Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I Thought I Heard You Say Something

Your Beautiful, Don't You Know?

by astrozombie13 1 review

Frank and Raelyn go to the mall, where they have a fun time trying on clothes. Frank struggles hiding his feelings.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero - Published: 2011-07-02 - Updated: 2011-07-03 - 851 words

A/N: Fourth chapter!!!! From now on, there will be alot of abuse and stuff so be aware!


It was the day the tour, and Raelyn and Josh arrived a little late. "Sorry guys, you know how girls are with last minute packing!" Josh said a smirk on her face. Raelyn blushed and looked at the ground. Gerard and Mikey walked away with Josh, leaving Frank and Raelyn alone. She continued staring down at her shoes. "Hey, you okay?" Frank asked her, moving her red hair away from her face. There, Frank saw a huge, purple bruise.
"What happened? Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere else?" Frank asked, lightly touching the bruise. "I'm okay, Frankie. I hit the side of my face with the car door." she replied.

Frank's POV

I didn't believe her for one fucking minute. I don't know what happened, or what caused this, but it certainly wasn't a car door.
But I think I know what did this.
Or better to say, WHO did this.
Even though I barely knew her, I really do like her, and I can't stop thinking about her. I get this odd feeling of protectiveness around her. And something tells me somethings not totally right.

Regular POV

Frank put on a fake smile. "Okay, well, if your sure." he said, struggling to keep his composure. "Do you want to go to the mall today?" he asked, trying to change the subject. She nodded her head happily, and left.
They took Frank's car, after all, it was much nicer then Josh's. "So, what kind of music do you listen to?" he asked her. She looked away and thought for a minute. "I am a HUGE Fall Out Boy fan. I will literally die if I ever meet them. I also like Paramore, Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, Mindless Self Indulgence, P!ATD, you know?" she explained, a wide smile on her face. Frank loved her smile. Even though right next to it is a huge bruise, it was cheerful, meaningful, and beautiful.

Frank's POV

I never fell for a girl this fast. And the thing is, it's not just about the looks for me. She has this...aura...around her, full of innocence and happiness. I also noticed when ever Josh was around, this aura seemed to fade. I am definetly not telling her that we are touring with Fall Out Boy, I want to suprise her. Maybe I can win her this way.

Regular POV

The rest of the ride to the mall, Raelyn and Frank talked about their favorite things, his vegetarianism, and her love for art. They shared alot in common, for instance, they both had a psychotic obsession with skittles. He also told her about the band, and how each guy had their own little quirks. Finally, they arrived.
Raelyn dragged Frank to Hollister, where she took random dresses off the rack to try them on. Frank waited outside, where she would model them. "What do you think about this one?" she asked, wearing a faded light green dress with white pin stripes. She walked up and down the small aisle in the middle of the dressing room. "It goes well with your hair, brings out your eyes, and makes your smile all the more beautiful. Get it!" he exclaimed. She blushed at the compliment, and ran back into the dressing booth.
"Um, Frankie?" she asked shyly from the dressing booth. Frank not paying attention, snapped back to reality. "Yeah?" he replied, suspiciously. "Can you zip me up? I can't reach the zipper." she said softly. Frank gulped. "Um, y-yeah, sure thing!"

Frank's POV

Oh my fucking God. Holy shit. Please, please don't let me get a boner. I hesitated before I turned the knob. I walked into the booth, and she was waiting there patiently. For me. "There you are! I was afraid you left or something." she said sadly. I gulped. "N-No, course not! I wouldn't do that." I stammered. I'm such an idiot. I can not believe that just minutes ago I just told her the dress brought her eyes. It's not that it wasn't true, I just feel like such a wuss.
But there she was, her big blue orbs staring at me with concern and curiousity. Her back was exposed, so I gulped (once again!), and stepped behind her. I pulled up the zipper, which got jammed halfway up. "Is something wrong, Frankie?" Raelyn asked. "Yeah, the zippers stuck. Just hold on." I replied, my stomach full of butterflies. Everytime she spoke, it gave me tingles. It was like milk and honey, smoothe and soft.
I finally got the zipper to budge, and my hand slid against her bare skin, which was unbelievably soft. I got chills up my spine, and I looked in the mirror, where she was blushing madly. "A-All done." I mumbled. She gave a small smile, and examined herself in the mirror. The dress was like the other one, except blue instead of green. "What do you think?" she asked quietly. "I think you look beautiful, no matter what you wear."
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