Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Will you take me with you?

Will you take me with you?

by CherriBoomBoom 1 review

Lia has always been an outcast. And she's perfectly fine with it. She has enough problems as it is, and prefers being alone. Until someone decides she doesn't and turns her world upside down...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Humor,Romance - Characters: Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [V] [X] - Published: 2011-08-01 - Updated: 2011-08-01 - 1080 words

Hey everyone! I hate presentations, so let's make this short: I hope you enjoy my story :)
Here we go.

Chapter one

I was sitting at the back of the class, as usual. I was hunched over my desk, scrawling on my notebook, trying to draw something decent. I had arrived early in class to get peace and quiet. Classes were the only places in this school where the students were not screaming at each other or throwing shit around. Ugh. Bunch of immature morons.

So yeah, I was pretty zoned out when someone sat at the desk next to me. I ignored it at first but then I started to feel awkward; I was observed. I tried to peek from under my hair to see who it was, but it was hard; streaks of purple, magenta and brown were in my way. Instead, I glanced back at my sheet. Bad idea. It was horrible. The stranger next to me had broken my focus and it screwed up the drawing. I grunted and put my pencil down. That’s when I saw who it was.

It was THAT kid. Something Way, I think. I didn’t know his name because he was even quieter than me. Teachers said his name once, at the first day of school, and then they left him alone. He did his things and that was it. I’d been in his class since the start of the school year and we’d never talked. Weird thing is, I was sure we’d get along. We were basically the same type: quiet, loner, different. But I was kinda shy and I knew he was worse than me, so I never took the time to get to know him. Until that day.

He was trying to take a peek at my notebook. I shot him a look and muttered:

-Don’t bother looking, it’s not worth it.

He did anyways and looked at me:

-I think that’s pretty good, actually.

Hearing his voice for the first time shocked me. I was taken aback by his tone, his expression, the compliment. The whole situation. It struck me as weird. I looked at him and muttered a “thank you.” That’s when he gave me this half-smile... It made me feel all... strange. I shook my head. What was wrong with me? He was just a random guy, nothing out of the ordinary! And yet, I still had this weird impression.

-The name’s Mikey, by the way.

I glanced back at him for an unpleasant amount of seconds without saying anything before stating:

-I’m Lia.

-Yeah, I know.

I stared at him a few more seconds, even more weirded out, before looking back at my notebook. I grabbed my pencil and started doodling with no particular idea in mind until the class started.

I was feeling uncomfortable. I looked sideways, and as I thought, Mikey was still staring at me. I tried to ignore him and managed to make it through the whole class. I bolted out as soon as the bell rang, quickly picking up my stuff. I didn’t know why I was acting that way of why I was that creeped out by our little interaction; it’s not like it was the first time someone talked to me! But the thing was, I was creeped out.

When the day was over, I was walking home alone as usual. I was clutching my notebook to my chest, still trying to figure out what that whole thing meant, when I heard someone call my name. Assuming it was one of those jocks wanting to make fun of me again, I ignored it. When I heard footsteps coming my way, I snapped right around to see who it was. For fuck’s sake, him again?

-Are you following me or something?

-No, but I’ve seen you walking home a bunch of times and I figured since we’re going in the same direction, it’d be more fun if we both weren’t alone.

I squinted my eyes. Why the sudden interest? Wasn’t he supposed to be shy? I was so confused that I just nodded and continued walking. He tagged along, adjusting his walking rhythm to mine. I clutched my notebook tighter. I had no idea why but he made me nervous.

-Lia, calm down! I’m not gonna hurt you. I just want to get to know you, he said, resting his hand on my shoulder.

And that was the start of it. Had I known what was to happen, what that simple gesture had triggered, I would’ve ran out and never talked to him again. But I had no idea.

-What’re you planning on doing this evening?

Taken aback again, I took a few seconds to answer, my mind a blank. Stupidly, I said I wasn’t doing anything. At that point, I don’t remember much. Except I somehow ended up at his house.

-My parents are out of town and my brother’s still at school, he explained, seeing my blank stare at the empty house.

I was feeling really uncomfortable and only wanted to run out and go back home. Mikey was so confident, so sure of himself, so in control; I’d never seen him looking so at peace before. I couldn’t move. It froze me on the spot. I couldn’t do anything. I felt so small, powerless, stupid and helpless in that house that wasn’t my home; I thought I shouldn’t have followed him. And I was right.

Next thing I knew, his lips collided with mine. It was so fast, so sudden and so unexpected that I didn’t even fight him off. My hands were shaking, my heart was pounding, my mind was a blank.

And then, skin. Flesh. Raw desire. Lust. A whirlwind of confusion. Sweat. A body... make that two. I was lost. Out of breath. Confused. And nervous.
What? Why? I don’t... oh.... This is... I’m... Oh god!
Why do you... It was... Burning eyes. I didn’t...
I felt like I was exploding. From the inside out...
I... hands, skin, hair, eyes, lips. A burning stare.
A burning touch. Forbidden, forbidden, forbidden.
I didn’t... It... Good, but so bad. Burn, burn.
Not again. Don’t do it again. Don’t...
No... Yes... I’m...

Oh god, what have I done?
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