Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Give Us More Detonation

Chapter One

by pupeez4eva 2 reviews

Gerard wakes up and learns that something is very wrong.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2011-07-04 - Updated: 2011-07-06 - 709 words

I groaned and wrenched my eyes open. What had hit me? The last thing I remembered was watching the ‘Na Na Na Na’ video with the rest of the band, laughing at how ridiculous we’d been acting and then everything had gone dark.

Had I passed out? Surprisingly enough, I didn’t feel physically sick in any way. I simply felt as if I had fallen asleep and had just woken up.

I pulled myself of the soft surface I was laying on…a bed. I blinked. Had one of the guys taken me up to my room? We had been in my house watching the video…but the bed was unfamiliar. The room was unfamiliar. Unease stirred up inside me.

I pulled myself out of bed, trying to keep my racing heart under control. I felt my hair brush against my neck and shook my head in confusion; it’d just gotten it cut for crying out loud! There was no way it could have grown that quick.

One of the strands fell in my eyes, only making it even clearer that something was terribly wrong here. That single strand of hair was bright red; I grabbed a fistful of my (long) hair and glanced at it. Sure enough it was just as bright and just as red.

“What the hell?” I muttered. I hadn’t dyed my hair red since the ‘Sing’ video. It was short and black now…was this some type of joke that the guys were trying to pull? Had they dyed my hair while I’d been out? But then how did it grow so quick?

I shook my head, trying to clear the fog of confusion. This was insane.

Maybe I was still asleep, still dreaming…that would explain it all.

I forced my feet to move towards a little door at the right hand side of the room. My hand reached for the handle and I hesitated an inch a way. I had no clue where I was. Dream or not, was it really safe to go wondering around in unknown territory?

Shrugging, I opened the door and crept out. My heart thudded in my chest as I moved as stealthily as possible. It really was sad that my ‘stealthy moving’ sounded like a buffalo on creaky floorboards.

“Party?” said a voice from behind me. For a moment I panicked; then I realized that I recognized the voice.

“Frank!” I cried in relief and spun around. I did a double take when I saw him, dressed in full Fun Ghoul attire, ray gun and all.

“Why are you…dressed that way…” my voice trailed off and I shook my head. Oh yeah; dream. Well, this was one weird dream that was for sure. I bit my lip as a giggle slipped through my lips.

“Party?” Frank repeated, again. I burst into full blown laughter. He blinked and stared at me, looking bewildered.

“Oh wow!” I laughed. “This is crazy – really crazy. So you’re meant to be Fun Ghoul and I’m Party Poison? Oooh…are we going to go shoot down some evil dracs? Ha!” I doubled over laughing again. Why was this so funny? I don’t really know, but this was only a dream so I could afford to make a fool of myself. After all, it wasn’t really Frank standing there, staring at me like I had lost my marbles and everything that came with them…

"Oh shit!”

The curse flew out of my lips as I toppled over sideways, slamming my head against the wooden floorboards. Frank looked too stunned to help me; I didn’t care because I was too busy panicking.

“Pain” I rambled to myself. “You’re not supposed to feel pain in a dream. It’s not possible – so why does my head hurt so much right now? Oh fuck – that means this isn’t a dream. But this has to be a dream! It’s too ridiculous to be real – Frank what the hell is going on?!”

Frank opened his mouth and shut it a few times, as if deciding what to say to me. In the end he settled for a confused; “Why are you calling me that?”
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