Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Bleed Me A Melody

Let it Grow Wild

by vampyGee 7 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2011-06-13 - Updated: 2011-06-13 - 697 words


Waking up in the late morning, wrapped in the person you love more than life it self’s arms, is a wonderful way to wake up. I smiled and looked at Gerard, still very deep in sleep next to me. I yawned and lay my head on his bare chest. Last night had been all I had hoped it would be and more. My husband was an amazing man, in many different areas.

I didn’t know what time it was, but I wasn’t really concerned either. His parent’s and brother were here, but if they got hungry, we had a chef and maid around here somewhere, it was one of the nice things about being wealthy, a luxury I had never known until I became Gerard’s husband. After a few more minutes of laying there thinking, I heard footsteps downstairs and figured someone was awake.

“Gee?” I whispered, sitting up and looking at him. “Gerard?” I nudged his chest with my hand. “it’s time to wake up.” He stirred and his eyes shifted open. “Good morning gorgeous.” I smirked and kissed his cheek. “We need to get out of bed, we still have company.” I told him, before hopping out of bed and wincing a little. I was a little sore from last night, but that was to be expected.



“Gerard!” Mikey grabbed my arm and pulled me aside, as I was making my way to the courtyard to have lunch with the family, a lunch that Frank had insisted upon making.


Mikey gave me a lopsided grin. “I think before long Alicia and I won’t be the only ones giving our parent’s grandchildren, not after all the noise you and Frank were making last night.”

I felt my cheeks redden slightly. “Maybe.” I said. “Now let’s eat, I’m starving.”

“I would be too, if I had worked hard last night.” Mikey chuckled.

“Michael!” I slapped him jokingly and went to join everyone outside.

Lunch went very well, Frank was an excellent cook, and conversation had been light and friendly. Alicia looked much better than she had last night, so later in the evening after long goodbyes, my family left, and it was back to just Frank and I, the way I liked it. From then on, Frank no longer slept in his room, he began sleeping in my bed every night, it became impossible for me to fall asleep without him laying next to me. In just a few more weeks, we had grown even closer, to the point where we became inseparable. He joined me in the basement studio most of time, watching me draw or lay piano, he loved to hear me play, and I loved to play for him, I would do anything to make him happy. My life was a dream, a beautiful dream with Frank. Our love was a flower that never stopped blossoming, it just grew wild.

We had also gotten very creative with our love making. We had managed to conquer every room in the house, each courtyard, and the gardens. Frank was very daring and energetic, he didn’t even care whenever one of the maids walked in, he said he would show the world how much he loved me. Our life was perfect, until Frank began to get ill. It started out as only once or twice a week, he would be sick in the bathroom for a short time, but as the days progressed, he was spending every morning in the bathroom, and then his afternoons sleeping. He was eating the same as he did before, food he used to love , he couldn’t stand the smell. Fearing the worst, I called the best doctor I knew, and waited in the hall, pacing back and forth like a mad man while the doctor examined Frank in our bedroom. I didn’t particularly like the idea of anyone touching my Frank, but this had to be done.

“Mr.Way?” the doctor stepped out into the hall, closing the wooden door behind himself. “You are going to be a father.”

Hope you all like it!
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