he watched her. As a mortal he had desired her but nothing he’d felt before came close to this feeling. Waves of desire washed over him making his body ache. When the last item of clothing fell from her body he rushed over to lift her into his arms. His new found strength made it seem as if he was lifting a feather. He crossed the room to toss her on the bed.

Anna closed her eyes trying desperately to call on her Healer blood. She wanted to feel the lust, she needed to feel it. She needed to feel something other than the emptiness that filled her soul.

“Oh, fuck.” Gerard ground out as he quickly shed his clothing. The need to bury himself inside her was overwhelming. A moment later he fell on her body. Greedily his lips latched on to her nipple. His sharp fangs tearing at the soft skin. Her blood beaded to the surface and when it touched his tongue he went wild.

Eyes pressed shut tightly Anna lay very still. Silently a single tear rolled down her cheek.
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