Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Mama We All Go To Hell
We were sat in the living room watching 'Interview With The Vampire' Mikey had whinned but soon changed his mind when i told him it was either that or Hostel, even though i wanted to watch it, i knew Mikey wouldn't be able to handle it. I was sitting on the couch with Gerard and Mikey was lyin on the floor. My arm ona pillow on my lap, waiting for Donna to get home. About an hour into the movie Don and Donna walked through the door, Don asked Gerard to pause the movie. Don came over and sat beside me while Gerard got up to pause it since he couldn't find the remote.
'Emile, How's your arm?' He went to touch it and i flinched.
'Really sore' Gerard was standing beside his dad.
'Dad when we got back from the hospital she fainted on the door step, she was out for about 5 minutes' Don nodded and called in Donna said something medical and she rushed off and rushed back in with what ever he asked for.
'I'm going to give you this, it should ease the pain, do you have a tempature?' i shurged and he chuckled. Gerard reached over and put his hand on my forehead.
'She a little hot'
'Thats because its warm in here, i'm fine' i pouted and Gerard laughed. I hated being fused over even when both men where extreamly hot. wait... did i just call Mr.Way ... hot..? Maybe i am sick. i shock my head trying to get ride of any thoughts of Mr.Way. Ewww. hes old. Donna fused over me for a little while untill donnald told her to leave me alone, that i was fine. He put the cast on and told me to wait an hour or 2 before i go messing with it. I laughed and nodded, them leaving to go to sleep and Gerard unpaused the movie. Mikey by now was passed out on the floor, getting bored of all the medical stuff.. wow thanks Mikey, What a great friend you are.
'Hey gee, can we start the movie again?' i pouted. he laughed and nodded
'Sure' he got up and started the movie again.
'You want some popcorn or something?'
'Thanks gee' i grined and he smiled and ran into the kitchen.He came back with a bowl of popcorn and coffee, he handed me the coffee and put the popcorn beside me.
'I made you coffee cos' theres nothing else to drink' i giggled he looked so cute.
'It's fine ima cafine junkie anyway' he laughed and went and got his coffee. he came back and ploped back on the couch. we where both really into the movie, and when Louis and Lestat where fighting i all but moaned. There was just something about the younge Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise playing the part of vampires that turned me on, i mean vampires in genral turn me on, but putting them two in the same scene as blood sucking angry vampires, it was almost to much to watch and not get horney. I heard Gerard chuckle beside me and i looked over at him.
'What?' i tried to look as innocent as i could.
'Are you Ok there?' he smirked.
'Course Hours' he burst out laughing.
'Course ... hours? man i've never heard that before' he was still laughing, i threw some popcorn at him.
'Shut the fuck up laughing, you will wake Mikey'
'uhhhh... to late, Gee why are you cackaling like an old granny'
'Mikey mouse he's laughing at me' i pouted and mikey got up and hit Gerard and let me cuddle into him, him in the middle of me and Gerard. We where all giggleing and i felt safe and warm cuddled up to Mikey. People at school and pretty much everyone we meet thinks where going out. But where not and neither of us feel that way about eachother. Mikeys the big brother i never had. Now the only Guy in my life that i trust. Sure i trust my Grandad, but he could kick me out at anytime. Mikey would never kick me out. Never. I was falling asleep when the brothers started whispering.
'Your really protective of her aren't you Mikey'
'I have to be, who else is going to protect her?' Mikey sounded sad.
'What do you mean? what about her parents?' Mikey started to talk and my eyes snapped open. i didn't want to hear anything about my dad. i needed a walk, to clear my head. I heard Mikey and Gerard calling after me but i ignored them.
'Emile, How's your arm?' He went to touch it and i flinched.
'Really sore' Gerard was standing beside his dad.
'Dad when we got back from the hospital she fainted on the door step, she was out for about 5 minutes' Don nodded and called in Donna said something medical and she rushed off and rushed back in with what ever he asked for.
'I'm going to give you this, it should ease the pain, do you have a tempature?' i shurged and he chuckled. Gerard reached over and put his hand on my forehead.
'She a little hot'
'Thats because its warm in here, i'm fine' i pouted and Gerard laughed. I hated being fused over even when both men where extreamly hot. wait... did i just call Mr.Way ... hot..? Maybe i am sick. i shock my head trying to get ride of any thoughts of Mr.Way. Ewww. hes old. Donna fused over me for a little while untill donnald told her to leave me alone, that i was fine. He put the cast on and told me to wait an hour or 2 before i go messing with it. I laughed and nodded, them leaving to go to sleep and Gerard unpaused the movie. Mikey by now was passed out on the floor, getting bored of all the medical stuff.. wow thanks Mikey, What a great friend you are.
'Hey gee, can we start the movie again?' i pouted. he laughed and nodded
'Sure' he got up and started the movie again.
'You want some popcorn or something?'
'Thanks gee' i grined and he smiled and ran into the kitchen.He came back with a bowl of popcorn and coffee, he handed me the coffee and put the popcorn beside me.
'I made you coffee cos' theres nothing else to drink' i giggled he looked so cute.
'It's fine ima cafine junkie anyway' he laughed and went and got his coffee. he came back and ploped back on the couch. we where both really into the movie, and when Louis and Lestat where fighting i all but moaned. There was just something about the younge Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise playing the part of vampires that turned me on, i mean vampires in genral turn me on, but putting them two in the same scene as blood sucking angry vampires, it was almost to much to watch and not get horney. I heard Gerard chuckle beside me and i looked over at him.
'What?' i tried to look as innocent as i could.
'Are you Ok there?' he smirked.
'Course Hours' he burst out laughing.
'Course ... hours? man i've never heard that before' he was still laughing, i threw some popcorn at him.
'Shut the fuck up laughing, you will wake Mikey'
'uhhhh... to late, Gee why are you cackaling like an old granny'
'Mikey mouse he's laughing at me' i pouted and mikey got up and hit Gerard and let me cuddle into him, him in the middle of me and Gerard. We where all giggleing and i felt safe and warm cuddled up to Mikey. People at school and pretty much everyone we meet thinks where going out. But where not and neither of us feel that way about eachother. Mikeys the big brother i never had. Now the only Guy in my life that i trust. Sure i trust my Grandad, but he could kick me out at anytime. Mikey would never kick me out. Never. I was falling asleep when the brothers started whispering.
'Your really protective of her aren't you Mikey'
'I have to be, who else is going to protect her?' Mikey sounded sad.
'What do you mean? what about her parents?' Mikey started to talk and my eyes snapped open. i didn't want to hear anything about my dad. i needed a walk, to clear my head. I heard Mikey and Gerard calling after me but i ignored them.
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