Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Our Time Is Running Out

So Long

by AlexandraSweden 3 reviews

The end.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Romance,Sci-fi - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [V] [X] [?] - Published: 2011-07-12 - Updated: 2011-07-12 - 1059 words - Complete

Gerard's eyes opened only to see an iron pipe breaking the bones of his other leg, just above the knee. The person pulverizing his bones was one of the attackers which had been waiting on the street.
Gerard could tell by the attacker's dark hood which covered up most of his face. Only a robustly stubbled chin and a pair of thin snake-like lips could be seen.

The air escaped Gerard's lungs as the initial shock rolled in over him, but as soon as he collected himself enough to inhale again a haunting scream escaped his chapped lips. The pain was almost unbearable.
Gerard had never been seriously injured before and that kind of pain was something new to him. It felt like his legs weren't his anymore.
He could barely move them and if he tried, the pain got twentvy times worse.

Frank was supposed to wake him up if something happened. So, why hadn't he? Maybe the attackers had got to him first...

The thought of Frank already being dead made Gerard whimper. He was supposed to protect Frank, not sleep while the shorter man got killed. Hot, salty tears started to roll down his cheeks.
Gerard tried to hold them back, but didn't succeed. He shouldn't show the men weakness. That was what they ate and thrived in.

He glanced around to see that three other man with hoods covering their faces were standing in the hallway, arms crossed and tapping their feet.

"What did you do to Frank?" Gerard spat towards the man hovering over him with the iron pipe resting in his scarred hands. The man dropped the pipe to the floor, pulling his hood off to reveal his face.

He had olive skin and dark, glowing eyes. His cheeks were hollow and his long wispy hair tucked behind his small ears. The eyes were what really scared Gerard. They were pure evil and didn't radiate even an ounce of compassion or guilt.
The man was enjoying seeing Gerard in pain. He adored the feeling of smashing another living person into pieces.

"Nothing," the man with olive skin said calmly. Was that the truth? Probably not.

Gerard balled his hands up into fists and flailed his arms in the air. There was no way that he would inflict any damage on the man, but he wanted to at least try it.
The river of tears trickled down Gerard's cheeks. He cried because he had failed to protect Frank and because his broken bones hurt like hell itself.

"You're lying!" Gerard cried and almost choked on his words.

The man furrowed his eyebrows and waved towards the men in the hallway. Gerard stared at them suspiciously. What were they up to? Did he really need assistance to kill Gerard?
With no legs to run with Gerard was an easy prey.

The men in the hallway opened the bathroom door and gestured for someone to come. A leg stepped out of the bathroom and a body followed shortly after that.
Gerard recognised the body. It was Frank's.

"Frank, run! Run!" he screamed at the top of his lungs.

Frank didn't run. He didn't even say a word to Gerard.
The hazel eyes simply stared at Gerard, expressionless, like he didn't even know the person lying on the ground.

Gerard didn't understand. He didn't want to understand.

"What are you doing? Run!" he pleaded, tears flooding from the corners of his eyes.

The man hovering over Gerard sat himself down on his knees next to the crying man and sighed. "Don't you understand? Your friend bargained with us. He said that we could kill you if we let him hunt with us," the man started and hauled a knife up from the pocket of his jeans, "we thought that Frank's suggestion was quite acceptable."

The blade of the knife ran over Gerard's cheek to cause a small cut. It was only a thin line which the blood started seeping out of, mixing itself with the tears.
Gerard squeezed his eyes shut and whimpered sadly. The physical pain was nothing compared to the emotional.

The man plunged his knife into Gerard. Two effective stabs just above the belly button. He then let the knife slide down into his pocket again, not caring that it was covered in sticky, hot blood.
Gerard didn't care what they did to his body anymore. It was over. He was going to die.

"That'll be enough. He'll never be able to survive that," the attacker said proudly, looking over at his fellow helpers. Frank was now one of them. He didn't show any kinds of emotions as he watched Gerard's bleeding body.

The attacker got up and started walking to the door, dragging the small group of men with him. Frank stayed in the hallway though. "I'm just going to get the food in here. Wait for me on the street," he mumbled.
Everyone except for Frank then left the apartment to run down the stairs, screaming and cheering. They had ruined another life. Oh, the joy.

Frank took Gerard's long coat and put it on, then walked into the kitchen and started grabbing what he could get to fit into his pockets. He then leaned against a wall and sighed.

"Gerard, you have to understand why I did this," he started. His lips moved. The betraying lips which had kissed Gerard multiple times.

"You reminded me of what I once had with Anna-Belle and made me want to experience that again. I want to go to heaven now. I want to be with Anna-Belle and it will be much easier to reach that goal if I go from being hunted to being the hunter," Frank continued, almost whispering the words.

That Gerard wasn't able to hate Frank even after what he had done bothered him. Gerard wanted to hate Frank. He needed the hate.
But he couldn't feel a thing.

The life left Gerard's body at the same pace as the blood gushed out.

Frank started making his way to the door. He stopped at the doorway, giving Gerard the last words he would hear in this life. "Thank you for giving me the opportunity to reunite with Anna-Belle."
Then Frank was gone. He had left Gerard's dying body behind.

Gerard had learned a valuable lesson the hard way.
Don't trust anyone.
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