Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Infiltrate, Contaminate, Survive.
These Pigs Are After Me, After You
0 reviewsHey there! x) Welcome to chapter 4 of my Killjoy story! Enjoy! And please rate/review. It'd be awesome xx ♥
Kobra Kid's POV
Electric smiled at me, then handed me my jacket. Had she felt the tingle too? If she did, she didn't show any signs. She turned to walk out, pulling her long, blonde/blue striped hair up into a ponytail as she walked. She reached the door, then turned and looked back at me.
"You coming?"
"In a second."
She smiled again, then turned and left. I smiled to myself. When she smiled, a little dimple appeared in her cheek. I found it cute. I also found it cute, the way her knees turned in a little when she walked.
I shook my head.
Kobra, get a hold of yourself. This is the desert. You can't fall in love. It ends in hurt. You know that....
Wait, who said anything about love?!
Paranoia's POV
I pulled a navy hair tie out of my pocket. A few wispy bangs fell into my face. I turned the corner and recieved enthusiastic greetings from the killjoys. The four of them were in one booth, each either eating from or trying to open a can.
"Electric! C'mere and get something! You haven't eaten since you got here!" Jet smiled, pushing a can in my general direction. I sat in next to Fun Ghoul, whose eyes were shining with adrenaline.
"So how did it go?" I asked, gratefully taking the can opener off Missile.
"Great!" Party grinned, his face a little flushed.
"We got chased by a patrol, but we lost 'em just off Route Guano" Jet informed me between mouthfuls of Power Pup. I managed to pry the can open and took a mouthful. It was revolting, but after living off it for 7 years, you get used to it.
"So, Electric., I'm curious," Fun Ghoul said, just as Kobra re-entered the room. "What's your story? Where are you from? Why are you living the tough Killjoy life when a pretty thing like you could have a happy and productive life in B. City?"
I put down my fork. The bean-like food was making me a little queasy.
"Well... I'm from zone 3, originally, but when my parents disappeared I moved to zone 6 with my little sister; High Voltage, and my best friend A-Adrenaline Extermination." Just saying his name sent a dagger through my heart. "We've lived there for about a year. The reason I'm a Killjoy is... Well there's two reasons. A), I was born into it, both my mom and dad were killjoys, and B) those bastard Dracs took Adren about 3 months ago. I know they probably... Y'know... And I'll never get him back...." I looked down at the steel table. Fun put his arm around my shoulders.
"But I'm not gonna stop trying." I concluded with a sigh.
The next day I was woken by the sun shining on my face. I yawned and looked at the clock that was hanging on the wall. 7:45 a.m.. I had an hour before we roll out. I stretched and rolled out of the bed. It was then that I noiced a stack of boxes in the corner of the room. I went over to them. Inside was all sorts of clothes, belts, bracelets, everything. I glanced at myself in the grubby mirror above the bed. Both my top and my jeans were covered in blood and dusty. So I looked in the box. I rooted out a pair of red skinny jeans and tried them on. They fit perfectly. Next, I found a black t-shirt with "Keep Calm and Kill Zombies" written in bold white. That fit too, and fell about 3 inches down my thigh. Then I found a load of plastic bracelets, and slid them onto my wrist. Next came the rainbow-studded belt with chains, which I found really cool.
I looked in the mirror again.
Much better.
I crouched down to check to see if my shoes were under the bed. I had kicked them off last night and had no idea where they went. They weren't there, but I did find a pair of plain black converse. I pulled them out, and a black pencil rolled out after them. I picked it up and nearly cried out with happiness.
I was pretty much unable to live without it back before the fires of '12, and then BL/I had forbidden it. I turned it over in my fingers. It a good brand, and it seemed new. I kneeled on the bed and scooted closer to the mirror, putting the pitch-black make-up on my eyes. The color made my green eyes brighten a shade. Then I noticed the hole in my lip. My stud must have fallen out while I slept again. Dammit. I went back to the boxes. I found a small box in one of the bigger boxes, and when I opened it, the first thing I noticed was a lip-ring sitting atop of some silver bracelets. I pulled it out and slipped it into the hole. I lookked at myself in the mirror again.
I pulled on the shoes and made my way down to the diner. Jet and Fun were the only two there, both studying the pink ray gun. They both looked up when they heard my footsteps approach. Fun Ghoul raised an eyebrow.
"And they say that punk rock died in the fires" He grinned playfully. I stuck out my tongue, loving the familiar feeling of the metal ring, and sat in beside Jet. Fun looked at his watch.
"8:30. We should probably wake up the others. I'll get Party"
"I'll get Missile"
Which left me with Kobra.
I went to his room and knocked tentitavely, hoping that I'd hear an answer. I got none. I pushed the door. I could see him, tangled up in the sheets. I walked over to him and shook his shoulder gently. He mumbled sleepily. I shook him harder. His hazel eyes shot open.
"Sorry" I smiled apologetically "It's time to go"
He nodded and rubbed his eyes.
I hesitated, before turning to go out.
I turned. He was standing in front of me. I felt my cheeks redden. His hair was messed up, and he was wearing only boxers.
"You look amazing" He whispered, moving closer.
I couldn't answer. What exactly was he doing?!
He lowered his head to mine. My heart skipped a beat. His lips brushed mine, his fingers brushed my lower back. I leaned into the kiss...
"KOBRA? ELECTRIC? C'mon we're leaving like now!" Party yelled.
Kobra pulled away from the kiss, muttering something along the lines of 'Dammit Party"
"Umm.." I muttered, sheepishly scratching my neck. "I should go...."
I turned and started to walk out of he room.
Kobra grabbed my hand, twisted me around and kissed me once, quickly.
I pulled away, a small smile playing on my lips.
I sat into the Trans Am behind the driver's seat. Jet was driving, Party in the passenger seat, and me, Missile, Fun and Kobra were squished into the back. Missile was going to sit on Fun's lap, but it was still a bit crushed. Jet gunned the engine, and after 5 minutes of travelling over rough terrain, we hit the high way. After another 5 minutes of relatively quiet travelling, I heard Party roll down the window and turn to look behind us.
"Shit! Jet, floor it. Miss, get on the floor. Kobra, sunroof; Fun, Elctric, out the windows. Shoot to kill"
I had begun to ask 'What?', but the whole back window shattered. I ducked and covered my head, then turned to look out. 4 white motorbikes, and a big black SUV were gaining on us.
Damned Dracs.
Electric smiled at me, then handed me my jacket. Had she felt the tingle too? If she did, she didn't show any signs. She turned to walk out, pulling her long, blonde/blue striped hair up into a ponytail as she walked. She reached the door, then turned and looked back at me.
"You coming?"
"In a second."
She smiled again, then turned and left. I smiled to myself. When she smiled, a little dimple appeared in her cheek. I found it cute. I also found it cute, the way her knees turned in a little when she walked.
I shook my head.
Kobra, get a hold of yourself. This is the desert. You can't fall in love. It ends in hurt. You know that....
Wait, who said anything about love?!
Paranoia's POV
I pulled a navy hair tie out of my pocket. A few wispy bangs fell into my face. I turned the corner and recieved enthusiastic greetings from the killjoys. The four of them were in one booth, each either eating from or trying to open a can.
"Electric! C'mere and get something! You haven't eaten since you got here!" Jet smiled, pushing a can in my general direction. I sat in next to Fun Ghoul, whose eyes were shining with adrenaline.
"So how did it go?" I asked, gratefully taking the can opener off Missile.
"Great!" Party grinned, his face a little flushed.
"We got chased by a patrol, but we lost 'em just off Route Guano" Jet informed me between mouthfuls of Power Pup. I managed to pry the can open and took a mouthful. It was revolting, but after living off it for 7 years, you get used to it.
"So, Electric., I'm curious," Fun Ghoul said, just as Kobra re-entered the room. "What's your story? Where are you from? Why are you living the tough Killjoy life when a pretty thing like you could have a happy and productive life in B. City?"
I put down my fork. The bean-like food was making me a little queasy.
"Well... I'm from zone 3, originally, but when my parents disappeared I moved to zone 6 with my little sister; High Voltage, and my best friend A-Adrenaline Extermination." Just saying his name sent a dagger through my heart. "We've lived there for about a year. The reason I'm a Killjoy is... Well there's two reasons. A), I was born into it, both my mom and dad were killjoys, and B) those bastard Dracs took Adren about 3 months ago. I know they probably... Y'know... And I'll never get him back...." I looked down at the steel table. Fun put his arm around my shoulders.
"But I'm not gonna stop trying." I concluded with a sigh.
The next day I was woken by the sun shining on my face. I yawned and looked at the clock that was hanging on the wall. 7:45 a.m.. I had an hour before we roll out. I stretched and rolled out of the bed. It was then that I noiced a stack of boxes in the corner of the room. I went over to them. Inside was all sorts of clothes, belts, bracelets, everything. I glanced at myself in the grubby mirror above the bed. Both my top and my jeans were covered in blood and dusty. So I looked in the box. I rooted out a pair of red skinny jeans and tried them on. They fit perfectly. Next, I found a black t-shirt with "Keep Calm and Kill Zombies" written in bold white. That fit too, and fell about 3 inches down my thigh. Then I found a load of plastic bracelets, and slid them onto my wrist. Next came the rainbow-studded belt with chains, which I found really cool.
I looked in the mirror again.
Much better.
I crouched down to check to see if my shoes were under the bed. I had kicked them off last night and had no idea where they went. They weren't there, but I did find a pair of plain black converse. I pulled them out, and a black pencil rolled out after them. I picked it up and nearly cried out with happiness.
I was pretty much unable to live without it back before the fires of '12, and then BL/I had forbidden it. I turned it over in my fingers. It a good brand, and it seemed new. I kneeled on the bed and scooted closer to the mirror, putting the pitch-black make-up on my eyes. The color made my green eyes brighten a shade. Then I noticed the hole in my lip. My stud must have fallen out while I slept again. Dammit. I went back to the boxes. I found a small box in one of the bigger boxes, and when I opened it, the first thing I noticed was a lip-ring sitting atop of some silver bracelets. I pulled it out and slipped it into the hole. I lookked at myself in the mirror again.
I pulled on the shoes and made my way down to the diner. Jet and Fun were the only two there, both studying the pink ray gun. They both looked up when they heard my footsteps approach. Fun Ghoul raised an eyebrow.
"And they say that punk rock died in the fires" He grinned playfully. I stuck out my tongue, loving the familiar feeling of the metal ring, and sat in beside Jet. Fun looked at his watch.
"8:30. We should probably wake up the others. I'll get Party"
"I'll get Missile"
Which left me with Kobra.
I went to his room and knocked tentitavely, hoping that I'd hear an answer. I got none. I pushed the door. I could see him, tangled up in the sheets. I walked over to him and shook his shoulder gently. He mumbled sleepily. I shook him harder. His hazel eyes shot open.
"Sorry" I smiled apologetically "It's time to go"
He nodded and rubbed his eyes.
I hesitated, before turning to go out.
I turned. He was standing in front of me. I felt my cheeks redden. His hair was messed up, and he was wearing only boxers.
"You look amazing" He whispered, moving closer.
I couldn't answer. What exactly was he doing?!
He lowered his head to mine. My heart skipped a beat. His lips brushed mine, his fingers brushed my lower back. I leaned into the kiss...
"KOBRA? ELECTRIC? C'mon we're leaving like now!" Party yelled.
Kobra pulled away from the kiss, muttering something along the lines of 'Dammit Party"
"Umm.." I muttered, sheepishly scratching my neck. "I should go...."
I turned and started to walk out of he room.
Kobra grabbed my hand, twisted me around and kissed me once, quickly.
I pulled away, a small smile playing on my lips.
I sat into the Trans Am behind the driver's seat. Jet was driving, Party in the passenger seat, and me, Missile, Fun and Kobra were squished into the back. Missile was going to sit on Fun's lap, but it was still a bit crushed. Jet gunned the engine, and after 5 minutes of travelling over rough terrain, we hit the high way. After another 5 minutes of relatively quiet travelling, I heard Party roll down the window and turn to look behind us.
"Shit! Jet, floor it. Miss, get on the floor. Kobra, sunroof; Fun, Elctric, out the windows. Shoot to kill"
I had begun to ask 'What?', but the whole back window shattered. I ducked and covered my head, then turned to look out. 4 white motorbikes, and a big black SUV were gaining on us.
Damned Dracs.
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