Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Give Us More Detonation

Chapter Five

by pupeez4eva 3 reviews

It's goodbye Grace for the time being...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-07-27 - Updated: 2011-07-28 - 927 words

When Korse smiled it sent chills down my spine. I'm not joking or exaggerating; it literally did. Now, when someone has the power to send chills down your spine you either; a) freeze in horror or b) run away screaming. Since Korse had Grace in his grimy little grasp, the second one wasn't an option.

So I froze.

"PARTY!" I heard Frank yell. My eyes jerked away from Korse and traveled over to where my friend was standing. He looked exhausted; the fight from earlier, however cool it had looked, had taken a lot out of him.

"DON'T JUST STAND THERE – MOVE!" he yelled. Ah Frank...if only you could have taken your own advice. I didn't even have time to open my mouth and call out to him when I saw the danger approaching; within the span of a few seconds a rogue Draculoid had crept up behind him and had attacked.

"FRANK!" I yelled as my friend toppled to the floor. I took a step forward, intent on running to his aid, when I remembered the situation behind me. I turned, hoping I'd imagined the whole thing (keep dreaming Gee, keep dreaming). Sure enough, Korse was still standing behind me with the bone-chill-grin on his face and little Grace in his grasp.

Crap. What was I supposed to do? Help Frank or help Grace? Which one? Which one?

I momentarily glanced back and almost sighed in relief. Mikey had taken the situation out of my hands, having taken on the Drac that had attacked Frank. He was clearly getting the upper hand so at least that was one less person to worry about.


Wow I really needed to pay more attention in life-or-death situations. Blearily, I glanced up at Korse who, while I had been distracted, had rammed his foot into my side. My ribs ached from the force of his kick but I forced myself to my feet.

"Let her go!" I said, trying to sound forceful. "Come on you fucker, she's only a little kid!"

The guys always told me I talked too much. I always disagreed with them but secretly I knew it was true. I also knew that talking made me feel better. It was like a wonderful drug that took all the problems away. It sure as hell was helping me regain my confidence right now.

...And whatever confidence I'd been regaining disappeared as Korse pulled out a gun.

'Oh shit!' I thought, panicked. What was I supposed to do now? Korse leveled his gun with my chest and I swallowed, looking for an escape root.

However, he did not fire. Instead he stepped forward, his cold eyes connected to mine as he began to walk, still holding onto Grace.

It was then that I realized what he was doing; I was reminded of the 'Na Na Na Na' video and felt dread well up in my stomach, followed my determination. I would not let Korse take Grace away!

"Eat ray gun you fucker!" I yelled, reaching down to my belt to pull out my gun. Korse spun around, his finger curled around the trigger of his gun. Watching, waiting...I'd have to make the first move. And I would if only I could find that goddamned gun.

"Eh, one second" I muttered, patting around my waist. No gun.

"Party!" Grace cried.

"Just a minute kid, I swear I'll save you..."

"But Party! Isn't that your gun?"

My eyes followed to where she was pointing and I groaned out loud. How had I forgotten? That fucking Drac had blown my gun to smithereens.

Great. Just great.

Grace's face was now full of distress. Korse was grinning. The fucking bastard...I wished I could wipe that smirk of his face. Then he'd regret messing with any of us...

...My mind clouded with anger and frustration, I flung myself forward with a scream of rage.

"PARTY WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?" I heard Mikey yell as my body collided with Korse's. Both of us fell down in a heap. I was like a raging bull, attacking any part of the man that I could find. I was aware that he had a gun, aware that he could shoot me, but right now I didn't fucking care. Remember how I said that to me, talking was like a drug? Well anger was similar. While talking made you feel wonderful, anger numbed you. Right now, even with the thought of my own death I felt...nothing. Well, nothing other than my need for Korse's head on a plate anyway.

I really, really wished I had my gun right now. The snarky bastard’s face would have been blown to pieces if I did.

Something slammed into my stomach, breaking through the haze of anger. I yelped in pain and glanced down to see the barrel of Korse's gun buried into my flesh. It knocked the wind out of me and then, the next thing I know, I was sailing through the air. I forced my feet to touch the ground and struggled to regain my balance. My eyes flew over to where Korse was standing with Grace right next to him. I saw his finger curl around the trigger of his gun and this time he did fire.

I had enough time to think 'oh shit' before I felt something slam into my shoulder. My body hurtled towards the ground and this time I didn't manage to regain my balance before I collided the dusty, desert floor.

Everything went dark.
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