Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > In The Middle Of A Gun Fight

We Want It All, We Wanna Play This Part

by _acidMonster 1 review

Before I knew it, he was on top of me. Our faces were close together and I could feel his hot breath on my neck.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2011-07-17 - Updated: 2011-07-18 - 1784 words

For a few weeks now, I’d been juggling being friends with Frank and Mikey. They hated each other. I had no idea why, neither of them would tell me, but I was working on it.

We had a rota. On days I had a lesson with Frank last, we’d hang out and when I had a lesson with Mikey, we’d hang out. On days when I didn’t have a lesson with either of them I hung out with my friend Pixxii.

Pixxii went to a completely different college to me, and she lived in my home town. But it was only a 20 minute train ride away, so it wasn’t too much hassle for me. She knew everything about the whole Frank-Gerard-Mikey complication, and many a time we’d just try to work out what was going on.

“Maybe, Frank and Gerard were in a relationship together and Frank told everyone about Gerard being gay and then he got bullied. But Frank didn’t say anything about himself, so he didn’t get any shit?” Pixxii said, jokingly. She always made me laugh; her ideas were bizarre, yet logical.

“I very much doubt that was the case, but you never know,” I stated. Her head turned sideways as she started fiddling with her new lip-ring. “Will you stop playing with it! You’ll break you mouth!”

She spat at me, from laughing. Then I started laughing at her, being shocked and looking so sorry. That’s how our get-togethers went. We just laughed at each other. And then talk about boys…

“So, have you got any pictures of them?” She winked at me. I sighed at her, as I took out my phone.

“Only a few. They’re both gorgeous. Honestly. Ok, now, this is Mikey. We were at the farm, for some animal psychology shit. I don’t even know what Chiaki was thinking. She’s weird, but she’s Japanese, so I like her,” I showed her the picture of Mikey with a huge smile on his face, trying to chase a chicken.

“Hun! He’s lush!”

“Wait ‘til you see Frank,” I stuck my tongue out at her, as I went onto the next picture.

She was speechless.

“Told you,” I said, smugly.

“And you and him AREN’T together?”

“Nope,” I sighed. If I was honest, I loved Frankie to bits, and I’d love to just kiss him, but Gerard was really hot too. As was Mikey. And I didn’t want to upset my friends.

“So can I have him?” she grinned at me. I punched her shoulder. “Ow! What was that for?”

“No you can’t have him! And I hit you because you want him. No, no, no,”

“Aww. You like him, you love him, you wanna hug him, you wanna kiss him, you wanna—“

“Oh, Pixxii, shut up!” I said, as I threw a pillow at her.

“You bitch!” she shrieked, chucking it back. It ended up being a massive pillow fight, not serious or out to hurt each other, just for fun. Me and Pixxii had been through loads together, she’d been there for me since I was diagnosed with depression.

After the pillow fight, we led down on Pixxii’s bed, exhausted, breathing quite heavily and looking at each other laughing. My phone started beeping. I reached over Pixxii to grab it.

Hey, I know you’re busy with Pixxii, but could you come over ASAP. I’ve had some bad news, and I don’t think I can trust myself on my own. Thanks –F xx

I replied, instantly.

Yeah, I’ll be right over. Give me 30 minutes. Just please don’t do anything stupid while I’m on my way. I’d miss you waaaay too much.

“Who was it? Was it Mikey or Gerard or Frankie?” she said with a half smile.

“It was Frank and I need to go. Sorry Pixxii, he’s had some bad news,”

“Oh, I’ll see you out. Make sure he doesn’t do anything stupid, and show him a picture of me, that might cheer him up,” she winked.


The train ride back home was painfully long. I decided to check up on Frank, by calling him. It rang and rang and rang. I was put through to answer machine. I figured his phone would be on silent, so I tried his home phone.

Still no answer.

I started to panic, so I left a message.

“Hey, Frank, it’s only me, Kiara. I was just checking up on you, so please text or call when you get this; I’m kinda worried right now, so yeah… Bye…”


When I finally made it to Frank’s, I just went straight through. The door was open and I didn’t know if he was alive or not.

“Frank?” I called around the house. I found him in the kitchen, with a knife in hand. “Frank!” He looked at me, smiling like a nutter, as I ran over to him to take it out his hands. That’s when he started crying.

“Oh Kiara, I’m so sorry. I just… The vets called, Milly, she’s dead, Kiara. My baby is dead!” He fell straight into my arms, so I wrapped myself round him.

“It’ll be ok; she lived a good life, didn’t she?” I felt him nod. He was still sobbing.

I was looking around his kitchen, as I rocked him, like I did with my little sister when she was upset. That’s when I found it; a small bag of Marijuana on the floor, and next to it was papers and tobacco.

“Frank, have you been smoking weed?”

“No, I was going to, but then I realise what it did to me and Gerard,” This made me more curious as to what had gone on between them. But I didn’t ask, especially with Frank in this state.


When Frank felt better, I made him sit in the living-room, while I made him a cup of coffee.

“Thanks, I’m sorry you had to see me like that,” he said to me.

“It’s no problem. You’re one of my best friends, I’m always here for you,” I smiled at him, as I handed him his coffee and sat next to him. “Pixxii wanted me to tell you she thinks you’re hot,”

“Oh, well, umm… tell her I say thanks,” he giggled. I text her what he said, and her reply wasn’t too kind. “Ha! Well, she’ll have to try harder, won’t she?”

I tried making Frank laugh as much as I could, to get his mind of off Milly, but there were pictures of her everywhere. Every time he caught sight of one, he burst into tears again. That’s when I started to wonder where Peaches was.

“Frank, where’s Peaches?”

“Oh, shit. She’s outside, umm, I’ll go let her in,” he said as he got up.

In came Peaches, a loveable little grey pug, with a black nose. She was so cute and she loved me to pieces. Frankie said she wasn’t much of a lap dog, but she always sat on my lap. She must have known Milly was gone because she just slumped in the bed and didn’t even acknowledge I was visiting.

Not long after, Frank returned. He sat back down, closer this time, almost on my lap, but I took no notice.

“Do you wanna play truth or dare? I know it’ll be boring just us two, but it’d get my mind of off Milly,” he said, coolly. I noticed something different in his voice, it was sexier. And his eyes changed from looking at my eyes to my lips. There was a completely different atmosphere than there was 10 minutes ago.

“Yeah, sure why not,” I replied, happily. “You go first. Truth or dare?”


“Hmmm… I dare you to call Miranda and sing that I Wanna Have Your Babies song by Natasha Beddingfeild to her.”

“Ok,” He chuckled, dialling the number.

“Hello? Who is this?”


She put the phone down. Frank and I were in hysterics.

“You’re turn. Truth or dare,”


“Who do you fancy?”

I took a deep breath in. “Well, there’s this one guy and he’s really cute. I met him on the first day, but he’s complicated. Like a sudoku puzzle for those who’ve never done one before.”

“What’s his name?” he asked like a little girl.

“I’m not telling you!” It was almost as if he was one of my girly friends that I told everything to.

“But I’m one of your best friends! You have to tell me,” he pouted.

“No, Frankie,” I laughed at him.

“I’ll wrestle you,” he said, using that sexy tone again.

“Bring it bitch,” I yelled. Before I knew it, he was on top of me. Our faces were close together and I could feel his hot breath on my neck.

“I dare you to kiss me,” he whispered in my ear. I bit my lip and looked at his. Damn he was so hot and I couldn’t resist. The corners of his lips went up and formed that adorable smile that I always melted when I saw.

We locked lips. I opened my mouth and he invaded it with his tongue. I could taste the coffee, but I didn’t care. Our tongues danced together for a while, until I realise just how little oxygen I had left. I pulled away, only for him to allow me to breath and then he pulled me on top of him, and we continued.

He stopped.

“Why’d you stop for?” I asked, glumly. He looked down at his jeans and I followed his eyes. “Oh…”


“I’d fix it for you, but…”

“No, it’s too soon. I’d like to wait,” he said, he seemed pretty sure about his decision. Wow. A man who wasn’t in it for sex, if this was my last boyfriend we’d be having sex by now. I got off of him and he smiled at me, his eyes didn’t break from mine until I was on the sofa.



“Are we like… An item now?”

“Only if you want us to be,” he told me.

“Can we?”

“Yes,” he said as he pecked my cheek.

I looked away and smiled the biggest smile I could.
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