Categories > Books > Harry Potter > The Slayer, The Avatar And The Guardian Of Light

CH12 - Got To Go

by GuardianOfLight 1 review

Fleur is perplexed as to why Harry wants to return to the Dursley's

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Crossover, Fantasy, Romance - Characters: Fleur, Harry - Warnings: [!] [?] - Published: 2006-06-04 - Updated: 2006-06-04 - 1502 words

Chapter 12 - Got To Go

Dimension: 563 - Earth
Date: 28th July 2001 AD
Country: France - The French Riviera - Marseeleveyre Mountains
Location: Chateau Delacour
Time: Morning

The next day Harry was feeling significantly better, he was no long in as much pain, he was able to move more than an inch before feeling exhausted and having to sleep for the rest of the day.

And so it was that when Fleur awoke the next day she discovered that far from lying next to Harry on the bed, she was now in the centre of the bed covered by his sheets.

Rolling over and surveying the room she saw that the bathroom door was slightly open; getting out of bed she gracefully stood and walked towards the bathroom door.

Poking her head inside she saw Harry leaning heavily against the mirror, looking fairly out of breath, his hair was wet from the shower and he had a towel tied around his waste, showing his very prominent ribs.

"Arry?" she asked worriedly, moving to his side and ducking under his arm so that he could use her for support.

"Thank you," he panted "I woke up this morning and realised that I had not showered in several days, I didn't want to wake you so I quietly came in here and took a little bit more out of me than I expected."

"I am not zurprzed Arry." replied Fleur helping him back through the door and back to the bed "You nearly died in vat poor excuse for a bedroom."

"Trust me," he said dropping back onto the edge of the mattress "It is better than the cupboard under the stairs, it gave me a place to retreat to after doing the housework."

"Ve vhat!" exclaimed Fleur straightening up and looking at him intently " vere living a cupboard?"

"Yeah, up until my second year when they put me in Dudley's second bedroom, I still had to do all the chores though."

"Iz zecond bedro....!" she exclaimed, shock clearly evident on her face "Excuze me Arry, I need to talk to my mother."

With that she turned around and literally stormed out of the room.

Dimitri and Delphine Delacour were sitting in the main sitting room of Chateau Delacour looking at the days political and financial reports when their eldest child almost blasted the doors in.

"Merlin Fleur," exclaimed Dimitri "What ever is the matter?"

One thing Delphine knew was that her daughter, like herself, very rarely got angry for any reason, so this had to be something pretty extreme.

"Those filthy Muggle relatives of Harry's, not only do they lock him in a room and leave him to die of starvation after beating him black and blue but for the first eleven years of his life they had him locked under the stairs in a cupboard and made him slave away doing house work, while their son got a second bedroom."

"What!" boomed Dimitri jumping to his feet "That despicable!"

"I want to start legal proceedings against them immediately." demanded Fleur.

"I will take care of it." answered her father looking more serious than he had in years.

With that Fleur turned on her heals and went straight back up to Harry's room.

Delphine looked at her husband.

"How can anyone treat a child so cruelly?"

"I do not know my love, but rest assured that when I have finished with them they will regret ever being born." his very tone made Delphine shudder.

With that he turned and marched towards the fireplace, shouted the address of the French Ministry of Magic and disappeared in a flash of green flame.

Delphine Delacour sat herself back down.

The boy upstairs had been through all of that and still he turned into enough of a gentlemen as to rescue a girl he did not even know from Merpeople, which as far as he knew were not even a serious threat. Added to that the rumours she had heard that it had been him who had sent up the red sparks in the 3rd Task of The Triwizard Tournament that got her daughter out of the maze.

She would defiantly have to meet this boy soon.

When Fleur returned to the room, she found Harry in the process of donning a pair of black trousers that had been left beside his bed for when he eventually got up.
"Vhat on Earth do you vink you are doing?" she demanded.

"Getting up." he answered weakly, sounding almost mechanical as he did up the button and moved to pick up the shirt.

"No no no no no," said Fleur taking the shirt and attempting to push him back on to the bed "You are var too weak, you need to rest."

"Need to get up." he replied as if he was following a set of instructions "Need to get back to the Dursley's."

"You vhat!" she shouted in astonishment standing back.

"Please, not so loud." pleaded Harry, covering his ears.

"You are never going back vere Arry," ordered Fleur completely ignoring his last comment. "Ow can you even vink about it."

" safe....Blood Protection." he replied as his body tried to drag him back to sleep.

"Arry, Dumbledore iz a fool, if ve had vaited to pull you out az he ad zugested, you vould be dead."

Harry did not stop and in fact kept trying to retrieve the shirt to little effect.

"Dumbledore told me to stay at Dursley's, he...."

Harry's weakened state caused him to topple over, luckily Fleur managed to catch him and push him backwards onto the bed.

Fleur wastes no time in throwing his legs onto the bed, drawing her wand and attaching magical bonds to prevent his movement.


She leans over him her expression deadly serious.

"Now listen Arry, you are not going back to vat ouse EVER again, you vill stay in vis bed until I vink you are vell enough to get up....understood."

Harry didn't have time to respond as his body dragged him back into unconsciousness.

Fleur huffed in annoyance and went back to see her mother.

Delphine was still sitting thinking when her daughter stormed into the room for the second time, her Veela powers creating a slight breeze that to most others would have been intimidating.

"Why do I get the feeling that you have just heard something even worse from our young friend." said Delphine quietly.

"He wants to go back."

Silence reigned for several seconds before Delphine spoke again, not quite sure of what she has just heard.

"He what?"

"He wants to go back, back to those horrible Muggle's, all he keeps saying is that he's got to go back because Dumbledore said so and something about Blood Protections."

Delphine, having a slightly more pensive outlook on life, analysed what she had just heard.

"Do you believe he actually wants to go back?" she asked deep in thought.

"How can anyone want to go back to that?" asked Fleur, still a little hysterical, the wind around her getting stronger.

"Sit down Fleur, your powers are going to cause something to get damaged if you do not restrain yourself."

A vase containing flowers tumbled to the floor smashing onto the thick carpet.

"Never mind."

Fleur none the less sat.

"If he really does not want to go back, why is he doing it?" asked Fleur, completely confused by the whole situation.

"If he does not want to go back," Delphine explained "Then he either has so much trust in Dumbledore that he is willing to follow him blindly, which I can not believe from what I have heard about this boy and from what you have told me, which means that he must want to go back for some other reason," she turned to her daughter "Do you know anyone we can contact to ask about Harry that will not reveal his location."

Fleur sat thinking for a minute.

"Ginevra Weasley."

"William's sister?"

Delphine had been disappointed when Bill and her daughter broke up, he was a good wizard from an old family and would have taken good care of her, but at least the break-up was mutual and they are still good friends.

"Yes, she never really liked me while I was courting Bill, to the extent that she started calling me, I think it was 'phlegm,"

Delphine smiled, she always liked a girl with spirit.

"But I do know that Harry saved her life once and that she once had, and still may have, a crush on him; I think if I explain the situation to her she will not reveal his location."

"Ok," Agreed her mother "Send her a message, honesty is a good thing and from what William told me about her I would tend to agree with you."

Fleur rose quickly pecking her mother on the cheek and heading of to her room, her mother was always good with advice.
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