Categories > Books > Harry Potter > The Slayer, The Avatar And The Guardian Of Light

CH13 - Secrets Revealed

by GuardianOfLight 1 review

Ginny gives Fleur her opinion of what is wrong with Harry

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Crossover, Fantasy, Romance - Characters: Fleur, Ginny - Warnings: [!] [?] - Published: 2006-06-04 - Updated: 2006-06-04 - 1292 words

Chapter 13 - Secrets Revealed

Dimension: 563 - Earth
Date: 28th July 2001 AD
Country: England - Devon
Location: The Burrow
Time: Evening

Ginny Weasley was sitting at her window staring at the stars, a few days ago her parents and eldest brothers had come back with news that Harry had not been seen and more importantly that Dumbledore was not going to look for him.

She had along with the rest of the Weasley clan had been decidedly unsettled ever since, her brothers had been seething with rage, her father was always looking distracted, her mother had both trying to distract herself by doing more housework than normal and Ginny herself had spent most of her time sitting thinking.

What is Dumbledore thinking?

This is Harry for Merlin sake,

It's bad enough that they have to leave him with those relatives of his but when he goes missing it's....

Her thought process was interrupting by a bird flying past her into her room, the shock sent her tumbling from the sill onto the floor.

Getting up grumpily and readjusting her nightgown she walked over to her bed where the bird had landed.

It was a dove, which Ginny though was strange for a start, she only new one family that used doves, but 'Phlegm' and her had never got on so why in Merlin's name would she send her a message.

Out pf curiosity she opened the letter.


I know we have never got on very well, but I desperately need your help.

As you may or may not know Harry has not been seen since his return to his relatives and Dumbledore has refused to send anyone to investigate yet.

I want you to promise that you will not tell anyone what I am about to tell you, not even your youngest brother as we can not risk it leaking out.

I have Harry, and before you ask no I am not the reason he has disappeared, after the meeting when the situation was discussed I decided that we could not wait, so I along with a couple of trusted others crept into his house and got him out.

He had Wizard Flu and had been beaten black and blue by his relatives, if we had waited then he would be dead.

Do not worry though as he is now healing and is in fact on his feet a lot sooner than expected.

But the reason I am telling you this is because he wants to go back, I have tried to convince him otherwise but to no avail and is primarily only due to his lack of energy that I believe he is still here.

He keeps saying that he must go back because it is what Dumbledore has told him to do, but some how I do not believe that Harry would blindly follow orders.

Something is very wrong with him and I do not know what, I am hoping that you could help explain why he wants to go back to such cruelty.

I no you do not like me, but please.

Do it for Harry.

The dove will wait for your reply.

Fleur Delacour

Ginny reread the letter twice, should was not sure if she should jump for joy or start crying, he was safe that was the main thing, but why on earth would he want to go back.

Turning to the bed she saw the dove sitting their patiently.

Sitting down on the bed she thought for several minutes before reaching into her draw for a quill and a piece of parchment.

"Fleur," said Dimitri "Please stop pacing dear; you will start to wear holes in the carpet."

Fleur didn't seem to hear her father's words; she had been frantically awaiting a reply ever since the dove had left for England.

Harry had got worse; he no longer responded to anything. Once he realised that he could not get back, his mind had literally closed in on itself.

"Fleur." tried her mother.

"Fleur!" said her father sharply causing both the women to jump.

Dimitri Delacour had never been a violent or aggressive man but it was also well known that if he got passionate about something he could turn very nasty.

"Sorry father, what did you say?"

Dimitri sighed

"Never mind."

"Fleur, please sit down," pleaded her mother "If you don't sit you will wear yourself out."

Fleur, in a very unusual way for her, threw herself down onto the sofa, only to begin fidgeting.

"Oh for Merlin sake dear, just sit still, the letter will not arrive any quicker and he's tied to the bed he can't go anywhere, so just...."

He was cut of by the dove flying back in and Fleur almost grabbing it out of the air.

She quickly untied the note and read.


It is such a relief, all of the family have been frantic about Harry as well and I am glad someone actually acted.

About Harry's state, I believe that he has finally had enough; he usually always does what he thinks is right and normally end up saving the day in the process, but I think he may have finally been pushed too far.

Ever since his birth people have decided what he is to do and where he is to go.

Voldemort killed his parents, Dumbledore sent him to the Dursley's, Crouch Junior put his name in the cup, Voldemort manipulated his mind, the list goes on.

I think that he has come to the misguided conclusion that whenever he does something that he isn't directly told to do, someone gets hurt.

He led Hermione and Ron down to get the Philosopher's Stone and Ron got hurt.

He gets confronted in Diagon Alley by the Malfoy's giving Lucius Malfoy the chance to slip Tom Riddles Diary in with my books which led to Hermione and the others being petrified and me being imprisoned in the Chamber of Secrets.

He leads Ron and Lockhart down into the chamber and Lockhart got hurt and lost his memory.

I don't know about his third year but he probably blames himself for letting Pettigrew escape, for getting Professor Lupin fired and Sirius still being called a criminal.

In this forth year he blames himself for Cedric's death and for Voldemort's return.

And in his fifth he blames himself for falling into the trap that got most of the DA that followed him injured in The Department Of Mysteries and his Godfather killed.

Although the rest of us know none of this was his fault he doesn't feel the same and I think that he believes that if he just does what he is told regardless of the consequences to himself then he can't get anyone else hurt.

I hope this helps.

Please keep me informed.

Ginny Weasley

Fleur just stood rock still in the centre of the room, the letter fluttering to the floor.

She collapsed backwards onto the sofa, as her parents quickly read the letter.

"Oh Merlin." exclaimed Dimitri.

"Oh goodness." agreed Delphine "I can't even begin to imagine what he feels."

"We need to find someway to help him." stated Dimitri.

"Agreed, but how," asked Delphine "Any ideas Fleur....Fleur?"

Their daughter was sitting on the sofa with her head in her hands.

Delphine walked to the sofa and knelt down in front of her daughter.


Fleur raised her head; tears were running down her cheeks.

"Oh Fleur." cried her mother, pulling her into a hug "It will be alright, we will find a way to help him."

"" she cried.

"I don't know, but we owe him Gabrielle's life, and possibly yours as well," she leant back and stared into her daughters eyes "We WILL help him."
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