Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Infiltrate, Contaminate, Survive.

We're Never Leaving This Place Alive

by Electric_Illusion 0 reviews

Chapter two in my lovely Killjoy story >.< Title from Save Yourself I'll Hold Them Back. Okay, please rate, review, etc etc. OH! And if anyone has/knows any good MCR stories, I wanna read 'em x) ...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Sci-fi - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] [?] - Published: 2011-07-31 - Updated: 2011-07-31 - 666 words


Pure white.


It's so peaceful.


Then, all of a sudden, my old kitchen forms infront of my eyes.

I must be dead. My kitchen, hell, my whole house, was destroyed in the 2012 fires.

I pad silently down the black tile steps leading down into the kitchen area. The tile is cold against my bare feet. Then I notice what I'm wearing. A white wool top, with dark blue jeans, no shoes. I looked up. My mom was standing at the sink. Was she there a minute ago?
I ran up and gave her a hug.

"Hey Andi, what was that for?"


I could hardly remember my old name. I damn near burst into tears.

"Nothing mom I just...."

Then I noticed.

My tattoos was missing.

I pulled away from the hug and searched my fingers, arms and wrist.



Not even a scar.

Not even a scratch.

I went over to the kitchen window.


I heard a voice...


It was the voice... The one I heard before I got shot


I opened my eves and was blinded by a white light.

'Oh shit!' I thought, 'I'm in BL\Ind HQ!!'

I lay perfectly still, letting the world come back to me.

The voices came first.

"Shit, Jet that's really deep...."


Jet Star?

Jet Star the Killjoy? We all must have got caught.

Shit. So much for my mission.

Next came the pain. A sudden short burst of burning, right in my stomach.I gasped and choked, the pain was so overwhelming.

I tried to sit up, but was gently forced back by a large hand on my bare shoulder. I noticed that my T-Shirt was gone, but I was wearing a tank top. I couldn't see, but then I realised that it was because my eyes were closed.

I opened them and was greeted by 3 worried faces.

"Hey there little Killjoy!" Party Poison grinned. It was blurry, but by the red hair, I could guess.

As the room came into focus, I noticed we were in a small hut, a little like the one I lived in back in Zone 6.

"Where are we?" I wanted to ask, but I barely got out the "Wh" before a spasm of pain hit me and I started to cough again.

I looked up through watering eyes.Party Poison looked at Kobra Kid.

"Will you go get her a glass of water?" Kobra Kid went out into another room.
"How are you feeling kid?" Jet Star asked. I put my thumb down, my lungs still burning. Kobra Kid came back with a glass of murky water. I didn't care. I downed it in about 2 seconds flat.
"Thanks" I managed to whisper, "What happened?"

Jet Star looked at Party Poison, who looked me in the eyes. Just the pure... Awe I got from those amazing eyes nearly started me in another choking fit.

"You got shot. Just as we were leaving."

"How bad?" I managed to whisper.

"Well... You're alive..." I saw his eyes flicker to where my stomach was, under the thin blanket.

I ripped it off, and was sent into another coughing fit.

My stomach was gone. All it was was raw flesh, blood and something else that I really didn't want to know what.

I felt ill. Kobra came back with the glass of water. He handed it to me silently. I smiled in thanks and downed it quickly.

"How does that happen?!" I wheezed. "I thought laser wounds were round!!"

"Normally" Jet said, rummaging in a drawer, "But you got hit as you spun around. we had to carry you to the Trans Am."

I groaned and felt a blush creep up my cheeks.


They just laughed. Well, I say they, Kobra Kid barely cracked a smile.

"Don't apologize. You're as light as a feather." Fun laughed.

Jet turned around, brandishing a needle and blue plastic thread.

He smiled sympathetically.

"This may sting a bit..."
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