Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Infiltrate, Contaminate, Survive.

Heart Attack In Black Hair Dye

by Electric_Illusion 0 reviews

Everyone was focusing on the SUV, approaching from the left, and no one noticed the motorbike sneaking up on my side. To be honest, I didn't even notice, I was too busy trying to fire over the car'...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Sci-fi - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] [?] - Published: 2011-10-13 - Updated: 2011-10-13 - 880 words

Missile slid down in between my seat and Jet Star's. Fun twisted sharply in his seat, taking aim almost robotically at the approaching SUV. Party turned in his seat, toward the window, yelling at Jet, something along the lines of "Press harder on that fucking pedal or we're all gonna die!". Kobra twisted around, so he was kneeling on the seat. He blasted a few shots through the back window, then balanced on one knee for a second, holding onto my shoulder for balance. Then he shot up through the sunroof, firing scarlet beams at the 2 motorcyclists.

I glanced at the car door. There was a handle just above the window. I caught it with my right hand, locked the door of the car (just in case), and sat in the space where the open window was. I took aim at one of the motorcyclists. I hit the visor on the bike, and it swerved slightly.

I took aim at the other drac, but before I could pull the trigger, a green and a yellow beam both hit him in the chest, causing him to fall backwards and the bike to swerve uncontrollably before rolling off the highway.

"HELL YEAH!" I heard Fun howl, firing a succession of beams at the SUV. I took aim at the other bike, just as the SUV started to speed up. I heard a few hundred curse words being screamed by Jet Star, who slammed his foot down so hard that it nearly went through the floor. Everyone was focusing on the SUV, approaching from the left, and no one noticed the motorbike sneaking up on my side. To be honest, I didn't even notice, I was too busy trying to fire over the car's roof at the SUV.

I felt a gloved hand close around my throat. I tried to yelp, and let go of the handle in panic. I slowly slipped out of the window, until I was hanging on by my knees, bent over in a desperate attempt in balance. I swung my raygun around in an arc, smashing the Drac on the side of the head. He let me go, slumping over the visor of his bike, which wobbled and rolled off the side of the road.

I tried to haul myself back into the car, but slipped, letting out a frightened yelp as my head almost hit the tarmac.

I felt the SUV smash into the side of the Trans Am, causing it to swerve to the side of the road. I was perfectly aware that any small mistake would leave me in a heap in the middle of the highway.

I saw the SUV drop back, and my heart skipped a beat. Did we win?

I heard an ear-splitting 'pop', and the Trans Am spun violently. Nope.

"The tyre!" I heard Party's frantic scream, I heard Missile whimper, and the car swerved again. I was swung out, holding on by only my knees. I was pretty much dead. I knew it. If I didn't fall, I'd be shot.


I was slammed back into the side of the car, the wind getting knocked out of my lungs.

I nearly let go of the gun, just as the car turned a full 180 degree turn and shot back down the highway, swerving slightly, SUV on our tail. I managed to fire a few shots. Then, in a rainbow-like light burst, everyone managed to shatter the windshield. I caught a glimpse of a Drac behind the wheel, and a bald dude in the passenger seat.

"Korse!" I heard someone - maybe Party? - hiss, before a green beam nearly blasted the guy's fucking face off.

He yelled out, screamed an order at the Drac, and they spun around and drove away.

Buy before they got out of sight, the back window opened, a gloved hand reached out, and blasted another one of our tyres. The car slowly rolled to a stop, Jet worried about the lack of control. When we were no longer moving, I let go with my aching legs and collapsed onto the sizzling tarmac. I lay there for a second, flat on my back, legs dead.

The car doors opened, and a gloved hand was offered to help me up. I gladly accepted, and let Kobra Kid help me up.

Everyone was checking each other for damage. I heard a groan behind me. I turned to look. The Drac that grabbed me was trying to drag himself away. I went over and kicked his shoulder blade, causing him to fall face first in to the dust. He yelled out, rolling onto his back, his blue eyes shining behind his mask. He held up his hands in surrender, his sleeve separating from his glove, revealing his tattooed wrist.

His tattooed wrist?

I ripped off the glove, revealing a small tattoo, the Japanese symbol for hope.

The exact same as mine.

I looked again into the clear blue eyes, and knew immediately.

Hate blossomed inside me, my vision turning fuzzy, as I tugged off the Draculoid's mask.

Then it fully hit me, and I fell to my knees.

Adrenaline Extermination.

My best friend.

The best damned Killjoy I had ever known.

Had betrayed us all.

And become a fucking Draculoid.
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