Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Ghost of You

The Ghost of You

by Keep-it-Ugly 3 reviews

Based around "The Ghost of You" music video. Warning: incest and possible future character death

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] [X] - Published: 2011-07-14 - Updated: 2011-07-15 - 456 words

Chapter 1 - All Gray and No Color

My heart ached as I watched the two, both perched on the fence separating my and the boys house. How could I have let it get this far? I jumped down from my windowsill to the carpeted floor with a loud thud. He will never know how much it hurts me to see him with her.

“I loved him first,” I thought to myself, as I descended the spiral staircase. I entered the downstairs bathroom unwillingly. I stood in front of the mirror, picking apart every flaw that my body carried. I sighed after the last insult came into my head.

“You’re not her” That might not hurt the average individual, but it sure as hell hurt me. I ran my hand through my hair. It’s a habit I picked up from him. I do it when I’m thinking, frustrated, nervous, or I am just trying to calm my hair down. Nevertheless, whatever the case, it always makes me think of him. His flawless face, his beautiful, hazel eyes, his charming smile, and his cute laugh. But I never hear it anymore. And I only can see his face from a distance. However, I know it is just as gorgeous as before, if not more so.

I exited the room with a frown on my face. How could he have loved me at all? I’m hideous.

I felt a tear run down my cheek as I stood in the middle of the much-too-large kitchen. I looked out the window to only find gray skies, smoky, harsh winds blowing debris, and abandoned houses. Don’t get me wrong, people still live here. Just, not many. I live right next to the war zone. One miss calculation on their part and I could be dead in a second.

You may wonder why I stayed here. Well- I just couldn’t bring myself to leave him. He stayed here for reasons unknown to me. She lives with him, but always acts as if no war is being taken part in. I looked around the kitchen. Everything was broken, on the floor, gray.

I picked up the broken picture frame, which used to hang on the wall. Every time it fell, I would hang it back up. I did that with everything. Or… I used to anyways. It came to the point where I just left it. Left the plates on the floor, broken and shattered from falling out of the cabinets. The bombs dropped on the other side usually made like an earthquake to my house. The roof is caving in and the floorboards are cracked and going every which way. All I can do is hold on.
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