Categories > Games > Mega Man > Phoenix Evolution

The Last Battles

by darkskysong 0 reviews

The N1 Grand Prix is drawing to a close.

Category: Mega Man - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure - Characters: Other - Published: 2006-05-31 - Updated: 2006-06-01 - 1564 words

Chapter Two - The Last Battles

"Hasn't the N1 Grand Prix flown by. The tournament has been host to some great battles that we were privileged to see. It has also separated the champion battlers from the rest of the pack," Revita commentated.

"Yes, great tournament this year" said Higsby. "It looks like it's a battle between Lan and Chaud in the semi-finals. And Maylu will be facing Kaie for the other finals spot."

"Can Chaud get a win over Lan and go to the finals? And could Kaie be too much for Maylu to handle? These hot battles are coming up."

"Let's get into it. Lan and Chaud are already waiting out on the podium."

"Jack-in MegaMan, power-up."

"Jack-in ProtoMan, power-up."

"All right! Cyber Sword battle chip, download."

"Aqua Sword battle chip, download." Chaud said at the same time.

MegaMan and ProtoMan zoomed in on each other, striking with their swords. Both came out of the skirmish with a scratch to the shoulder.

Lan and Chaud fought synchronised with their Navis for awhile, matching move for move. ProtoMan was slowly gaining the upper hand.

Chaud swept in the chips for the Program Advance. "Cyber Sword battle chip, download. Wide Sword battle chip, download. Long Sword battle chip, download."

ProtoMan's Program Advance was deadly accurate... but Lan had other plans.

MegaMan was saved by Area Steel then Lan also used the Program Advance at close range. ProtoMan could not get out of the way in time. Chaud logged ProtoMan out.

The battle was over.

Lan celebrated but was humbled when Chaud shook his hand.

"Great match Lan. You and MegaMan have grown much since the last tournament."

"Thanks Chaud. I had a ball battling with you."

"I'll see you around Lan."

"See you then."

The podium, then the stadium cleared.

There was another hour and a half until the next match between Maylu and Kaie so Yai shouted the gang to lunch.


Revita and Higsby were back in the commentators' box.

"It'll be a fierce match between these two great NetBattlers."

"The winner will go on and face Lan in the finals."

A hush went through the crowd. Kaie had just entered the stadium with Maylu appearing second.

"Jack-in, Roll. Power-up."

"Jack-in, Phoenix. Power-up."

Roll started battling as soon as the siren sounded.

"Roll Blast."

The long-range blast almost got its mark but Phoenix moved at the last second. Phoenix closed in with Phoenix Blade. Roll tried to dodge the attack, taking damage to her side. Phoenix was so close that Roll could see the glint of determination in her eyes. Roll moved so she was out of Phoenix's range.

Maylu downloaded a chip combination. "Cyclone battle chip, download. Aqua Tower battle chip, download."

Roll aimed true. "Cyclone Aqua Tower."

Phoenix was fast to avoid the attack, but she was slightly hurt by the tail wind of the cyclone.

Roll attacked with another Roll Blast while Phoenix was distracted. However Phoenix had recovered and flipped over Roll so she was behind her. Roll was knocked to the floor by a close range Phoenix Blade.

Maylu saved Roll with a Piranha Virus battle chip. Phoenix was forced back to avoid the attack.

"Fire Sword battle chip, download."

"In case some people didn't know, the power of that fire type battle chip has been boosted because it is being used by a fire type Navi." Higsby informed the stadium.

Phoenix went on the attack. Roll disappeared with Area Steel. Phoenix had anticipated this and readjusted her attack for the new position. Roll couldn't defend herself and took full damage. Maylu logged Roll out.

The siren sounded the end of the battle.

Kaie walked over to Maylu, as she looked devastated. Maylu took Kaie's extended hand.

"Well battled Maylu."

"Thanks." Maylu was surprised and pleased so she left the arena with her head held high.

Kaie sought out Lan in the stands before she departed as well.


The morning of the N1 finals had clear skies but it was forecast rain for the afternoon.

Lan wanted to get in a little more practice before the match so he went to the training room at DenTech Stadium. Kaie was already training when Lan walked in. He saw what looked like a firebird in the hologram of the arena.

Kaie casually logged out as if Lan wasn't there; though she knew full well how much Lan saw. Kaie threw her enigmatic expression at Lan on the way out.

Lan was so frustrated. He couldn't read Kaie like he read other NetBattlers. His desire to win the N1 increased fivefold.

He and MegaMan worked hard. Lan remembered that mysterious firebird Kaie had every time they stopped.

It was nearing lunch; Lan was hungry and MegaMan needed a rest for the final.

Kaie had watched the entire session. She didn't let Lan see her when he finally left. Kaie hated cheating; yet it was always good to know how your opponent trained.

DenTech Stadium filled up quite a while before the final match was due to begin. Maylu, Tori, Yai and Dex were there to cheer Lan on. Miss Marri, Lan's Mum and Maisa had also come to watch.

Lan was pacing outside the arena doors; getting into a serious, battling mood. They were great battlers, and so close to winning the N1 Grand Prix. He and MegaMan can do this.

Kaie was standing patiently at the other stadium entrance. Phoenix was one with her and they could do anything they put their minds to. She knew Lan was tough to beat because MegaMan was an ultimate NetNavi. But then again... Kaie thought.


"Welcome to the N1 Grand Prix finals. We'd like to introduce our first finalist."

"Lan Hikari and MegaMan are back to defend their title. They had the skill to beat their way to the top again, but will it be enough against our second finalist?"

"Kaie Tama and Phoenix have been unique battlers the entire tournament. Now we know why they are a highly rated team. What will these two pull out next?"

"We'll see very soon as both of the competitors are entering the stadium."

The crowd went wild as first Lan, and then Kaie walked into the arena. Lan soaked up the glory while Kaie just ignored them all.

"Jack-in, Phoenix. Power-up."

"Jack-in, MegaMan. Power-up."

The siren sounded and the N1 Grand Prix tournament final began.

Phoenix appeared next to MegaMan and sent him flying with a close range Phoenix Blade.

"Phoenix is unbelievably fast" Revita began. "There was no chance that MegaMan could have seen or prevented the accuracy of that attack."

MegaMan got up. "Mini Boomer battle chip, download." A thick smokescreen obscured both Navis.

"Cyber Sword battle chip, download." MegaMan moved in on Phoenix.

"Oh no you don't Lan." Kaie knew that battle strategy. "Fire Sword battle chip, download."

Phoenix parried MegaMan's attack. She let MegaMan gain ground until all the smoke was gone.

MegaMan finally got inside Phoenix's guard and she was sent flying instead. Phoenix recovered from the attack, the glint of determination returning to the fire of her eyes.

"Spreader battle chip, download." MegaMan aimed accurately.

Phoenix dodged to the right and escaped the majority of the attack, though she still received damage.

MegaMan and Phoenix stood across from each other in the arena. Both Navis were breathing hard from the intensity and power of the battle.

"Lan let's do it."

"Alright MegaMan, here it goes." Lan swept in three battle chips. "Cyber Sword battle chip, download. Wide Sword battle chip, download. Long Sword battle chip, download."

The Program Advance thundered down upon Phoenix's position and connected. Lan was concentrating so hard on the attack that he missed Kaie's next move.

Kaie would not let the Program Advance defeat her, never. "Phoenix Flight battle chip, download."

The bright energy from MegaMan's attack dissipated. The whole stadium gasped.

where Phoenix should have been there was no one to be seen, yet the battle hadn't registered as finished.

"What just happened, Lan?"

"I haven't the foggiest MegaMan." Lan focused on Kaie across the hologram arena.

"You should know by now to never underestimate your opponent, Lan."

"What did you do Kaie?"

"I used a battle chip, what else?" Kaie said calmly, frustrating Lan.

MegaMan was staying alert, not knowing where Phoenix was, was dangerous.

"Phoenix! Let's show MegaMan the full fury of fire!"

Then everyone saw it. A firebird was circling high above MegaMan, like a hawk hunting its prey. It dived and as it came closer, both MegaMan and Lan could see that it was Phoenix encased in fire energy.

Lan tried to download Area Steel but he was too late. MegaMan couldn't escape the speed and wealth of power aimed at him.

Lan logged MegaMan out before he could be deleted.

The stadium was in an uproar. The abrupt end of the final battle was so unexpected. No normal Navi could have survived a direct Program Advance and go on to win.

Lan was in a daze. They had gotten so good, how could they lose the final. He gave the crowd a weak smile and wave before walking numbly out of the arena.

Kaie did not celebrate her win; she was controlled in her emotions. Kaie bowed to the audience instead, showing them her appreciation of their support through the tournament.

The N1 Grand Prix was over for another year.
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