Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Save me from myself

Save me from myself

by EverMore 39 reviews

Gerard is the punching bag at school, he is misunderstood, and has no friends besides his brother Mikey. Close to the edge, Gerard feels like giving up... Will Frank save him or is too late?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Fantasy,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2011-07-06 - Updated: 2012-08-10 - 1143 words


"C'mon Way, come out and play!" snickering at me as they pounded on the door I was leaning against to keep them out. Hot tears streamed down my face mixing with the crimson blood from my nose as I choked out a small sob. All three of them were pushing all their weight on the door making it squeal from the pressure. The lock hadn't set yet and I was sure they would be in at any moment, the door started to crack open and push me backward as my black converse slid across the tile floor. One of the boys got an arm through the widening crack and grabbed ahold of my Iron Maiden hoodie, causing it to rip at the seams. I needed to buy myself some more time so I clenched my teeth, flipped my body so I was facing the door, placed my my hands just short of the edges, and pushed with all my might. My leg muscles screamed and my nose began to spew an even heavier flow of blood as I sent my body flying. The unfortunate boy who still had a grip on me let out a gruesome scream as the corner of the door sliced into his arm while simutaneously getting it crushed by the wall. The hand recoiled immediately still yelping in pain. Suddenly the door gave, making it easy to shut and lock. While still applying pressure, I pressed my ear up against the door to hear my attackers cursing my name as they fled back down the hall.

I sighed in great relief, I was safe for now. This was an everyday occurence for me. I am always getting my ass kicked for no reason. I was Gerard Way, the school punching bag. Everyone either picked on or ignored me. People would call me emo, faggot, freak, and any other parody on those words, each one was like a stab in the gut. Maybe its because most of them were true. Yes, I am gay. Yes, I do cut myself and have an obsession with the colors black and red. Yes, I am different than most kids and have no friends besides my little brother. These are things that can eat you alive on the inside and being teased for it only makes matters worse...

I flopped over on the door and let the cool wood soothe my damp back as slowly slid down 'til I was sitting on the floor. I was breathing hard, my bullies had chased me all the way from the art hall to the English wing for a light beating. Once I had wriggled free, I had ran past the geography, math, and biology wings before ducking into the janitor's closet to where I am now. Bleeding, crying, and wishing there was a way out of this eternal Hell that was my life like usual. I wrapped my clammy hands around my legs and pulled my knees to my chest, trembling. I stayed like that for a few minutes trying to quiet my sobs while wiping the tears and blood off my face.

After getting control of myself, I finally stood up and let my eyes take in the room. It was admitedly quite dim due to the one lightbulb that hung from the ceiling in the center by a small chain, but from what I could see it was good sized with cleaning supplies stacked everywhere on metal shelves. Athough the room was well organized, it wasn't exactly clean. There was spiderwebs in all the corners and dust was thickly distributed on all the surfaces except for a few finger prints showing that someone was atempting to clean the school. The room also smelled of an odd, strong mixture of musk, rat poison, and windex.
I peered behind one of the webby shelves to find a metal sink with a dirty mirror on the wall above it. I half limped over to it and found that there were small lightbulbs lining the top of the mirror. I found a switch on the wall right next to me and I fliped it in the on position. The lights flickered a few times before shining golden, I could see clearly now. I needed to see how bad of shape I was in this time so I pulled the sleeve of my sweat shirt over my hand and I tried to wipe the grime off the mirror. Unfortunately I just ended up smudging the dirt in circles. I looked down at the sink and saw an old rag which I ran under the faucet. I wiped the mirror until I could finally see myself. I didn't even recognise myself at first. My face was covered in red goo that seemed to be all from my nose which was still bleeding profusely and was running down my neck into my was beginning to seep into my shirt. I noticed my lower lip was very plump, at least 3 times it's normal size and turning a dark purple on the right side where I had bitten it from falling during the mad chase. I was afraid to even touch it in fear that it might explode. I directed my attention to my raven locks. Yes, it usually never is well kept, but I had gotten yanked to my knees by it and looked all matted and painful looking to even run a brush through. On top of all this, my bright hazel eyes were swollen, puffy, and blood shot. Not to mention my carefully smudged eyeliner was now running down my cheeks and mixing with the bloody tears.

Suddenly I felt weak and grabbed the sides of the sink for support. I heaved all of the coffee and breakfest I had that morning into the bowl. Frowning as I turned the faucet back on to wash down the contents. I looked back up at my reflection contemplating what to do next. There was definitely no way in Hell that I was going back outside this room anytime soon. I leaned in and scooped the ice cold water into my cupped hands and splashed it onto my face to rinse away some of the blood and to numb the pain a bit. I decided that I would just relax and listen to some music, school was almost over anyway. I pulled off my torn hoodie, balling it up into a pellow and sprawled onto the floor. I reached into the side pocket of my backpack and pulled out my iPod. I plugged the ear buds in and cranked up the music letting the Misfits flood my brain to block any other thoughts. I just closed my heavy eye lids and focused on taking deep breaths... In..... Out..... In..... Out.... In.... Out..... In... Out. Darkness consumed me. I slipped into a dreamless slumber.
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