Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > Fox & Kit

The Sealing

by Maleficus-lupus 0 reviews

After being summoned then sealed within a human child, Kyuubi no Kitsune is waking up.Naruto is being plagues with dreams where he is a demon and Kyuubi is watching brief intervals of Naruto's life...

Category: Naruto - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure - Characters: Naruto - Warnings: [!!] [?] [V] - Published: 2006-06-01 - Updated: 2006-06-01 - 1012 words

Fox and Kit:Prologue part B
By Maleficus-lupus
"The Sealing"
Authors note: I am astounded by all the positive reviews I have received! I did not think my fic was that good. I will do my best to continue it, but I have a problem, I am having trouble on deciding when Kyuubi should interfere with Naruto's life. I will probably go with the forbidden scroll cliché, but! That is only if you do not give me suggestions! Please tell me where you think I should have Kyuubi interfere.

Kyuubi's POV: I have attacked Konoha and killed many of its shinobi as they tried to drive me away from it. Soon I will be able to attack the village proper. It is a pity I must destroy this place, It is quite beautiful, unlike most areas where humans live. Once I am free of this geas I will find the one who sent me and kill him. Perhaps that will offer some small comfort to their souls.

============================== A day or two later ================================

As I approach the mountain which lies in the center of Konohagakure, a Summons appears, a giant red toad with a pipe in its mouth, a sword at its side, and a human on its head. The human shouts at me, "This is your last chance to turn back Kyuubi!" I am impressed at the mud-rat's bravery but I cannot turn back as much as I wish to, so I ignore him and swing one of my tails at the toad. Jumping back the toad performs a mizu jutsu and fires balls of water at me, blocking them with my tails I rush towards the toad, and just as I'm about to get into my tails striking range the human shouts "Gama Yuendan!" I'm enveloped my burning oil. "Graaah," I scream as I roll around trying to put out the flames. But it's no use, and I finally shuck of that piece of youki-created flesh, and create a new one formed of the dust and debris floating in the air around me, from the buildings I have destroyed.

Turning towards the toad/human duo attack once more, lunging in to grapple hand to claw with the toad. With a shout of "Rasengan!", the human punctures my skull with an orb of light. Flinching back, my tails send the toad flying backward crushing buildings as it hits the ground. I pause for a moment as I regenerate; about to attack the toad I turn away when I hear a shout. My eyes widen as I see what jutsu a white robed human is using. /"What? No not that technique!" / I think as I feel my soul be pulled away.

============================== An few minutes earlier =============================

Third person: A young yellow haired man in white robes is standing on a roof setting up an altar, a silver haired kid arguing with him. "Sensei please! You can't do this it will cost you your life!" The kid, who has a Hitae-ate band over his left eye, pleads with panic in his voice. "No Kakashi-kun, I won't stop now. I must do this." The yellow haired man replies writing a few final symbols in his own blood on the altar. Turning away from the arrangement the robed man stares at Kakashi and tells him, "bring the child Kakashi."

Kakashi stared at his Sensei looking as if he were about to refuse, then bowed his head and acquiesced, pain filling his visible eye. "Yes Arashi-sama." Kakashi returned a few seconds later with a small bundle in his arms, yellow hair poking out of one end. Arashi gently takes the bundle from Kakashi. "Leave. Now." he orders moving toward the altar. As Kakashi disappears, Arashi tenderly unwraps the bundle revealing a blond baby boy, and gently places him at the center of the altar. Facing the battle between the toad and the fox demon the yellow-haired man does nine hand seals: snake, pig, ram, rabbit, dog, rat, bird, horse, and snake. Holding the last seal Arashi shouts, "Kinjutsu: Shiki Fuujin." A huge discharge of chakra bursts from Arashi's body. A huge form appears behind him: Shinigami the God of Death! Closing his eyes,
Arashi speaks to Shinigami, "Seal the Kyuubi in the stomach of this child, and in return take my soul." The Shinigami nods and his arm stretches out and pulls Kyuubi from its body of dust and youki and plunges it into the child. A spiral seal forms on the child's stomach and the symbols drawn on the altar disappeared. Shinigami fades away as Arashi collapses.

==================================== Terms ===================================
Because it was pointed out that some people are not familiar with some terms in the Naruto series I will attempt to give translations and definitions.

Summons: the end result of the technique Kuchiyose no Jutsu. To perform Kuchiyose no Jutsu (summoning of the familiar spirit) one must have a contract with a certain species of animal or creature; this contract must be signed in blood. Summons appear in different sizes depending on how much energy you use in the Jutsu, the strongest summons is the Boss of that species, the known boss's are Gamabunta (toads) Manda (snakes) and Katsuyu (slugs/snails). The summons that have been seen are: toad, snake, slug/snail, dogs, spiders, and blind demon like creatures. The before mentioned summons are merely the ones that have been summoned with a contract.

Rasengan: translated means "Eye of the Hurricane" a glowing ball of pure chakra it was created by the Yondaime (Arashi) and taught to Jiraiya.

Geas: whether or not this is a real word is under debate but is a word used by Fantasy writers to describe a kind of curse or binding which forces a person to do something, in this case destroy Konohagakure.

Gama Yuendan: A Ninjutsu that only those who have signed a contract with the toads can use. The ninja must be able to summon Gamabunta, or possibly another large toad. The Human has the toad spit out oil and using a Katon (fire) type jutsu in conjunction, ignites the oil.
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