Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Mikey Isn't Okay

Catch me if I fall because I think I'm falling for you.

by paintmylife 0 reviews

The soft rhythm of his heart makes me think that maybe, he might love me.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] [X] - Published: 2011-07-11 - Updated: 2011-07-11 - 623 words - Complete

I miss Bob.

He was the only person that understood me besides Ray. Drummers never get any of the spotlight either, not that he wasn't an amazing drummer, because he was. All I'm saying is that it's nice to not be ignored. Too bad I'm ignored all the time.

I sit in the minature kitchen of the tourbus. Flicking out my phone, I see that I have 1 new message. To my disappointment, it's only from the phone company telling me that I have gone over £2. The thing is, I never really text or call anybody because there's no one that would ever text me back. This has Gerard written all over it.

"Hey Man," Gerard slides down on the seat next to mine. "Sleep well?"

"You know I never sleep well," I shrug. I don't see the point of him asking when he knows that I have insomnia. "How about you?"

He grins, "Well, couldn't you tell that me and Frank were doing a little less than sleeping last night, dear brother?"

Ew. Too much information.

He takes in my disgusted expression before continuing. "Dude, what's with your wallpaper?"

Looking back to my phone, it shows two naked women having what looks like a pillowfight. I don't know how I didn't realise it earlier.

"What the fuck?" I scream. "I can't believe you did that!" I throw the phone at his face.

"Mikes, it was just a joke."

"No Gerard. It's never a fucking joke. The only time you ever pay attention to me is when you do shit like this. I don't think you realise how much it bothers me!" I feel tears flooding down my cheeks. "You're too caught up with Frank to care about me anymore."
And with that, I run out of the room and to our bedroom. I slam the door, knowing that Frank was outside having a smoke so I wouldn't have to cope with his torment too.

I flop down on my bed, which I can only fit half of myself on. Crying into my pillow, I hear a rustling noise.
"Mikey?" Ray asks from his bed opposite my own. "Mikey, are you okay? What's wrong?" He rushes to my bed and sits where the free space is by my leg.

"It's Gerard," I sob uncontrollably. "He never pays attention to me, and t-then he puts stuff on my p-phone that I didn't even do." My eyes are growing sore from the crying.

"Don't be upset about it," he rubs my shoulder, "We all get it from time to time."

I sit up so I'm properly next to Ray. "So, do you get it too? From him I mean?"

"Well no," he looks down at me. "You should really get more attention. Your better than us, any of us. And I'm not just saying that." He leans in so I can just smell his minty cologne. And that's when I feel compelled to tell him something.

"I th-think I'm gay," I whisper to him, leaning my head onto his chest.

"Really?" The rhythm of his heart relaxes me slightly. "Who's proved this to you?"

You, Ray. You have proved that to me. Catch me if I fall, because I think I'm falling for you.
He leans into me, closer than before. For a split second, I think he's going to kiss me. But then I realise that this is reality, and in reality, I belong to Alicia.

"Well, if I'm honest, I'm bi." he admits.

My heart swells a thousand times bigger - something that I used to get whenever I saw Alicia.

He stands up, gently resting my head back down on the bed. "I'll go talk to Gerard," he promises me.

He's so beautiful.
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