Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Infiltrate, Contaminate, Survive.
If We Sing These Words, We'll Never Die
0 reviewsHello Killjoys ^.^ Here is chapter 3 of my Killjoy story. Please rate/review. Title from Save Yourself I'll Hold Them Back. I think I'm just picking random lyrics for the titles xD Anywho, enjoy!! xØ
I was woken from a fitful sleep up by my door opening. I opened my eyes to a blurry world. I saw the rush of a brown afro and honestly thought Jet Star had shrunk.
"Hi!" I heard a chirpy voice. I blinked the sleep out of my eyes and looked straight into the face of a young girl, younger than Volt.
"Party sent me to see if you were ok!"
I pushed myself back up the bed, managing to ignore the twinge in my stomach.
She sat on my bed, and it barely moved under her weight.
"I'm Missile Kid!" She said cheerily, sticking out her hand. I took it and returned her smile.
"I'm Paranoia Electric"
"That's such a cool name!" She said, eyes shining.
"Not as cool as yours" I laughed.
She beamed.
"Thanks!! It took me forever to make it up"
"You hungry?" She asked me, and was answered by my stomach growling.
She laughed.
"Do you wanna come down to the diner, or will I bring something up to you?"
"I'll come. Lying on this bed all day is driving me crazy!"
I dragged myself out of the small bed. An explosion of pain burst through my stomach, and I went into another coughing fit.
"God.... Dammit..." I spluttered, holding myself up on the rail of the bed.
"You OK?"
I nodded.
Missile led me down a narrow hallway. As we neared the door at the end, I could hear soft voice singing along to a guitar.
"When the lights go out,
Will you take me with you?
And carry all this broken bone..."
Missile pushed the door open and led me into a bright, spacious diner. Party Poison was sitting on one of the stools at the counter, facing one of the booths, where Jet Star was sitting, a guitar in his lap, his long fingers travelling the fret board with ease. Kobra Kid was sitting in a booth on the other side of the diner, concentrating on a dismantled ray-gun. Fun Ghoul was sitting on one of the stools and was rocking it from side to side while reading a newspaper.
"Morning kid!" Jet Star said, muting the strings with his palm as Missile bounced into the booth with him. Party Poison stopped singing and smiled at her, then me.
"Hey, Electric, come over here for a sec" Fun Ghoul called, beckoning me over. I went over and stood beside him.
In the paper was a wanted ad. On the page were 5 pictures, each with a big red X cutting through them. The first one was Party Poison, a jeering smirk playing on his features. Beside that was Jet, his normally out-of-control hair lying flat around his head. Then Kobra Kid, a pained snarl painting his usually expressionless face. Beside Kobra Kid's was Fun Ghoul's, an unlit cigarette hanging from his mouth, wearing a smirk similar to Party Poison's.
Under Fun Ghoul's was mine. It wasn't the same as the other's, it was one of me running through BL/Ind HQ.
Under the photos it said: 'Warning; extremely dangerous', along with a detailed description of Ghoul and my tattoos.
I looked over the page once more, and started to say something, but a coughing fit wracked my body. The sheer force of it caused me to double over, and Fun Ghoul had to hold on to me to keep me upright.
"Are you okay?" he asked once I had straightened up, eyes watering. I nodded and wiped the tears from my eyes. Party handed me a glass of murky water. I took it gratefully, letting the cool liquid soothe the burning in my throat.
"I don't understand" Jet Star said, his fingers silently travelling the fretboard again, "The damage was done to your stomach, not your lungs. I wonder what's causing the coughing."
"I'm special" I giggled.
"You can say that again" Ghoul said, closing the paper. "Not many people would survive that monster of a wound."
Party Poison looked at Kobra Kid, who quickly looked back at the gun.
"Speaking of wounds, Kobra get the fuck over here."
Kobra Kid rolled his eyes.
"C'mon Party, it's not that bad"
Party Poison crossed his arms over his chest. Kobra Kid sighed and put down the tweezers that he had been working on the gun with. He walked over to Party and rolled up the sleeve of the right arm of his jacket. On his arm was an angry wound, about the size of a quarter, perfectly round, about a quarter of an inch deep. He winced as Party Poison brushed it gently.
"That should be fine in a couple of days"
Kobra just mumbled incoherently and pulled his jacket back on, walking silently back over to the booth. I leaned up against a stool awkwardly, unable to pull myself onto it. Fun Ghoul closed the paper and put it onto the table, sighing.
"Guys, I'mma go into the city, get some supplies. Anyone in?" Jet Star and Party Poison nodded and stood up.
"You in Kobra?"
Kobra Kid shook his head, still concentrating on the gun.
"How bout you Electric?"
I smiled, but shook my head.
"No thanks, I think I'll rest here."
5 minutes later, they were gone. Missile had begged her way into going, so just me and Kobra Kid were left. I was flicking through the newspaper, Kobra Kid was in the other side of the diner, still working on the gun. A coughing fit wracked my body again, but not as fierce as the previous one. Kobra looked up at me.
"Are you okay?" He asked, concern painting his hazel eyes. I nodded and smiled. He gestured to the seat opposite him.
"You wanna sit over here? It's kinda awkward with the two of us at opposite ends of the diner"
I laughed softly
I put down the paper. I winced as I lowered myself into the seat. It was then that I noticed that the gun was electric pink.
"I take it that's not yours"
He shook his head, a small smile playing on his lips.
"How's you guess? Nah, just kidding, it's for Missile, for her birthday."
He closed the panel, picked up a screwdriver and screwed it shut.
"That should do it. You wanna come outside and test her out?"
I nodded. He held out his hand. I took it and let him help me up. A wave of dizziness hit me, and the diner spun violently. My legs gave out, and I crashed into Kobra, both of us tumbling to the floor. Kobra hissed in pain, then the diner went black. When I woke up after a couple of seconds, I lay flat on my back, letting the diner spin around me. This happened a lot, I knew how to deal with it.
What I couldn't deal with, however, was the fact that I had just landed on Kobra Kid.
When the diner stopped spinning, I sat up slowly. The first thing I noticed was Kobra Kid's jacket laying on one of the seats. Then I noticed that Kobra himself wasn't there...
I stood up slowly, picked up his jacket and walked down the corridor. As I passed one of the rooms, I spotted his shadow. I knocked tentatively and pushed the door. He was standing over a sink, his left arm out in front of him, trying to tie a cloth around it.
"I'm so sorry Kobra, are you ok?"
He jumped and spun around, the cloth falling to the floor.
On his pale upper arm was a laser wound, about 2 inches deep, about 6 inches long. A purplish bruise colored the skin around it, and the edges of the wound were a slight green/yellowish color.
"Oh my god..." I whispered. He looked down, almost like he was ashamed.
"I got it when we infiltrated BL/I HQ. Please don't tell Party, he'll freak out."
He bent down and picked up the cloth. After a few tries, I went over and took the cloth off him. I tied it tight around the wound. My fingers brushed the skin around the wound, and he gasped.
"Oh my god your fingers are freezing!" he laughed. I giggled.
"Yeah, they always seem to be"
The diner door slammed shut, and the other Killjoy's voices filled the building. I held out Kobra's jacket, and an electric charge radiated up my arm as our fingers brushed off each other.
"Hi!" I heard a chirpy voice. I blinked the sleep out of my eyes and looked straight into the face of a young girl, younger than Volt.
"Party sent me to see if you were ok!"
I pushed myself back up the bed, managing to ignore the twinge in my stomach.
She sat on my bed, and it barely moved under her weight.
"I'm Missile Kid!" She said cheerily, sticking out her hand. I took it and returned her smile.
"I'm Paranoia Electric"
"That's such a cool name!" She said, eyes shining.
"Not as cool as yours" I laughed.
She beamed.
"Thanks!! It took me forever to make it up"
"You hungry?" She asked me, and was answered by my stomach growling.
She laughed.
"Do you wanna come down to the diner, or will I bring something up to you?"
"I'll come. Lying on this bed all day is driving me crazy!"
I dragged myself out of the small bed. An explosion of pain burst through my stomach, and I went into another coughing fit.
"God.... Dammit..." I spluttered, holding myself up on the rail of the bed.
"You OK?"
I nodded.
Missile led me down a narrow hallway. As we neared the door at the end, I could hear soft voice singing along to a guitar.
"When the lights go out,
Will you take me with you?
And carry all this broken bone..."
Missile pushed the door open and led me into a bright, spacious diner. Party Poison was sitting on one of the stools at the counter, facing one of the booths, where Jet Star was sitting, a guitar in his lap, his long fingers travelling the fret board with ease. Kobra Kid was sitting in a booth on the other side of the diner, concentrating on a dismantled ray-gun. Fun Ghoul was sitting on one of the stools and was rocking it from side to side while reading a newspaper.
"Morning kid!" Jet Star said, muting the strings with his palm as Missile bounced into the booth with him. Party Poison stopped singing and smiled at her, then me.
"Hey, Electric, come over here for a sec" Fun Ghoul called, beckoning me over. I went over and stood beside him.
In the paper was a wanted ad. On the page were 5 pictures, each with a big red X cutting through them. The first one was Party Poison, a jeering smirk playing on his features. Beside that was Jet, his normally out-of-control hair lying flat around his head. Then Kobra Kid, a pained snarl painting his usually expressionless face. Beside Kobra Kid's was Fun Ghoul's, an unlit cigarette hanging from his mouth, wearing a smirk similar to Party Poison's.
Under Fun Ghoul's was mine. It wasn't the same as the other's, it was one of me running through BL/Ind HQ.
Under the photos it said: 'Warning; extremely dangerous', along with a detailed description of Ghoul and my tattoos.
I looked over the page once more, and started to say something, but a coughing fit wracked my body. The sheer force of it caused me to double over, and Fun Ghoul had to hold on to me to keep me upright.
"Are you okay?" he asked once I had straightened up, eyes watering. I nodded and wiped the tears from my eyes. Party handed me a glass of murky water. I took it gratefully, letting the cool liquid soothe the burning in my throat.
"I don't understand" Jet Star said, his fingers silently travelling the fretboard again, "The damage was done to your stomach, not your lungs. I wonder what's causing the coughing."
"I'm special" I giggled.
"You can say that again" Ghoul said, closing the paper. "Not many people would survive that monster of a wound."
Party Poison looked at Kobra Kid, who quickly looked back at the gun.
"Speaking of wounds, Kobra get the fuck over here."
Kobra Kid rolled his eyes.
"C'mon Party, it's not that bad"
Party Poison crossed his arms over his chest. Kobra Kid sighed and put down the tweezers that he had been working on the gun with. He walked over to Party and rolled up the sleeve of the right arm of his jacket. On his arm was an angry wound, about the size of a quarter, perfectly round, about a quarter of an inch deep. He winced as Party Poison brushed it gently.
"That should be fine in a couple of days"
Kobra just mumbled incoherently and pulled his jacket back on, walking silently back over to the booth. I leaned up against a stool awkwardly, unable to pull myself onto it. Fun Ghoul closed the paper and put it onto the table, sighing.
"Guys, I'mma go into the city, get some supplies. Anyone in?" Jet Star and Party Poison nodded and stood up.
"You in Kobra?"
Kobra Kid shook his head, still concentrating on the gun.
"How bout you Electric?"
I smiled, but shook my head.
"No thanks, I think I'll rest here."
5 minutes later, they were gone. Missile had begged her way into going, so just me and Kobra Kid were left. I was flicking through the newspaper, Kobra Kid was in the other side of the diner, still working on the gun. A coughing fit wracked my body again, but not as fierce as the previous one. Kobra looked up at me.
"Are you okay?" He asked, concern painting his hazel eyes. I nodded and smiled. He gestured to the seat opposite him.
"You wanna sit over here? It's kinda awkward with the two of us at opposite ends of the diner"
I laughed softly
I put down the paper. I winced as I lowered myself into the seat. It was then that I noticed that the gun was electric pink.
"I take it that's not yours"
He shook his head, a small smile playing on his lips.
"How's you guess? Nah, just kidding, it's for Missile, for her birthday."
He closed the panel, picked up a screwdriver and screwed it shut.
"That should do it. You wanna come outside and test her out?"
I nodded. He held out his hand. I took it and let him help me up. A wave of dizziness hit me, and the diner spun violently. My legs gave out, and I crashed into Kobra, both of us tumbling to the floor. Kobra hissed in pain, then the diner went black. When I woke up after a couple of seconds, I lay flat on my back, letting the diner spin around me. This happened a lot, I knew how to deal with it.
What I couldn't deal with, however, was the fact that I had just landed on Kobra Kid.
When the diner stopped spinning, I sat up slowly. The first thing I noticed was Kobra Kid's jacket laying on one of the seats. Then I noticed that Kobra himself wasn't there...
I stood up slowly, picked up his jacket and walked down the corridor. As I passed one of the rooms, I spotted his shadow. I knocked tentatively and pushed the door. He was standing over a sink, his left arm out in front of him, trying to tie a cloth around it.
"I'm so sorry Kobra, are you ok?"
He jumped and spun around, the cloth falling to the floor.
On his pale upper arm was a laser wound, about 2 inches deep, about 6 inches long. A purplish bruise colored the skin around it, and the edges of the wound were a slight green/yellowish color.
"Oh my god..." I whispered. He looked down, almost like he was ashamed.
"I got it when we infiltrated BL/I HQ. Please don't tell Party, he'll freak out."
He bent down and picked up the cloth. After a few tries, I went over and took the cloth off him. I tied it tight around the wound. My fingers brushed the skin around the wound, and he gasped.
"Oh my god your fingers are freezing!" he laughed. I giggled.
"Yeah, they always seem to be"
The diner door slammed shut, and the other Killjoy's voices filled the building. I held out Kobra's jacket, and an electric charge radiated up my arm as our fingers brushed off each other.
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