Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Two Boys, two letters, one love

He will be loved

by HanginByASilentDream 10 reviews

Finally here guys, title name inspired from maroon 5’s song ‘she will be loved’ that I had listening to for the first time in ages the other day ^.^ hehehe Please R&R please xoxoxo

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst,Drama - Characters: Frank Iero - Published: 2011-07-08 - Updated: 2011-07-14 - 1351 words

A/N: Heyy everyone, cup-full-of-blood here :D I want to apologise for the delay on this second introduction to Dear little Frankie, but I have just been working my socks off to write this really good, very busy lately, not only that but also my other story 'happiness or misery?' that i still havn't updates lol.....oh yeah and the fact that i am a slow coach. Also me and cozmic go over each others work and i am soo slow, plus she is away, doesnt have a laptop of her own anyway, PLUS has two now three stories to write, and i can't do the one haha i dont know how she does it XD I mean CozmicZombies work always astonishes me and is amazing. Therefore, I have been working so hard to write the best i can, hopefully I have succeeded (fingers crossed) I really really do hope you guys like this, remember I will be doing all of Franks pov and CozmicZombie Gerards :p
Pleaseee enjoy this and R&R if you want more :))

/I long to be a sixteen year old, that everybody will admire, not the ones who bully or label, but myself with my crazed punk attire./


Freak of nature, out of this world and fag ash, are the words associated to the small 5’5 young man, Smokey deep rich caramel eyes, mass of insanely dark ebony hair, messily chopped in no style particular, threaded like a tangled raven midnight sea of chaos. His many clothes predominantly consisting of holes, badges, paper clips, pins and everything to add his own essence to his glorious yet punk styled wardrobe of madness, seeming as if the wardrobe leaded to Narnia as it’s filled so deep. He seeks to wear anything unique, filled with character and any item of clothing outstandingly noticeable, despite the dastardly reactions he receives. He is a guitar strumming, animal loving, music prayer, skateboard freak, and that freak is none other than Frank Anthony Iero. One of which are not the words of one admired.


/I long to have a friend to call at night, always be there to have a little talk .Express my feelings, and no longer, continue this pointless never-ending walk./


So much potential and such a great sport, yet no one to see, no one bothering to notice. No one by his side, to explore the world. Frank is friendless, he has no one to call on a late frosty winters night, where the dreary dark clouds threaten to snow, where he can express his feelings. About school, work or even just to have a late night ramble, while the crisp sparkly leaves, icy as they are, swiftly flicker and twirl around, then the uproar of the coming snow, soon enough exploding, sprinkling the ground with ice cold sheets of snow. All of the regular teenage behaviour a miss. No partying on Friday and Saturday nights, their hormonal bodies drooling over girls with mates. No late cinema trips, with the cheesy pick up lines and sneaky arm hooked over their dates shoulder. No mad dashes through the harsh winters rain as it pummels down, rapidly sprinting for the bus, or when trekking near by parks with friends, in the luscious warm heat, with the harsh beat sun beaming down. No, Frank has never experienced that, and he is beginning to believe, he never will.


/I long to gain happiness, but it never arrives, I’ve never been malicious like the kids in my school. Even though they posses confidence and popularity, I would never deem happiness from being so cruel./


All the students in Franks school shoot daggers through him daily, glare furiously at him in disgust, as if he has just scrambled out of the sewers, filled with grime, urine, puke and so forth. However by the looks they fire at him you would think it’s so much worse. This behaviour has been the normal typical everyday act to Frank, something he isn’t fond of, one he knows can’t be excused but he is by now very aware that it never will be. Sure enough, Frank has had a friend or two in the past, then again not lasting longer than a month or two, as they are either scams, tests to see how much of a freak he really is, or just after money. Nevertheless, the majority of the students in Franks school merely gave him a second look, either it be a snigger to themselves, a foul remark spoken under a whisper, or just simple ignorance as they walk on by, steering away from him. That is all...but the chavs, also known as clones, popular kids, sheep, wannabes etc.


/I long for a friend who can share my adventures, and accept me, for who I am, someone that will always be by my side, not just another scam./


Frank has always had great supporting parents, who will do anything in their power to make Frank happy. His parents are also very wealthy, although The cosy lived in country cottage may not be one of a very wealthy family but they have never been the family to thrash out money on any old garbage, but to treasure it for the things they really love. Frank sometimes considered himself a failure, even with all the money he desired he is still the schools biggest outcast. Franks parents would never let him believe it though, when he is really down and does, they would prove to him that they are immensely proud of him, so gifted and caring and would always praise him for being his own person and proud to be an Iero. That works to, as every time Frank returns home from a devastating day at school, all the indescribable name calling and hurting seems to crash into the clouds, stay there for a while, but only appear again the next school day.


/I long to finally find someone who will stay and never leave me. A Strong friendship that won’t be replaced, I guess I’ll have to just wait and see./


Frank doesn’t want his next senior school year to turn out exactly like his previous. Pupils bittersweet stares remained on him, venomous glares shot, or the ignoring tricks, name calling, punches and constant lonesome lunches. Throughout all of this you would of thought Frank would have just gave in, joined them, join the masses of sheep, fitting into their world of clones, all wearing, listening and behaving the same. No, Frank hasn’t, and no matter how hard life has been to him, he had always made a promise to his parents and himself that he would never bow down to the low life’s around him. Sure enough because of this they continue, Frank found all that behaviour he thought he would find this year, but unlike every year, he said to himself...

/I long, to find love./

A/N: BUT WHAT KIND OF LOVE?? Hehe (: well there you have it, introduction to Frank, Franks pov and third. I will write in Franks pov for the rest of the story and will try my hardest to write the best I can. Again please R&R and I might be a little sneaky and ask you guys to pleaee check out my stories on my account "cup-full-of-blood": my new stuff, happiness or misery?, gerard just wants to be noticed, and my frikey one. (: and also check out "CozmicZombie": account with her new stuff, ‘be my detonator’ and ‘you’ll never fit in much, kid’, and possibly R&R our work it would make us very happy hahaha.
I reaaaally hope you think this is ok, CozmicZombie and i really apreicaite all the reviews and ratings you have gave and will be just as thrilled if you continue :) thank you guys soo much, and please do continue with them fab R&Rs if you want more :))
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