Categories > Games > Mega Man > Phoenix Evolution

Of Kaie & Battlechips

by darkskysong 0 reviews

So who is Kaie?

Category: Mega Man - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure - Characters: Other - Published: 2006-06-05 - Updated: 2006-06-06 - 889 words

AN: I own TamaMedia, Kaie Tama, Level Booster battle chips and any product released by or person associated with TamaMedia.
AN2: It would be great to know how I'm going, please review.


Chapter Three - Of Kaie & Battlechips

Lan was walking along the corridors of DenTech Stadium. Rain was pouring down outside and the noise on the roof was loud.

"Come on Lan, it's not that bad." MegaMan sympathised with Lan, so he was trying to cheer him up. "At least we know what that firebird from the training arena was only a battle chip."

"Yeah, one that defeated the Program Advance."

"Then we'll just have to work on getting even stronger."


Lan looked up at the sound of a soft footfall barely heard above the pattering on the building. Kaie stood by the exit out of the stadium. She still had that infuriating expression.


He nodded to her. "Kaie."

"I wanted to express to you that our battle is one of the best I've had."

"Wow that was unexpected. But tell me, how did Phoenix escape the Program Advance?"

"I don't usually reveal my secrets. However I'll tell you about the Phoenix Flight battle chip." Kaie showed Lan the chip. "It encases a fire type Navi in an energy that shields them and lets them attack from above with great power."

"It's a level five chip!"

"And one of a kind."


"It was nice battling you Lan Hikari." Kaie held out her hand.

Lan took it. "Maybe we can battle again sometime."

"Maybe." Kaie let go and disappeared through the door into the light rain.

Lan found a battle chip in his hand. He was bewildered; nothing Kaie said or did made any sense. The chip was level one, but he had not seen its like before.

Higsby might know something about it. Lan went in search for the others to tell them about his encounter and discover the purpose of the chip.


They were in Higsby's Chip Shop and Lan finished telling them about his talk with Kaie.

Tori was astonished, "Kaie showed you the battle chip she defeated you with?"

Lan nodded. "Oh I almost forgot. She also left me with a chip."

"Kaie gave you a battle chip?" Maylu asked.


Higsby finished examining the chip. "There's absolutely nothing faulty with this chip."

"So tell us what it is, Higsby" said Lan.

"It's ah... it's umm..." Higsby broke down. "I have no idea."

They all gasped. "What!"

Yai had a thought. "Lan, would you mind if Glide takes a look?"

"Of course not."

"Glide, check every part of the chip's data." Yai slid the chip into a slot on a console she took out of her bag, and jacked Glide into it.

"The data says it is a Level One Booster battle chip."

"Ah, I've been hearing about these new boosters. They boost the power of any chip downloaded before or after it." Higsby was glad he wasn't completely ignorant about this chip.

"Kaie must have had a reason to give it to Lan" Tori pointed out.

"I think I found the reason" said Glide. "I found the manufacturer's mark." He displayed it on Yai's PET.

"Well it's definitely not BlazeQuest Games or Ayano Tech" said Dex.

"I would have known if it was Ayano Tech." Yai said haughtily to Dex.

"I'll run a comparison of companies registered in the stock market, Miss Yai."

"Thanks Glide."

"You know" Maylu commented, "Kaie might have given the reason during the conversation with Lan."

"She did say Phoenix Flight was one of a kind" said Lan.

"Yes! That's it." Higsby jumped in. "How did Kaie get a one of a kind chip? All the chips I know about have duplicates even if they're rare. Else I would have never been able to get a single rare chip!"

"We know next to nothing about Kaie, so maybe she's connected to the manufacturer," Tori wondered.

Glide reported back on his find. "Miss Yai. The mark is of TamaMedia, whom are based in Brightland."

"Brightland!" This surprised Lan. "I wonder if Princess Pride knows anything."

Maylu nudged Lan. "Why don't you ask her? I'm sure she'll take a call from one of Brightland's knights."


"Well why not email?" asked Yai.


Lan received a video email in reply to his email from Princess Pride.

"Hi Lan. I asked Kaie Tama to give you one of the new battle chips being produced by her family's company, TamaMedia. She didn't agree at first but then Kaie said she'd think about it. I hope you put the new chip to good use. Farewell."

"See Lan," said Maylu. "There was a perfectly good reason for Kaie to give you that chip."

"TamaMedia is Kaie's family's company," Tori recapped.

Dex was impressed. "Now we know three people whose family is rich."

"But Kaie didn't give you a battle chip," Lan teased Dex.

"I wonder why Kaie did decide to give it to you, Lan," said MegaMan.

"Princess Pride asked her to."

Yai shook her head. "Uh huh. Princess Pride said Kaie refused at first."

"Then Kaie said she'd think about it," Maylu finished.

Roll said, "Maybe it was the battle Lan had with Kaie."


Lan punched the air. "Well, new battle chips are welcome no matter why or how I get them."
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