Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > when the lights go out


by mcraddikt 0 reviews


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Gerard Way - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2011-06-16 - Updated: 2011-06-16 - 208 words

Sorry sorry sorry. i know i have been out of it and that this is such a short story but i have been super duper busy with cheerleading and dance and then on top of that we have a bunch of end of the year projects and test. so i will take a while but i will try my best to update asap. anyways thnx to all my readers

I never left my hidding spot. I had to fight a couple of dracs but
that's all. Missile kid had been bringing me food to eat secretly. I
knew that anyday now Korse would arrive and try to take down Poison.
Just the thought of that made me shutter.

Days later. Poisons POV

" Has any one seen Heidy?" I asked the guys who eating breakfast.
" Dont know, don't care." answered Kobra. Ever since V had left they
couldn't stand Heidy. They hated her. I walked around searching for
Hiedy. I had only walked around the corner when I noticen I was being
watched. I looked closely and noticed that Dracs were surrounding me.
As I turned around around I felt something being hold against the back
of my head.
" I told you we would be back. "

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