Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Give Us More Detonation

Chapter Four

by pupeez4eva 5 reviews

Party may have been a good fighter but Gerard certainly isn't...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-07-21 - Updated: 2011-07-22 - 954 words

A second explosion sounded throughout the area. Without a second thought I threw myself out of bed and raced out the door. I all but flung myself down the staircase and sprinted in the direction of the commotion. I reached the front door and threw it open.

Immediately I was greeted with the sight of dozens of Draculoids. My friends were fighting them and the explosive noises I'd been hearing were the sounds of ray guns being fired.

I stood in the doorway for a few moments, gaping at the scene in front of me. To tell you the truth, I had no idea what to do. I'd never been in a life-or-death situation before (unless you count my fight for sobriety a life-and-death issue) and though, once or twice I’d considered the possibility of being in one, it wasn’t something I dwelled over too much.

I was debating whether to try and help my friends or just stay out of the way and hope not to mess things up too badly when there was a loud 'bang!' from behind me and something whizzed past me, missing my head by an inch.

I let out a yelp of shock and leapt out of the way just as another shot was fired. My body slammed into a nearby bush, the thorns tearing at my blue killjoy outfit. Prickles of pain shot up my arms, legs and torso but I barely registered them. The figure in front of me had my full attention.

A Draculoid. There was a fucking Draculoid in front of me, standing with a ray gun clasped in his hands. Shit, that definitely wasn't something I’d ever wanted see.

The gun twitched in the Draculoids hands.

"Oh come on" I pleaded, raising my hands to shield myself. Oh please, like that was going to do anything to protect me from a fucking gun. "You really, really don't want to do this…oh who am I kidding of course you do…"

The Draculoid cocked his head to the side and his finger curled around the trigger. Shit, oh shit, why couldn't I have had my own gun…

"Party what are you doing? Get your gun out, you idiot!" yelled Frank. He only had time to yell this message to me as his current battle (between four Draculoids - how the hell did he do that?) demanded his full attention.

…Wait, hold on. I momentarily glanced down at my waist. Yup, there it was tucked into my belt; a yellow ray gun. As quick as I possibly could I made a wild grab for it. My hand curled around it and I pulled it out. The weight in my hand felt good; I finally had something to defend myself with.

I clumsily searched for the trigger of the gun, not wanting to take my eyes of the Draculoid for even a moment in case he decided to fire. In all honesty, I had no idea how to use the weapon and was just playing things as they went. Probably not the best idea but what else could I do?

My finger finally found the trigger and I lifted the gun, leveling it with the Draculoids heart.

…Only to have it shot out of my hand a moment later.

"Oh come on!" I cried in disbelief. The Draculoids gun was still steaming from the recent shot and I guess I should have been glad that it had only been the gun and not my hand that had exploded into a million little bits. But fuck, I had been so close to blasting this fucker off the face of the earth…


Dammit, I really needed to start paying more attention.

With a cry of frustration, shock and desperation all mingled into one I flung myself out of the way. My body collided with someone else and in a haze of panic I realized that it must have been another Draculoid; after all, my friends were nowhere near.

I didn't have the gun to protect myself but I had something else; my body. Using all the strength I could muster I pressed the body to the floor and struggled to get my arms around their neck. To my surprise the Draculoid didn't put up much restraint and I managed to get my arms around his neck easily. I hoisted him up and spun around to face the first Drac.

"Fire and I'll kill your little buddy" I threatened. I had yet to get a good look at the second Draculoid and wondered if he looked like his little buddy.

"Party, what the fuck are you doing to Grace?" yelled Mikey. I almost dropped my captive in shock. I glanced down and groaned; nothing seemed to be going right for me today.

Sure enough, in my arms was Grace; the girl who we had played the part of the youngest little killjoy in our video. The girl who, apparently, was living the part in this world.

"Shit" I cursed. I made to let go off her but then dove to the side – her still wrapped in my arms – as the Draculoid let off another two shots. I was surprised I hadn't been hit yet.

I unwound my arms from around Grace and shot her the most apologetic look I could muster.

"God, I'm sorry –" I began. Grace let out a yelp of shock and fear; I felt shame course through me. "Damn, I'm not going to hurt you, look; I didn't know what I was thinking before –"

"Party, help me!" she whimpered. It was then that I noticed the person who was standing behind her. My face paled.

"Fuck…you're Korse aren't you?"
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