Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Mama We All Go To Hell
The doors opened and a tall drak heard angle walked in. He was wearig a leather jacket, semi-skinny jeans and an iron madden top. he looked devine. his face was a vision of beauty. i nudged Mikey.
'Hey Mikey-mouse, he hot, what ya think?' i wiggled my eye browes at him and he looked disusted.
'Ellie thats sick, thats my brother' he scrunched up his nose and i blushed.
'Sorry, i didn't know' i bowed my head and Gerard walked up tp us, as soon as he opened his mouth, i knew i'd be in trouble. he was just down right sexy.
'Hey Mikes, what the deal? what happend?' he ruffled his hair then huged him with a chuckle when Mikey whined.
'Well Emile the dancing monkey fell out of our tree' He smirked and i pouted.
'Well at least i wans't running around your garden as you sung at the top of your lungs sounding like a bag of kittens being bashed about by a 2 year old, declaring your love for unicorns and marsmellow' He blushed and then looked at Gerard who was laughing and then looked back at me smirking ready to open his bloddy huge mouth.
'Michael Way if you say a word i shall rip off your dick and shove it up your ass' I glared. Gerard laughed more.
'Wow your a fisty little one aren't you' He smirked and i glared. The pain in my arm getting worst and i was just generaly pissed off.
'For that comment you can buy me Pizza' i got up and walked towords the door.
'Ohhhhhhh your in trouble now man' Mikey sang getting up and following me.
'Why?' gerard was still laughing a little.
'You called her little' And Gerard laughed harder opening the car door.
'Okay i'll get you Pizza, sorry for calling to little Emile' we got into the car and Gerard started the car and drove out of the hospital carpark.
'It's fine.' I pulled my hoddy over my head and stuck in my ear phones looking out the window, trying to hide my tears.
Gerard pulled up at the house, The Pizza place was closed and he promised to buy pizza tomorrow night. I honestly didn't care about the fucking pizza at that moment. I was in so much pain that i was actually crying alot, just sliently. we got out of the car and i hung my head low, not wanting them to know i was crying. I'd just go to the bathroom when we got in, take the tablets and calm down before i went back out.
'Hey Emile i'm sorry i couldn't get you pizza but it was closed' i snapped i know i shouldn't of but i did.
'How fucking spoilt do you think i am. i'm not crying because of the fucking pizza i'm crying because i'm in pain so stop being a dumb fuck and open the god damn door already.' My chest was heaving up and down and the pain in my arm and chest was intence. i was so dizzy and i felt a headache comming on. I closed my eyes and i grabbed a hold of something to stop myself from falling.
'Emlie whats wrong?'
'I..i..' i couldn't say anything someone lifted me off the ground and eventhing went black..
My head was spinning, i was awake but i didn't dare open my eyes, knowing that my headache would only worsen from the bright light. I was lying on something soft and i snggled down deeper into what ever was covering me, i'm guessing was a blanket of some sort. I heard low voices knowing it was Mikey and Gerard.. well i hoped it was.
'Will she be okay Gee?'
'Course Mikey we just have to keep an eye on her untill mom and dad get home. Did she hit her head when she fell?'
'Not that i know of, i mean i wasn't really paying attention untill i heard her give out a cry'
'Okay, it's not your fault. I'm sure dad looked her over when he seen her and..'
'Dad didn't see her, it was some other guy, dad was busy but mom was there she was the nurse we seen first'
'Okay. hmm.. i wonder did her passing out, have anything to do with her shouting at me?' Mikey giggled
'No Gee.. that was just Emile' Gerard laughed
'i can here you both and if your trying to be quite you doing a very bad job of it' i opened my eyes and smiled at them.
'Sorry' they both giggled. well Mikey gigled and gerard did that sexy chuckle he does.
'no guys i'm sorry, i've been a real pain in the ass, and Gerard... i'm sorry for shouting at you outside i..' i was starting to get up when he rushed over and gently pushed me back down.
'no no, stay down, you don't wanna get up to quickly and faint again, and it's fine, i should'nt of been an ass' he grind at me and i blushed. I lay back down and took in where i was. i'm guessing Gerard room since this isn't Mikeys. It's was Huge. i'm guessing the basement, the size of the whole house but underground.
'Nice room, pretty funky' he laughed and it made me laugh.
'Thanks i like it too' he winked at me and i blushed all over again. He smirked.
'Can i get up now? as comfortable as your bed is, i can't lie down for long, it's worst then standing up for to long'
'Course, let me help you, you dont want to hurt your arm anymore then it already is' he took my good hand and placed his other hand on my waist helping me stand.
'Thank you Gerard' he shock his head.
'Please call me Gee, everyone does' He flashed me a smile and i nodded smileing back like an idiot. Mikey had left the room sometime ago, and neither me or Gerard had noticed untill we heard him up staires giving out.
'oh god not again' Gerard head shot from the stairs to me, his face laced with concern.
'What? you okay? you need to sit down?' i laughed.
'No, not me your brother who seems to have a death wish' he looked confused. 'Your genius kid bro likes to stick forks in toasters' and like a light blub turning on it seemed to click with Gerard. He picked me up and ran upstaires into the kicthen putting me on the counter and slapping Mikey around the head and pluging out the toaster.
'owwwwe what was that for' Mikey whined and rubbed his head
'For being stupid' I burst out laughung at Mikeys inncont, confused face. He was so stupid sometimes it was unbelieveable.
Review? ^^
-Emile x
'Hey Mikey-mouse, he hot, what ya think?' i wiggled my eye browes at him and he looked disusted.
'Ellie thats sick, thats my brother' he scrunched up his nose and i blushed.
'Sorry, i didn't know' i bowed my head and Gerard walked up tp us, as soon as he opened his mouth, i knew i'd be in trouble. he was just down right sexy.
'Hey Mikes, what the deal? what happend?' he ruffled his hair then huged him with a chuckle when Mikey whined.
'Well Emile the dancing monkey fell out of our tree' He smirked and i pouted.
'Well at least i wans't running around your garden as you sung at the top of your lungs sounding like a bag of kittens being bashed about by a 2 year old, declaring your love for unicorns and marsmellow' He blushed and then looked at Gerard who was laughing and then looked back at me smirking ready to open his bloddy huge mouth.
'Michael Way if you say a word i shall rip off your dick and shove it up your ass' I glared. Gerard laughed more.
'Wow your a fisty little one aren't you' He smirked and i glared. The pain in my arm getting worst and i was just generaly pissed off.
'For that comment you can buy me Pizza' i got up and walked towords the door.
'Ohhhhhhh your in trouble now man' Mikey sang getting up and following me.
'Why?' gerard was still laughing a little.
'You called her little' And Gerard laughed harder opening the car door.
'Okay i'll get you Pizza, sorry for calling to little Emile' we got into the car and Gerard started the car and drove out of the hospital carpark.
'It's fine.' I pulled my hoddy over my head and stuck in my ear phones looking out the window, trying to hide my tears.
Gerard pulled up at the house, The Pizza place was closed and he promised to buy pizza tomorrow night. I honestly didn't care about the fucking pizza at that moment. I was in so much pain that i was actually crying alot, just sliently. we got out of the car and i hung my head low, not wanting them to know i was crying. I'd just go to the bathroom when we got in, take the tablets and calm down before i went back out.
'Hey Emile i'm sorry i couldn't get you pizza but it was closed' i snapped i know i shouldn't of but i did.
'How fucking spoilt do you think i am. i'm not crying because of the fucking pizza i'm crying because i'm in pain so stop being a dumb fuck and open the god damn door already.' My chest was heaving up and down and the pain in my arm and chest was intence. i was so dizzy and i felt a headache comming on. I closed my eyes and i grabbed a hold of something to stop myself from falling.
'Emlie whats wrong?'
'I..i..' i couldn't say anything someone lifted me off the ground and eventhing went black..
My head was spinning, i was awake but i didn't dare open my eyes, knowing that my headache would only worsen from the bright light. I was lying on something soft and i snggled down deeper into what ever was covering me, i'm guessing was a blanket of some sort. I heard low voices knowing it was Mikey and Gerard.. well i hoped it was.
'Will she be okay Gee?'
'Course Mikey we just have to keep an eye on her untill mom and dad get home. Did she hit her head when she fell?'
'Not that i know of, i mean i wasn't really paying attention untill i heard her give out a cry'
'Okay, it's not your fault. I'm sure dad looked her over when he seen her and..'
'Dad didn't see her, it was some other guy, dad was busy but mom was there she was the nurse we seen first'
'Okay. hmm.. i wonder did her passing out, have anything to do with her shouting at me?' Mikey giggled
'No Gee.. that was just Emile' Gerard laughed
'i can here you both and if your trying to be quite you doing a very bad job of it' i opened my eyes and smiled at them.
'Sorry' they both giggled. well Mikey gigled and gerard did that sexy chuckle he does.
'no guys i'm sorry, i've been a real pain in the ass, and Gerard... i'm sorry for shouting at you outside i..' i was starting to get up when he rushed over and gently pushed me back down.
'no no, stay down, you don't wanna get up to quickly and faint again, and it's fine, i should'nt of been an ass' he grind at me and i blushed. I lay back down and took in where i was. i'm guessing Gerard room since this isn't Mikeys. It's was Huge. i'm guessing the basement, the size of the whole house but underground.
'Nice room, pretty funky' he laughed and it made me laugh.
'Thanks i like it too' he winked at me and i blushed all over again. He smirked.
'Can i get up now? as comfortable as your bed is, i can't lie down for long, it's worst then standing up for to long'
'Course, let me help you, you dont want to hurt your arm anymore then it already is' he took my good hand and placed his other hand on my waist helping me stand.
'Thank you Gerard' he shock his head.
'Please call me Gee, everyone does' He flashed me a smile and i nodded smileing back like an idiot. Mikey had left the room sometime ago, and neither me or Gerard had noticed untill we heard him up staires giving out.
'oh god not again' Gerard head shot from the stairs to me, his face laced with concern.
'What? you okay? you need to sit down?' i laughed.
'No, not me your brother who seems to have a death wish' he looked confused. 'Your genius kid bro likes to stick forks in toasters' and like a light blub turning on it seemed to click with Gerard. He picked me up and ran upstaires into the kicthen putting me on the counter and slapping Mikey around the head and pluging out the toaster.
'owwwwe what was that for' Mikey whined and rubbed his head
'For being stupid' I burst out laughung at Mikeys inncont, confused face. He was so stupid sometimes it was unbelieveable.
Review? ^^
-Emile x
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