Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Bleed Me A Melody

Tell Me A Story

by vampyGee 11 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2011-06-29 - Updated: 2011-06-29 - 780 words


In all my years of life, I never really liked children. Even as a child, I was recluse and didn’t like to socialize, I didn’t begin to make friends until I was a teenager. Children were just not my thing. But now Frank and I were going to become parent’s, now I wanted a child. It was Frank and I’s child, so if it was growing in Frank, it had to be perfect.

The doctor had given us the news a few weeks ago, and Frank had been overjoyed. Even though at time he was sick, he was still excited and wouldn’t stop talking non stop for a few hours about it. Since then, Frank wasn’t so sick as much, just in the mornings. Now I sat on the stone bench in the garden, puffing lightly on my pipe, watching Frank in the yard, picking the wild flowers. He was so adorable.


My right hand was now full with flowers, I looked up and saw Gerard yards away , watching me and smoking his pipe. I smiled and walked up through the yard, finally sitting next to him on the bench and kissing his cheek as he put the pipe out, knowing It wasn’t good for me to breathe in smoke because of the baby.

“Nice bouquet.” he smiled at the flowers in my hand.

“Thanks.” I handed them to him. “I picked them for my handsome husband.”

“Frankie… are too good to me.” He smiled and put his arm around my waist. “It’s nearly time for dinner, are you hungry?”

Was I hungry? Just the word dinner made me hungry. Recently, food was one of my favorite things. I could remember being a child and being hungry from lack of food, but this was different. I touched my stomach- still flat but not for long I was sure.

“Yes Gee, the baby is hungry.” I said, and before I knew it, he had scooped me up into his arms and was carrying me inside. “Gerard!” I laughed and clung to him.

“Don’t worry, you know I would never drop you.” he said close to my ear and gave my ass a little squeeze, which made me jump and laugh. Gerard had the cook fix our dinner, and I made sure the baby and I had plenty to eat. Afterwards, Gerard and I found ourselves in the library. I curled up into his lap in front of the fireplace.

“Gerard?” I asked him, staring up into his big hazel eyes.


“Can you tell me a story? After all, we are in the library.” I asked nicely.

He wrapped his arms around me. “And what kind of story would my Frankie like to hear.”

“A good one, the kind with a happy ending.” I answered, snuggling into his chest.

“As you wish my love.” He kissed my forehead. “Once upon a time, there lived two men, but they lived in very different worlds. One of the men had wealth and a well known family, but he hated it, and he hated himself for the way he lead his life, he-”

“Gee, this isn’t a happy story.” I said, softly frowning.

“Just wait.” he kissed my cheek and continued. “The wealthy man drank alcohol, and lots of it. He bought drugs, and bought women for the night, many times. He lead a shameful life, he hated himself for it. But then one day, the man’s parent’s arranged a marriage, and the man didn’t like it. So he married a boy he didn’t know, a boy with such a kind heart and the most beautiful eyes he had ever seen. In fact all of the boy was beautiful. The man didn’t treat his new husband well, but the boy stayed, and he helped the man defeat his bitterness and he showed him something that no one else ever had, and that was love. The wealthy man’s alcohol dependency and bitterness and self hatred was destroyed thanks to his husbands love, and the man fell deeply in love with the other too, so much in love, they were going to have a child together.”

I bit my lip as a tear ran down my cheek, and I looked up at Gerard, who quickly panicked. “Frank? Frankie was that wrong of me to-? I’m sorry I-”

I silenced him by pressing my lips softly against his. “I love you too, so fucking much.” I grinned as he wiped away my fallen tear. “You make the happiest man alive.” I whispered, kissing his soft lips again.
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