Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > In The Middle Of A Gun Fight

Baby Get Out, While You Can

by _acidMonster 2 reviews

I sat down on his bed, Batman covers; cute. He looked deep in my eyes and asked me if I was ready to hear what he had to say. So I nodded.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2011-07-18 - Updated: 2011-07-18 - 2170 words

I woke up in my new boyfriend’s arms, just like I’d dreamt so many nights before. I stayed over because he was still grieving over Milly. I didn’t regret one minute of last night and I hoped Frank didn’t either.

He was still asleep when I woke up. His face was all scrunched up and he looked so cute, dreaming away. I smiled at him, kissed his forehead and started to get dressed. I took off his t-shirt, that I’d stolen from him and put another of his tops on. I was so glad I was semi-prepared for sleeping over someone’s house, since that time I forgot my underwear at a sleep over all those years ago, I took a fresh pair of knickers with me everywhere.

After changing, I helped myself to cereal. Because me and Frank had been best friends before we got together, I knew where everything was. Milk chocolate Krave, my favourite. The Ieros had a fridge that was built into the cabinets, so as I bent down to get the milk, someone decided to slap my ass.

“Morning sexy,” Frank giggled. “Sorry, I’ve just always wanted to say that to someone.” He continued laughing for a while. I ignored him and carried on making my breakfast. “So, what are we doing today? It’s Saturday, so we can do anything you want. I can always steal my mom’s cash card, if we need it. She won’t mind.”

“Well, I was hoping to catch up on my coursework. We’ve got loads for Art, I need to practice my song for music and I need to learn all the bones in the body and write up my ‘Chicken Analysis’”

“Chicken Analysis!?” screamed Frank, in hysterics. I stole Mikey’s poke face for just one moment.

“Yes, and I’d like to go to Mikey’s so we could do it together,” I announced. Hate was burning in Frank’s eyes. “Ok, I can’t do this. You are both my friends and if you both hate each other then sort it the fuck out!”

“K, you don’t know what’s gone on. They’re bad people. Especially Gerard. He fucked me over. Big time and that’s why we all had to move out here. We just didn’t realise it would be to the same town and we’d be going to the same college. What a coincidence?”

“Call me stupid, but would you not take that as a sign that you should work out your differences? I mean, things like that just don’t happen for a reason.”

“I guess, but it’s not that easy. There’s a background to why they all hate me. I’d just rather not tell you yet.”

At that point, I was sick of arguing about it. I told Frank I was going to Mikey’s, he wasn’t happy but he understood I’d have to have gone there anyway.


The walk to the Ways’ house allowed me to clear my head and forget the argument this morning and recall last night’s events. I didn’t know if I should tell Mikey, being as their ‘background history’ wasn’t all too bright and he might consider me on Frank’s side.

That’s when I remembered that I’d left Frank on his own. I didn’t want his mum to come home and see what I’d seen last night. So I called Bob.

“Hey Bob, how’re you?” I was being hopeful that Bob wasn’t busy.

“I’m pretty good, K. Yourself?” he replied, by his voice, I could tell he’d just woken up.

“Great, thanks. Sorry I woke you up, I assumed you’ve heard about Milly?”

“Yeah, Frank’s mum was round last night after work, crying her eyes out. She was pretty stupid to leave Frank on his own, if you ask me.” He’d woken up a little and now he was angry.

“I know, I had to get the train back to town and when I got to his house I found him in the kitchen. Just in time too,”

“Ah shit. Is he alone now?”

“Yeah, that’s wha—“

“I’ll be there in 10 minutes. It’s about time he had some male company. Since he’s been hanging round with you, you’re all he talks about! I was starting to worry if he was turning into a girl!” he laughed.

“Thanks Bob,” I smiled.

“It’s cool, bye,” he said, putting down the phone.

I was glad I wasn’t Frank’s only friend. Bob and Frank had a strange relationship, but it was almost the same as the one I had with Pixxii. They were always joking about having sex with each other and dating etc. And their stories were always the same; I didn’t know whether to be worried they were telling the truth!

I had piece and quiet to think about whatever crossed my mind for another 5 minutes, then I arrived at Mikey’s. I knocked on the door. A tall figure peered through the curtain on the window nearest the door and then Mikey let me in.

“What the fuck was that about?” I asked.

“Well, if I told you, you probably wouldn’t want to come round, ever again,”

“I’m sure I would…”

“Kiara, I just don’t want to talk about it.” At that point, I shut up.

I followed Mikey to his room, noticing the great amount of detail to perfection this house had. Everything seemed 100% perfect, just like Mikey and Gerard. I gasped at just how breathtaking it all was and heard Mikey laugh under his breath.

“Gee wants to talk to you. He said that you need to know something and this could be the only time he’ll ever feel like talking about it,” Mikey said, right outside his bedroom door. “His room is the last door on the right. I’ll be in here when you’re done.”

I cautiously walked to Gerard’s bedroom and knocked on the door. His perfect voice welcomed me in.

“Come in,”

“Hi, I’m Kiar—“

“I know who you are; you sit next to me in art. Yet we’ve never spoken,” His manner was odd, I would have never put his language to his body or face. It was almost robotic.

I walked further into his room and noticed the crazy artwork covering ALL the walls, even the ceiling and door. It was like living in your own fantasy world. He laughed at my expression.

“It’s taken me years to get it like this,” he said. “Sit down, I need to tell you something about Frank before you guys get too close.” His eyes narrowed when he mentioned Frank and the fact we were really good friends. I had the feeling I was about to find out what was going on between the Ways and Ieros.

I sat down on his bed, Batman covers; cute. He looked deep in my eyes and asked me if I was ready to hear what he had to say. So I nodded.

“He’s probably told you that I’m the cause of all this hate, right? Well that’s a lie. He is. Mikey’s come to like you, a lot, and so I have to like you too. I don’t want you to get hurt, if you become friends with Mikey you will be welcomed into this family, and we all look out for each other.”

As I listened to his tale, I noticed how perfect he was too. Why was everyone in this town to perfect? It made me feel so alone and worthless.

“Me and Frank have a lot of history.” He continued. “We welcomed him and he took it for granted. As a family, we don’t normally keep secrets from each other. But he kept a huge one—“

“That he was smoking weed? I know that, he told me… Kinda.”

“Yeah. And it hurt me, we were really close and he didn’t tell me. When I found out he tried to get me to smoke it too. I refused, didn’t want to get hooked on the stuff. Then, when I realized how much fun he was having in his little world, I decided to try it too. I enjoyed it, a lot. Don’t remember much, but it was so much fun. Eventually, me and Frank were getting high almost every day. That’s when things got worse.”

“What do you mean ‘got worse’?” I asked. I couldn’t believe that Frank would encourage someone to take drugs, and then make things worse for them.

“We started drinking too. Having parties and being drunk and high all the time, the constantly feeling sick because we withdrawing made it hard to stay away from it all. We couldn’t get any higher. One night, he kissed me.”

A look of disgust took over my face. I couldn’t believe that Frank had kissed Gerard with the same lips he’d kissed me with. I wasn’t homophobic, but I didn’t like the thought of Frank with Gerard, not now that he was mine.

“He told me he loved me and things happened. Then when we were sober, he ignored me. He decided to get clean and left me to scramble around. I couldn’t stop it, I couldn’t stop wanting the drugs and I couldn’t stop wanting him.”

“I think that I’ve heard enough…” I said as I got up, to leave.

“No, Kiara, please you have to listen to me…”

“Gerard, I’m not being funny but I don’t like the way that you’re talking about him, it’s hurting me. I can’t imagine you and him together, because he’s mine. And it makes me feel sick to imagine him with someone else!”

“So you’re together?” I realized what I’d said. Shit. Was that a bad idea?

“And so what if we are?”

“Mikey won’t be pleased. But if I tell you the rest of my story, I’ll keep it a secret.”

I didn’t really have a choice here. It was my friend or my boyfriend, and the only way I could have both was to listen to Gerard.

“Can we do this another day? I need to do my psychology report and get back to Frank’s so I can do my art and music.” I told him. It was the truth, but still the perfect way out of listening to lies.

“I guess so. Next time you come round, I’ll tell you,” he said, reaching the door knob.

I went back to Mikey’s room. He asked me what Gerard wanted, but I told him that it was something to do with our art course and that he needed my opinion on something.

“Oh, cool,” he nodded. “So, are we going to get this chicken crap done?”

“Yeah,” I laughed. “Why did she even get us to do that? I mean, I know it’s animal behavior, but that’s not what was mentioned in the course briefing.” Mikey agreed with me.

It took a while, but we got most of it done. What a chicken does when it’s hungry, how it attracts a mate and other chicken things. It was actually quite amusing and in doing this, we worked out why we were doing it.

“Maybe she wants us to look at lower animal’s behavior before other humans, so this is just an exercise to… I dunno…” said Mikey. He had a point, it made sense.

“Probably, maybe we’ll get gold stars for working that out,” I giggled. He laughed too, much harder than I did. “Ok, it wasn’t that funny.” Then he got hiccups and neither of us could stop.


After leaving Mikey’s, I returned to Frank’s house. Only to find my best friend, Pixxii, snogging Bob and Frank sat awkwardly in the corner.


They unattached themselves, thank God.

“Pixxii, what are you doing here?”

“Well, Frank stole your number from your phone and…” Frank was waving his hand in front of his neck, as if to symbolize cutting his throat, and Pixxii stopped what she was saying.

“Frank. Why?”

“Because I thought Bob was lonely and I didn’t want to be chased by my girlfriend’s best friend,”

“K! You told me you weren’t together!” Pixxii piped up.

“We weren’t, but then last night—“

“Spare the details…”

My phone beeped. A text from an unknown number.

Remember, he’s not worth all the pain. Trust me, I know. –Gee x

Gerard. For some reason, he was looking out for me. To hurt Frank or because he generally cared about me, either way, it was suspicious.
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