Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > when the lights go out


by mcraddikt 1 review

read and see.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-08-02 - Updated: 2011-08-02 - 534 words

I am beyond sorry about not updating. I know that this is short, but at least I updated. I am sad to say that it will be coming to and end very soon, so enjoy the last few chapters.
No one's POV
He sat in the back of the car as the dracs drove through the desert. He had been knocked out and was leaning against the window. Heidy was sitting in the front with a smirk on her face. ' Everything is going just as planned.' As the car pulled up into the back of the building Party began to wake up. He knew what was going to happen and was not looking forward to it. The worst thing was that V warned him but he rejected her warning and now look how far he is.
-Back at the diner-
Kobra was freaking out by the fact that his brother was missing as well as Heidy, not that he cared about her but he knew that she was with Korse. He was passing back and forth across the room swearing and mumbleing things when the door flew opened and to his surprise he found the only person besides his brother that he had been waiting to see. Venus. She walked in before Kobra could do anything she began to explain to him what they were gonna do. By the time that she had finished explaining everything Fun Ghoul and Jet star were already up and they all knew what they were gonna do. They hopped into the car and they were off to save their friend.
-Party POV-
I walked into the room slowly and depressed. I knew exactly what they were gonna do. Kill me. The worst part is that I know no one will save me because know one knows where I am. I was put into a room full of equipment to kill. They pushed me onto the bed and strapped me down. I had to think of something quick. I laid there thinking hard and fast, but under this pressure I knew that I was not going to be able to do anything. The door opened and in came Korse. He walked in and right behind him was Heidy. I cant believe that i didn't believe V when she told me about Heidy. V. I lost her.
" Well well well. Look who we have here? The famous Party Poison or should I say Gerard Way. Yes I know your name. Not so tough anymore now are you?" Venom spilled out as he spoke. He walked over to the a table and searched for something until he found it.
" Now we can do this the easy way or the hard way. Here are your options see your too valuable to kill, so Heidy and I have come up with a plan. You join us." He explained as he stepped closer to me. I spit in his eye.
" I would rather die than to join you and your pathetic army of idiots." I said.
" I wanted to do this the easy way, but I guess you like it the hard way." With that he plunged into my skin a needle.
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