Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > "The Aftermath is Secondary" Prologue & Chapter 1

Chapter 7

by midnight_star22 0 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-07-29 - Updated: 2011-07-30 - 610 words

Ch. 7
When we got into the kitchen, she ate like she hadn't eaten in days. Which as it turns out, she hadn't. "I was in the desert for a couple months...I had found an old abandoned trailer and there wasn't much food in it...I only ate every other day to save it and make it last longer. I ran out of food like four days ago!" Allie told me. She stifled a yawn and said "Can I get a shower and go to bed? I'm not trying to be rude, but I stink and I'm dead tired.
"Of course! I'll get you some clothes and towels then show you my room." I replied. After she got a shower, I showed her to my room and told her that I'd be up later..I was worried about Ray & Mikey..and I had to keep watch. As soon as her head hit the pillow, she was O-U-T! I smiled and went back downstairs. I thought back to all the times people got us mixed up in school. Our old Spanish teacher called her Star everyday, and we weren't even on the same class! We look so much alike..even though my hair is red and hers is blonde and I'm taller than her. Those were the good days...happiness, REAL, genuine happiness. Not the kind that BL/ind was trying to literally shove down people's throats.
I slowly got up yawning. After tossing and turning trying to get comfy in my chair, I decided that sleep was evading me. "Wow...Allie sure is beautiful. I love her deep and loving. I could get lost in them" I thought to myself. I like her...hopefully she likes me back. I walked downstairs to relieve Star. She was staring blankly at the monitor like a zombie. "Star. Star. Star. Star. STAR!" I yelled.
"What!" she snapped.
"Shift change zombie. Go be with loverboy ;) and while you're at it, get a shower. I can smell you from here!" I grinned.
She flicked me off as she walked out the door and up the stairs. I heard Mikey & Ray pull up on Mikey's camaro. "I woulda taken the Trans since there's nothin Gee can do about it!" I said as they walked in.
"Go right ahead and see if he doesn't kick your ass when he gets better." Mikey grinned.
"Well did you find a place??" I asked eagerly
"Yeah man! Its perfect and I can't wait to get moved in!!" Ray exclaimed.
"Don't jump the gun..We have to wait for Gee to get better remember?" Mikey reasoned.
"By the way, one of Star's old friends is here..." I mentioned
"Really? Is she cute?" Mikey's eyes lit up as he asked.
"Woah there big guy. Not so fast.." I trailed off.
"Why, you like her?" Mikey teased.
"Maybe.." I said as I tried to avoid their gazes "Anyway, what happened? Tell me about your adventure!"
As they recounted their tale, my eyes got bigger and bigger. "What were they doing in the desert?" I wondered aloud.
"We were wondering the same thing..." Ray replied.
"Oh well. Your turn to keep watch...I'm off to get a shower and try to get some sleep." I yawned, finally sleepy again.
When I got out, I wrapped a towel around my waist and headed for my room, just as Allie was walking down the hallway towards me! Her eyes got wide and she blushed crimson when she saw me.
"Oh shit! I'm sorry!" I yelled as I ran for my door, slamming it shut behind me. I'm glad my towel didn't fall off...
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