Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Save me from myself

Lemme lend you a hand

by EverMore 1 review

This is chapter two! :) Read on, lovely people...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Fantasy,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2011-07-06 - Updated: 2011-07-06 - 2018 words


"Hey... kid... ya.... ight....?" A voice asked, sounding distant. "Kid c'mon, its after hours, ya can't be here," The voice said growing closer and louder. As I began to stirr I opened my eyes into little slits letting the light hit my pupils causing them to shrink immediately. I felt stiff and sore like I hadn't moved for a few years. A tall figure stood over me. I bolted up right in fear thinking it was one of my attackers from earlier. My head was swimming and I felt nauseous again. My eyes adjusted a bit and I saw that the man standing over me was the janitor wearing coveralls and a denim baseball cap while leaning on a mop. His kind old eyes were burning through my skin, taking in the situation. With a wiggle of his white mustache he offered me his work worn hand. I gratefully took it and he pulled me to my feet. I wobbled a bit at first, but caught myself on the wall. "Rough day, huh?" He chuckled. I tried to reply, but my voice wasn't cooperating with me so I ended up just nodding. He furrowed his brows and gave me a knowing expression. "Don't let 'em get to ya, kid. I can tell ya be a fighter! Th'll get what's comin' to 'em soon 'nuff," he smile, flashing his crooked teeth. I tried to return the smile, but my swollen lip prevented me from it and instead made me pitifully whimper. The old man's smile faded and he put a hand my shoulder. "Here, I'll let ya out so ya can scurry on home, that soun' good?" He questioned, concern dripping in his husky voice. I nodded as I bent down to grab my belongings trying to hide my face which was twisted in pain.

The man led me out of the janitor's closet and into the hall. I've never seen the school like this, it was dark, quiet, and the hallway empty, I could get used to this. We walked awhile in silence before we made it to the enterance. I stopped in my tracks when I looked out the window and realized it was dark outside. I quickly yanked my cell phone out of my pocket to see what time it was. 7:30 pm. Mom and Mikey are going to kill me, they probably think I've been kidnapped. Just as I had suspected, I had 12 phone calls and 23 text messages. The man glanced at my screen and nodded. "Someone be lookin' fer ya," It was more of a statement than a question. "Ya better hurry on home, kid. Yer ma must be wringing 'er hands worrin' 'bout'cha," he said softly. I looked up into his warm, toffee eyes with graditude.

"Th-... cough... Thank you," I choked with a raspy voice. I tried once again to smile and succeeded although it just made me look ridiculous with a hint of crazy. That caused him to laugh his husky laugh once again showing off a set of crooked teeth.

"Ha, yer a funny kid! Glad I gotta chance to meetchya, even though it wasn't under the best of circumstances... By the way I'm Mac, if ya ever need me 'gain, just gimme a hollar," he grinned at me while winking. I nodded vigorously still with my goofy smile and turned toward the dark path back to my home.

I waited until I was out of Mac's sight before I took off running. There was no way I was going to chance getting mugged right after getting the shit beaten out of me at school and that was a high risk where I lived. Not to mention that it was also after dark, the time when all the thugs were out frolicking. Still clutching my belongings, I ran as fast as I could. Lucky for me, I lived close enough to school that I could walk. The chilly air blew in my face and ran through my hair causing it to whip around like a wild stallon at full gallop. I ran along the cemetary fence that I had to walk by everyday to get to school. I was so close to home that I could almost taste it. Adrenaline pumped through my veins and I picked up the pace as I turned a sharp corner. Suddenly, I felt myself colide with another body as I smooshed them into the sidewalk with my own. The person started screaming bloody murder which startled me and caused me to scream as well. I lifted my head off of the person's chest and straddled my hands on either side of their body, still screaming as I looked at the face. From what I could see, it was a small boy who was wildly waving his hands in front of his face while trying to bash mine in to defend himself. I stopped screaming and tried to calm him down, but he refused to listen to my pleas so I grabbed his wrists to pin them down with little effort. This caused him to squeal even more and get his legs involved, kicking me in the gut. I then brought both his hands above his head and held them down with one had as I used the other to clamp his mouth shut. His eyes bugged out of his head as I silenced his screams. He began to cry muffled sobs and said something along the lines of 'please don't kill me' into the palm of my hand. How could he think I was going to harm him? He was too adorable to hurt, if anything I'd dunk him into my coffee because I was quite sure he would make it taste even sweeter.

"Shhhhh! Shush! I am not going to kill you," I said around my puffy lip while glancing around the neighborhood to make sure we hadn't caused a scene. He looked up at me with big, chocolate, puppy dog eyes and cocked his head to the side as if to say 'you're not?'. He looked so cute. As I released his mouth and hands, I backed off of him to crouch on my knees. I watched him causiously sit up without taking his eyes off my face.

"Dude... what happend to you?" He asked as his eyes searched every inch of my face. I suddenly remembered... I must look like shit, no wonder he thought I was attacking him.

"Um, I kinda got my ass kicked at school..." I admited ashamed. He must think I'm a wimp. Instead he looked up at me with eyes that gazed back with understanding as he put his little hand on mine for comfort. It sent sparks flying up and down my spine when our skin made contact. He was so warm, so comforting, so understanding, so... adorable. I showed him my ridiculous swollen lip smile which caused him to laugh just like Mac did. Only this boy's laugh was much more of a cute, high pitch, girly giggle than a husky laugh. It only made me smile even more and let out my own equally, interesting giggle. When our laughing slowly expired we both sighed and just sat there looking back at eachother in a comfortable silence. I had just met this boy and it seemed as if we had known eachother for a lifetime. He can't be from my school, surely I would have noticed him at the very least. He stood out like a sore thumb... there is no way I would have missed his black strip of hair that slithered through a sea of red on either side of his head like a snake. Or the pircings on his left nostril, ears, and right side of his bottem lip. Not to mention that he was a fun-sized, 5"4.... Plus the fact that he was too damn cute to over look.

"Why haven't I seen you at school before?" I said as I cocked my head to on side.

"Oh, I just moved here... Name's Frank, Frank Iero," he grinned while extending his hand for me to shake. I grasped his hand and found it to be surprisingly strong for how little he was. I watched the muscles in his arm flex until I noticed we had been shaking hands for a bit too long. I recoiled my hand immediately as I feel the blood rush to my cheeks. I was glad it was dark so he wouldn't be able to see how red my face I had gotten. He giggled and leaned back on his hands again. "I'll probably be at school tomorrow," he said while still grinning a lopsided smile. That made me blush even more. He looked magnificent in this moon light, reflecting off of his facial pircings and making his features stand out clear as day. My eyes explored the whole region of his face before subconsciously trailing them over his exposed neck and down his skinny torso. "So, uh, what's your name?" He said, breaking my train of thought with his voice that was as smoothe as honey.

"Er... Gerard Way..." I croaked, my voice cracking and sounding a bit groggy from earlier. He smiled a toothy grin like he knew something I didn't. "What???" I questioned with an edge of fear. I hoped that he hadn't noticed me checking him out a few seconds ago. I don't need anymore teasing for today. I couldn't handle it.

"Nothing, it is just a cool name! Although I think I'll call you Gee. That'll be your new nick name," he giggled with a hint of satisfaction. I let out a sigh of pure relief. I narrowed my eyes and smirked at him. He sure was strange, but so was I. He was perfect.

"Alright then, if you get to call me Gee, then I shall call you Frankie," I reasoned, nodding my head. He seemed to agree cause his russet eyes lit up as he nodded his head with more enthusiasm than what was required, causing me to laugh again. "Well, I had better get going now... My mom will have a heart attack if I am not home soon," I said when I remembered what I was doing before I had colided with this fallen angel. I began to stand up and I reached my hand down to pull him up as well. Intead of accepting my hand, he responded with crossed arms and a pouting expression.

"Why? You just got here," he whined, while looking up at me with his big puppy dog eyes again although adding a pout with a quivering lip. I wish I could just take this lost puppy home with me and cuddle with him. I looked down at his face, seriously concidering staying a bit longer. I hadn't shared a conversation with another person like this in a long time. Maybe even never. I sighed and nodded my head.

"Yeah... I do, but hey, maybe I'll see you tomorrow at school," I said with a half hearted smile. He gave me a somber smile back...

"Okay... see you tomorrow then," he sighed with a pout still playing on his soft looking lips. I bent down to gather my things that had gone flying and mumbled a goodbye as I stood back up. Parting ways was bittersweet... I watched him walk back up on his porch and wave me off before I began limping the rest of the way home.

Frankie didn't live very far from me, in fact we lived on the same street. As I approached my house I saw the silhouettes of my mom and brother sitting at the kitchen table from outside the window. I picked up the pace and stepped onto the porch causing the motion sensitve lights to blink on. The silhouettes in the window bolted up out of their chairs and headed for the front of the house. The front door swung open a second later letting the light shine on me. I saw the figures bound out the door and envelope me in their open arms.
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