Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Mama We All Go To Hell
We were sat in the A&E waiting room, waiting for Mikey's older brother Gerard.. well i think thats his name. I don't really listen to names unless i'm talking to the person and they tell me there name. I'm shit with names, really shit. it's not like Mikey doesn't talk about his brother, he does, alot. His name just doesn't stay in my mind because i've never met him. don't get me wrong i'm ALWAYS in Mikeys house, just Gerard isn't. Mikey had said something about him being in college or that.. but i wasn't really listening. anyway, we where here waiting for his slow ass brother while we where both hungry and i was in some amount of pain, although i didn't show it. i had cried a little, but not much. I've mostly been giggleing for the past 4 house that we've been here. Maybe i should tell you a little about my self and why i'm in the hospital?
My name is Emile Rose Smith and i'm 16 years old. I live on the same street as Mikey and his Family. I live with my Grandparents and have been for the past 3 years, why? well when i was about 3months old my mom left me and my dad to fend for ourselve. They were really young and stupid and ended up with me, TADAA! My dad brought me up on his own in New York City with the help of his Parents, which is who i'm living with now. He was my hero, He saved me from the drakness and scary monsters at night, and luled me to sleep with his sweet voice. He picked me up and kissed my sores whenever i fell in the park. He was the only thing i knew and the only person i wanted to be around. Even when i was becomming a teenager, my Dad was the only man i ever wanted in my life. Then a normal day out turned into a horrible nightmare. We where out waking around time square, we had just had pizza and where eating ice-cream, i was 13 and even thought meny 13 year old girls would die from being seen with there dad's i loved it. It was a busy Friday afternoon, people rushing about trying to get home without any trouble, just like we were. We heard shouting and screaming Dad was a cop so he had told me to stand where i was and he'd be back for me, he was going to check it out. I waited at that same stop for hours waiting for my dad to come back so we could go home. He never came back. Instead a officer came up to me and asked me was i Emile Smith, Officer thomas's daughter, i nodded and he told me to follow him. we got into a cop car and went straiht to the station where my Grandparents where sitting, hugging eachother and crying. After that everything was a blur. i went and stayed with them in there little town house. I became reblus and aggrisive. getting into fights in school and sneeking out and getting wasted with a crowed of people that were so much more older then me. Getting up to all sorts, thinking i was 21 when i was only 13. after a few years my grandparenst had enough, they sat me down and told me we were moving. That it was for my own good and the things i was doing my dad would highly dissapprove of and be dissapointed. that made me stop and think. i was dissapointing my father because i couldn't cope. i had to stop. About 6 months ago we moved here to New Jesery. A fresh start for all of us. Thats when i met Mikey. I was on my way to school. My first day. i had dressed in my normal cloths. Skinnys, band tee over sized hoddie. I had walked right into mikey as i was listening to my Ipod. and after that we have been best friends. never leave each others side. Mikey knows everything about me. i never left out any details when telling him my story, although i hadn't just told him the second i met him, no. i had to trust him first and when i did start trusting him, i told him, but only because he asked. I had told him about my dad and living with my grandparents but had left out the other stuff, but Mikey had learned to read me well, and knew there was more. so after he had nagged me about it i had finaly told him. He had promised to help me, to keep me away from those types of people, he told me if i stook with him he'd help me and i'd be okay. so now the only trouble i'd get into would be for being hyper.. or for things like tonight. I suppose i should fill you in so i can get on with it.
I was over in Mikey's like any normal weekend, playing COD and i shall bost about kicking Mikey's ass.. EVERY time. untill Mikey moaned about it and we teamed together for the rest of the game. Around 10 Mikeys dad Donald came home with junk food and fizzy drinks to keep us going untill him and Donna get home in the eary hours. By 11 we where both high on sugar and took our fun outside so we wouldn't brake anything this time. Mikey was running around the Garden singing about his love for unicorns and marshellows while i wanted to dance and climb a tree too and couldn't decided what one i wanted to do, so i climbed the tree and when i got into the branch i wanted i stood and started dancing, it seemd like a perfectly good idea at the time.. well i was wrong. I slipped and fell and landed on my arm. Mikey stoped singing and screamed like a little girl. i swear sometime i'm more manly then he is. Mikey was going to ring for a taxi when i took the phone out of his hand and started walking.
'Where the hell are you going?'
'PIZZA' i screamed back
'WHAT? BUT EM YOUR ARM?' i stopped walking and let him catch up to me.
'I know Mikes, but i want Pizza too, so lets get pizza on the way to the hospital.' he groned but agreed.
So we had gotten pizza and went to the hospital. and 4 hours later here we are sitting here waiting for Mikeys brother. I was a little pissed off since i would have to come all the way back in tomorrow to get a fricken cast since they don't do it straight away.. even Donna was pissed off too but she said she'd try bring the stuff home an do it there. That i was just to go home rest my arm on a pillow and if the pain gets worst to take the painkillers she had givin me. Mikey had texted his brother to come pick us up since he was on his way home from college because it was now summer.. for him. where as we still had to wait another month before we where let go for the summer. sucks ass i know.
It's a little long.. i Know, but its hard to end and start a chapter. Remember I'm new at this ? ^^
I'll get better as i go along.. I hope (:
So yeah please R/R and tell me what use think. be nice too.. you can be mean on the next chappter :P
Going to hang with my baby brother Charlie now so cyya ^^
-Emile x
My name is Emile Rose Smith and i'm 16 years old. I live on the same street as Mikey and his Family. I live with my Grandparents and have been for the past 3 years, why? well when i was about 3months old my mom left me and my dad to fend for ourselve. They were really young and stupid and ended up with me, TADAA! My dad brought me up on his own in New York City with the help of his Parents, which is who i'm living with now. He was my hero, He saved me from the drakness and scary monsters at night, and luled me to sleep with his sweet voice. He picked me up and kissed my sores whenever i fell in the park. He was the only thing i knew and the only person i wanted to be around. Even when i was becomming a teenager, my Dad was the only man i ever wanted in my life. Then a normal day out turned into a horrible nightmare. We where out waking around time square, we had just had pizza and where eating ice-cream, i was 13 and even thought meny 13 year old girls would die from being seen with there dad's i loved it. It was a busy Friday afternoon, people rushing about trying to get home without any trouble, just like we were. We heard shouting and screaming Dad was a cop so he had told me to stand where i was and he'd be back for me, he was going to check it out. I waited at that same stop for hours waiting for my dad to come back so we could go home. He never came back. Instead a officer came up to me and asked me was i Emile Smith, Officer thomas's daughter, i nodded and he told me to follow him. we got into a cop car and went straiht to the station where my Grandparents where sitting, hugging eachother and crying. After that everything was a blur. i went and stayed with them in there little town house. I became reblus and aggrisive. getting into fights in school and sneeking out and getting wasted with a crowed of people that were so much more older then me. Getting up to all sorts, thinking i was 21 when i was only 13. after a few years my grandparenst had enough, they sat me down and told me we were moving. That it was for my own good and the things i was doing my dad would highly dissapprove of and be dissapointed. that made me stop and think. i was dissapointing my father because i couldn't cope. i had to stop. About 6 months ago we moved here to New Jesery. A fresh start for all of us. Thats when i met Mikey. I was on my way to school. My first day. i had dressed in my normal cloths. Skinnys, band tee over sized hoddie. I had walked right into mikey as i was listening to my Ipod. and after that we have been best friends. never leave each others side. Mikey knows everything about me. i never left out any details when telling him my story, although i hadn't just told him the second i met him, no. i had to trust him first and when i did start trusting him, i told him, but only because he asked. I had told him about my dad and living with my grandparents but had left out the other stuff, but Mikey had learned to read me well, and knew there was more. so after he had nagged me about it i had finaly told him. He had promised to help me, to keep me away from those types of people, he told me if i stook with him he'd help me and i'd be okay. so now the only trouble i'd get into would be for being hyper.. or for things like tonight. I suppose i should fill you in so i can get on with it.
I was over in Mikey's like any normal weekend, playing COD and i shall bost about kicking Mikey's ass.. EVERY time. untill Mikey moaned about it and we teamed together for the rest of the game. Around 10 Mikeys dad Donald came home with junk food and fizzy drinks to keep us going untill him and Donna get home in the eary hours. By 11 we where both high on sugar and took our fun outside so we wouldn't brake anything this time. Mikey was running around the Garden singing about his love for unicorns and marshellows while i wanted to dance and climb a tree too and couldn't decided what one i wanted to do, so i climbed the tree and when i got into the branch i wanted i stood and started dancing, it seemd like a perfectly good idea at the time.. well i was wrong. I slipped and fell and landed on my arm. Mikey stoped singing and screamed like a little girl. i swear sometime i'm more manly then he is. Mikey was going to ring for a taxi when i took the phone out of his hand and started walking.
'Where the hell are you going?'
'PIZZA' i screamed back
'WHAT? BUT EM YOUR ARM?' i stopped walking and let him catch up to me.
'I know Mikes, but i want Pizza too, so lets get pizza on the way to the hospital.' he groned but agreed.
So we had gotten pizza and went to the hospital. and 4 hours later here we are sitting here waiting for Mikeys brother. I was a little pissed off since i would have to come all the way back in tomorrow to get a fricken cast since they don't do it straight away.. even Donna was pissed off too but she said she'd try bring the stuff home an do it there. That i was just to go home rest my arm on a pillow and if the pain gets worst to take the painkillers she had givin me. Mikey had texted his brother to come pick us up since he was on his way home from college because it was now summer.. for him. where as we still had to wait another month before we where let go for the summer. sucks ass i know.
It's a little long.. i Know, but its hard to end and start a chapter. Remember I'm new at this ? ^^
I'll get better as i go along.. I hope (:
So yeah please R/R and tell me what use think. be nice too.. you can be mean on the next chappter :P
Going to hang with my baby brother Charlie now so cyya ^^
-Emile x
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