Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Danger Days: Bob`s Story

chapter thirty

by XxxFallenAngelXxxx 2 reviews

fighting...death...hate...revenge and fear...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Fantasy - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-07-21 - Updated: 2011-07-21 - 1148 words - Complete

NOTE Hi, this will be the last time I update anything until I get back from holiday, sorry `bout that. I hope you like this, please let me know if you do
Party Poison`s pov
It was hopeless, we were surrounded by them, there were way too many of them. The fighting had worsened since Twisted Poison`s death, we were angry, we needed to avenge her death. I glance around me, narrowly missing a shot to the head, and take out two dracs who made the stupid mistake of heading towards me. Kobra was fighting with Jet, Ghoul was a little in front of me, taking care of a small group of brain washed creatures. It was stupid to think of them as anything else but, they were evil, brainwashed and incapable of any kind of emotion save for hatred. Sure, maybe once along long time ago, things wouldn’t have been different, but now they were the enemy, they had to be destroyed. It was them or us.
Bee was still fighting, despite the loss of one of her best friends; she didn’t really have much of a choice. Her eyes are red and puffy, tears still falling steadily, silently from her eyes, but she will not weaken, he keeps fighting, if not for herself then for Twisted Poison.
“Take that you fuckin bastards!” she kills two of them with one shot, momentarily distracting one sop that Static can kill it and kneeing one hard in the stomach, before killing that one as well. From the other side of the room I can see her eying Korse up, before jumping out of the way of a shot, just avoiding being shot down. It was almost as though I could read her mind, I knew exactly what the young girl was thinking, having lost people close to me before. Kill him, make him suffer, revenge… those are the things that Bee will be thinking at the moment, and probably for some time after, if we got out of here alive that is.
“Bullet, watch it!” Static and the sandy haired killjoy, who reminded me so much of my old friend, yell, warning Bullet of the advancing dracs coming from behind her. She spins on her heals sharply, before jumping up into the air and shooting them, not before aiming two strong kicks to their middles.
It may seem like the fight was going well in our favour, but in all honestly, it wasn’t, not really. Sure, so far we had only lost Twisted Poison, a huge loss obviously, but we were far from winning. Every time one of us made a kill, we had no time to celebrate as more of the evil beings descend upon us, seeming to just appear from nowhere. As much as I wanted revenge, and as much as I wanted to destroy all the worthless, evil Bl/ind bastards, I had to admit it wasn’t looking too good. There were just so many of them, it surely wouldn’t be long until someone else got hurt, and that was something I would most definitely not allow. I had always hated defeat, loosing was not something I enjoyed, and to be honest when it was something important, as this was, I didn’t ever take it too well.
“Poison!” Kobra screams, alerting me to Korse advancing on me from the left. I shoot, but it misses him, sand I let out a frustrated scream.
“OW! Fuck you!” Static curses, aiming her ray gun at the drac that had shot her. She wasn’t seriously hurt, but from where I was standing I could see that she was limping slightly.
I can hear Korse screaming, ordering everyone around, and even more dracs come running towards us from the top of the corridor, pure white ray guns at the ready. My brother narrowly misses being shot in the face, though it does sine part of his hair. My free fist clenches.
That was it. We had to get out. With even more of them fighting, we were severely outnumbered. We would have to do something I hated almost as much as Bl/ind itself. We would have to run, retreat, scamper, whatever you wanted to call it. Our lives probably depended on it.

“Jet.” I mouth the words to my friend who as fighting opposite me. I glance over to the direction of the exit, and he nods once, hair falling forwards into his face. He curses and flicks it back, and takes out his annoyance on a nearby drac. Bastard deserved it anyways.
I take a breath, and run towards the front of the fight, where Korse or baldy was, fighting the sandy haired killjoy that couldn’t be Bob, could it? He gives me a brief smile and carries on fighting.
I quickly glance round the hall; everyone was busy fighting for their lives, fighting around the dead boy of our friend and former ally, Twisted Poison. Plastered on her face, even in death is a great big smile, she looked so peaceful. I wasn`t a big believer in God and Heaven, I never had been, but wherever she was I hoped that she was safe and happy now. I couldn’t help but feel responsible for her death, she, like many of us, was too young to be here, to witness these things.
No one else was going to die, not today.
I take yet another deep breath, and before I can change my mind, I yell “RUN!”
“Just fucking do it!” I scream hoping that the others would know what I was talking about and do as I said for once. We had to get out now, otherwise we probably never would. All of start racing towards the exit, shooting almost blinding as we do, hoping to take out as many dracs as possible, maybe even baldy if we were lucky, knowing w probably wouldn’t.
Flashes of light lit up the hallways as we all run; the heavy footsteps of dracs following us, made us run even faster. I know it was cowardly, but we had to run. It wasn’t what I had planned, but I just hoped that by running, no one else would have to die here, not today.
“Made it.” Ghoul pants as soon as we are outside the building, but we don’t stop, knowing that they were not far behind us.
“Poison, they aren’t following us.” Bullet says, a few minutes after, stopping and looking over her shoulders.
We all stop and look as well, seeing nothing but the pink morning sky and the rising sun.
“What, why did they-“
“Hello, killjoys.” Someone-a girl spat at us, we all turn around to face something that could easily have passed for a character from a horror story.
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