Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Mama We All Go To Hell
Outside the air was cool, it was mid may and the sun was comming up. I walked passed my house towards the Park, maybe i'll just sit there and watch the sun come up. Me and dad use to watch the sun come up in the summer when we went to the Beach house in CA. The Beach house was now mine, so was everything else my dad owned, but i wouldn't get any of it untill i hit 18, some till i'm 21. I walked through the park and sat under the big Oak tree. I pulled my knees up to my chest leaning my arms on of them. i'd gladly climb the tree but i can't since i've a broken arm wooohoo. From where i was sitting i could see the sky and sun clearly. It was beautiful. Right at this moment i felt like my dad was with me, the closes i've felt to him since he was shot. I smiled. I felt warm even thought it was quite cold out.
'I miss you daddy, i really miss you' i knew if anyone had seen or heard me they would have though i was insane, talking to myself. But i couldn't care less. I could knew my dad was with me and i wanted to tell him i missed him, shoot me why don't you, like i give a fuck what people think. My phone started going off in my pocket, i sighed and decided id answer since Mikey would have a fit if i didn't.
'Hi Mikey mouse' i sighed into the phone.
'Why do you call him mikey mouse? and its Gee btw?' he chuckled.
'Oh sorry, i dunno he just reminded me ove a mouse. whats up?'
'Why a mouse? and nothing, just wanted to know were you got to? you left pretty quick'
'uh.. i dunno he just does, and i wanted to watch the sun come up, i'm in the park' damnit why did i tell him that? shit.
'can i come watch it with you?' i sighed.
'sure, i'm by the oak tree.' i hung up and slung my phone beside me.I started to sing.
'Babygirl don't cry, Daddy's here so don't cry.
i'll keep you safe, an hold you tight,
make you smile and here your laugh.
we can fly, see the world, stay up high, fly real low.
So little girl don't you cry,
Daddy's here to make it better.
I took a deep breath and huged my knees close with my working arm. i rested my chin on my arm, smileing, watching the sun as a tear rolled down my cheek.
'Your voice is beautiful' i jumped a little, i had for got he was comming.
'Thanks' I smiled at him and put my head back on my arm. He sat down beside me.
'You miss him don't you?' i nodded
'Everyday i wake up my heart breaks all over again' I wasn't sure why i was even speanking about this. i don't even know him.
'I brought you your hoddy since its a little cold out' i laughed
'A little?' i took my jumper off him and held it over me, not bothered to put it on yet.
'just a little' he chuckled.
'I love mornings like this.'
'Why? it's cold'
'i dunno, i just do. why don't you?'
'Um... maybe because it's cold?' he gave me that duh look. I laughed
'Yeah i know stupid question' He smiled at me. God that smile. i just want to kiss him, i want him so bad. before i knew it i had leaned in and kissed him. i pulled away shocked, he looked just as shocked as i did.
'Oh god i'm so sorry, that was stupid, really stupid.' i got up and looked around nervously. 'Um.. i better get home, uhh bye' I turned around and walked home leavig a stuned Gerard alone, i went to get my phone out of my pocket but it wasn't there 'FUCK' shit shit shit now what was i going todo. i'll have to just wait untill he leaves. God i'm never going to Mikeys house again, he will just have to come to mine if he wants to hang out. Way to go Emile. Mikey might never talk to you again. Franks, i'll go to franks he'll know what to do. I ran past my house and Mikeys heading towads Franks. I couldn't even ring him, dumb fuck Emile. I got to Franks and ran around the back, i had know clue what time it was, and honestly i didn't care. I throw small stones at Franks window and after a few minutes a tired looking Frank opened his window.
'Frankie you need to let me in, please i need to talk to you, i know it's early but it's super important i promise, please please please.' I begged.
'Just climb up like you always do'
'I can't, i broke my arm' I heald up my arm showing him my cast. He grond and mumbled something about me being a pain in the ass and he cloesed his window. a few minutes later he opned the back door. I ran in and closed it gently trying not to wake his mom and dad.I sat at the table while Frankie made coffee. There was no point in talking to him untill he had coffee. He sat down and handed me one.
'Thanks' i took a sip and melted into my set.
'Whats so important that you call to my house at 6am?' he raised an eyebrow.
'I kissed Mikeys older brother in the park' i bit my lip and let it sink in, he nearly chocked on his coffee.
'What? you kissed Gerard? fuck Mikey is going to be so pissed'
'I know i know, i don't know what to do' i put my head on the table. He ran his fingers through my hair.
'It will be okay, Mikey will only be pissed for like a mill'o'second and then he'll get over it. what did Gerard say? i mean was he into it? what happened?'
'Well we were under the oak tree, he had rang me to see where i was because i walked out when Mikey was telling him about my dad. which i should be pissed at him for, because thats nobodys business unless i make it there business. anyway i told him where i was and he came down with my jumper and we were talking and he smiled and i just kissed him, it was for like a second, he didnt even kiss back, so then i just got up and came here because i was so embarrased, i don't even know why i did it, he just... ugh he's beautiful'
'awh honey it will be okay, just tell mikey what you told me, anyway its not like you raped him or anything, it was just a little kiss, it's not going to hurt anyone' I looked up as a tear rolled down my cheek.
'And what if it does hurt him, i can't even be trusted with his own brother, what if he never speaks to me again Frankie? then what will i do?' the tears ran thick and fast. Frankie ot up and wraps his arms around me.
'If that happens, you'll still have me honey. Shh it will be okay, i promise' he held me and let me cry, i was half crying for Mikey but half was crying cos of dad. He'd always know what to do, i miss him so much, i need his cuddels and his soft kind words. i just need my dad.
'I miss you daddy, i really miss you' i knew if anyone had seen or heard me they would have though i was insane, talking to myself. But i couldn't care less. I could knew my dad was with me and i wanted to tell him i missed him, shoot me why don't you, like i give a fuck what people think. My phone started going off in my pocket, i sighed and decided id answer since Mikey would have a fit if i didn't.
'Hi Mikey mouse' i sighed into the phone.
'Why do you call him mikey mouse? and its Gee btw?' he chuckled.
'Oh sorry, i dunno he just reminded me ove a mouse. whats up?'
'Why a mouse? and nothing, just wanted to know were you got to? you left pretty quick'
'uh.. i dunno he just does, and i wanted to watch the sun come up, i'm in the park' damnit why did i tell him that? shit.
'can i come watch it with you?' i sighed.
'sure, i'm by the oak tree.' i hung up and slung my phone beside me.I started to sing.
'Babygirl don't cry, Daddy's here so don't cry.
i'll keep you safe, an hold you tight,
make you smile and here your laugh.
we can fly, see the world, stay up high, fly real low.
So little girl don't you cry,
Daddy's here to make it better.
I took a deep breath and huged my knees close with my working arm. i rested my chin on my arm, smileing, watching the sun as a tear rolled down my cheek.
'Your voice is beautiful' i jumped a little, i had for got he was comming.
'Thanks' I smiled at him and put my head back on my arm. He sat down beside me.
'You miss him don't you?' i nodded
'Everyday i wake up my heart breaks all over again' I wasn't sure why i was even speanking about this. i don't even know him.
'I brought you your hoddy since its a little cold out' i laughed
'A little?' i took my jumper off him and held it over me, not bothered to put it on yet.
'just a little' he chuckled.
'I love mornings like this.'
'Why? it's cold'
'i dunno, i just do. why don't you?'
'Um... maybe because it's cold?' he gave me that duh look. I laughed
'Yeah i know stupid question' He smiled at me. God that smile. i just want to kiss him, i want him so bad. before i knew it i had leaned in and kissed him. i pulled away shocked, he looked just as shocked as i did.
'Oh god i'm so sorry, that was stupid, really stupid.' i got up and looked around nervously. 'Um.. i better get home, uhh bye' I turned around and walked home leavig a stuned Gerard alone, i went to get my phone out of my pocket but it wasn't there 'FUCK' shit shit shit now what was i going todo. i'll have to just wait untill he leaves. God i'm never going to Mikeys house again, he will just have to come to mine if he wants to hang out. Way to go Emile. Mikey might never talk to you again. Franks, i'll go to franks he'll know what to do. I ran past my house and Mikeys heading towads Franks. I couldn't even ring him, dumb fuck Emile. I got to Franks and ran around the back, i had know clue what time it was, and honestly i didn't care. I throw small stones at Franks window and after a few minutes a tired looking Frank opened his window.
'Frankie you need to let me in, please i need to talk to you, i know it's early but it's super important i promise, please please please.' I begged.
'Just climb up like you always do'
'I can't, i broke my arm' I heald up my arm showing him my cast. He grond and mumbled something about me being a pain in the ass and he cloesed his window. a few minutes later he opned the back door. I ran in and closed it gently trying not to wake his mom and dad.I sat at the table while Frankie made coffee. There was no point in talking to him untill he had coffee. He sat down and handed me one.
'Thanks' i took a sip and melted into my set.
'Whats so important that you call to my house at 6am?' he raised an eyebrow.
'I kissed Mikeys older brother in the park' i bit my lip and let it sink in, he nearly chocked on his coffee.
'What? you kissed Gerard? fuck Mikey is going to be so pissed'
'I know i know, i don't know what to do' i put my head on the table. He ran his fingers through my hair.
'It will be okay, Mikey will only be pissed for like a mill'o'second and then he'll get over it. what did Gerard say? i mean was he into it? what happened?'
'Well we were under the oak tree, he had rang me to see where i was because i walked out when Mikey was telling him about my dad. which i should be pissed at him for, because thats nobodys business unless i make it there business. anyway i told him where i was and he came down with my jumper and we were talking and he smiled and i just kissed him, it was for like a second, he didnt even kiss back, so then i just got up and came here because i was so embarrased, i don't even know why i did it, he just... ugh he's beautiful'
'awh honey it will be okay, just tell mikey what you told me, anyway its not like you raped him or anything, it was just a little kiss, it's not going to hurt anyone' I looked up as a tear rolled down my cheek.
'And what if it does hurt him, i can't even be trusted with his own brother, what if he never speaks to me again Frankie? then what will i do?' the tears ran thick and fast. Frankie ot up and wraps his arms around me.
'If that happens, you'll still have me honey. Shh it will be okay, i promise' he held me and let me cry, i was half crying for Mikey but half was crying cos of dad. He'd always know what to do, i miss him so much, i need his cuddels and his soft kind words. i just need my dad.
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