Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Infiltrate, Contaminate, Survive.

Infiltrate, Contaminate, Survive.

by Electric_Illusion 0 reviews

Haithere x) This is a Killjoy Story, set in California 2019. Paranoia Electric is an inexperienced Killjoy, sent on her first ever mission...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Sci-fi - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2011-07-23 - Updated: 2011-07-23 - 1406 words

Paranoia Electric's point of view.

The sun had just barely come over the horizon, but I had been up for hours. Today was my first major mission as a Killjoy. And I was very, very afraid.

My mission?

To infiltrate BL\ind headquarters and save the 4 Fabulous Killjoys, Party Poison, Fun Ghoul, Kobra Kid and Jet Star.

I turned from the window and looked back into the shack I shared with my sister, High Voltage. She was still sleep in bed. I bit my lip, then went over to wake her up. She was too young to come with me on this mission, so I was leaving her with Dr. Death Defy for the day... I hoped it was for the day. She opened her gray eyes and smiled.

"Morning 'Lectric" She smiled, sitting up in the bed, and stretching.

"Hey Volt" I smiled. Just seeing her wake up nearly made me start crying. She was the last family I had. My parents were taken by Dracs, and I had never seen them since. And this might be the last morning I ever saw her.

"Are you gonna behave for Dr. D?" I said in a baby voice. She hit me and laughed.

"Yes mammy!"

"Good girly. Now, c'mon, let's get dressed."

5 minutes later, we were ready. I was wearing a purple t-shirt with a lightning strike running down it, white skinny jeans, a black belt with coloured studs, black & purple striped fingerless gloves and (used to be) white canvas shoes with a red design all through them.

Then, I heard a car pull up.

"Hide!" I hissed to High Voltage. She shot into the next room. I glanced out the window. It was Dr. D's van. I sighed.

"Volt?! It's Dr. D"

She ran back into the main room. We walked outside. The van door rolled open.

"Hey there, Killjoys!" Dr. D's smooth voice came from the inside.

"Hi sir" Volt grinned. She doted on Dr. D.

"Paranoia, are you ready for your mission?" I nodded.

"Good, hop in the two of you."

We jumped into the van.

"Paranoia, we're going to drop you just outside the BL\ind HQ boundary."

I nodded silently.

High Voltage looked at me, her big gray eyes wide.

"Lectric, how long will this mission take?"

That broke my heart.

"I... I dunno."

All too soon, Battery City loomed in the horizon. All of a sudden, something dawned on me.

"Um, Dr. D? I don't have a gun, how will I get past the Dracs?"

He smiled and leaned into the front.

"Pony? I need Electric's gun."

'Pony?' I thought. Then it dawned on me that there had to be someone driving the van. Someone passed a gun to Dr. D. He grinned and handed it to me. It was a light purple, had "Paranoia Electric" written on the side, and had a pill with a lightning bolt going through it on the handle. I looked at Dr. D quizzically.

"That's your symbol" He smiled. I was lost for words. Way too soon, the van pulled to a stop. Dr. D pulled out a map

"Here's a map of the vents in the building. You enter" he marked an X "here, and the Killjoys are" another X "Here."

It was a big gap... It would take about half an hour to get there, and another to get back.I took the map and put the gun into my new holster. Dr. D opened the door of the van. I took a deep breath - but then regretted it. The air was so.... Clean. I started to cough, and had to pull my blue-and-black neckerchief over my mouth and nose. It helped, a little. I hugged Volt, gave Dr. D one final nod and jumped out of the van. The door slid shut and they drove away. I looked along the fence that surrounded the massive building. There was no way I could get over it; it was too high and there was barbed wire on the top, so I decided that it was time to test my new gun. I aimed it at the fence. It seemed to... I don't know... Understand what I wanted to do, because I had barely even brushed off the trigger when it fired a violet colored beam, blowing a hole in the chain link. I grinned. It was just my size. I climbed through, but the sharp ends caught the skin of my pale arm. It resulted in a cut that ran from my elbow nearly to my wrist. It wasn't deep, or sore, but it was one hell of a nuisance. I checked the map. I had to get to the main building, then enter through a vent.

I ran to the building. I ducked under a window - just in case the cameras were totally blind when it comes to platinum blonde killjoys. I looked around for the vent. Voilá, there it was... Right above my head. I sighed and clambered in.


After about 15 minutes, I knew why I was chosen for the mission. The vents were barely wide enough for my light frame to squeeze through. I was keeping a very close eye on the map, because I knew that if I made a wrong turn I'd never be able to turn around.


After another 5 minutes, I knew I was getting close to the room. I stopped just as I reached the X on the map. I looked down. There were 5 tables, two dracs and two security cameras. I formed a plan in my head, and decided to, rather than think about it for too long, perform it ASAP. So I kicked the door of the vent and slid out. This took the Dracs by surprise, and I had shot them and the cameras before they even got their guns. I looked at the first table. On it was a man, with vibrant red hair. I glanced at the other tables. Then I noticed the wires... Hundreds of wiresattached to the Killjoys. For a moment my blood ran cold.... They couldn't be dead... Could they?! Then I noticed Party Poison - the one with the red hair - 's chest rising and falling. I breathed a sigh of relief. I went over and gently shook his shoulder, dislodging a couple of wires.

"Ummm... Party Poison? Can you hear me?"

His eyes opened and he looked straight ahead for a couple of second, then his hazel eyes darted to me, a panicked look flashing across his face, before relaxing a little.

"Eh.... Are you a Killjoy?" He asked, casting a judging eye up and down my skinny body. I put my hands on my hips and pulled out my gun.

"No, I'm a Drac!" I said sarcastically. He smiled, and I noticed that he had a kinda sideways smile.

"Anyway, lets get the other guys sorted and let's get out of here."


"Yeah, these wires enduce a false paralysis. I've been trying to fight it for about 3 days now. But I think you knocked some of them off"

I nodded.

"Ok, so basically, unhook everything?"

He smiled again.

"You got it."


In 10 minutes everyone was up and ready. Fun Ghoul looked around.

"Hey... Where are our guns?"

I pointed to the spare table.

"Oh. Thanks"

Party Poison looked out the small window of the room.

"Awww fucking sweet! Jet, the Trans Am's still there!"

Jet star ran over to the window. I looked at Fun Ghoul quizzically.

"Our car" He smiled.


Party Poison turned back from the window.

"Right. It's a straight run, down the corridor,out and straight into the car. Shoot to kill. Got it?" We nodded and Jet Star stood at the door.

"On three"


I got my gun ready.


I checked my shoe laces. It was too late if they had been untied anyway, because Fun Ghoul yelled


And we burst out of the room.


Everything was going really really well. We had got to the door with only a couple of minor burns on our arms and legs. Kobra Kid held the door open. I was the last one out, when all of a sudden I heard a really familiar voice...


I spun around. I could have swore that it was....

Then I saw a white flash, and there was a searing pain in my stomach.

Then there was nothing...
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