Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Mama We All Go To Hell
Frankie and i went beck to the park to get my phone around 12 but it wasn't there. So now where stood outside Mikeys house hoping neither him or gerard are there, just his parents. Frank thinks Gerard might have brought it back with him since it wasn't where i put it. The door swong open, showing very pissed off Mikey. I don't think i've seen him so angry.
'What?' he spat.
'Did Gerard bring her phone back here? she can't find it' Frank asked softly. The door slamed and a moment later it opened and something hit my chest and fell to the floor and smashed.
'Theres your fucking phone, now fuck off'
'Mikey please i...' the door slamed once again. Frank standing there stunned. I looked down, my phone in peices on the floor. I didn't even pick it up. I just left. Frank had pulled out his phone and was shouting down it. I walked across to my house and opened the door. My Grandad pocking his head out the kitching door to see who it was.
'Hi papa, just me' I smiled.
'Come here little one' I sighed and walked into the kitchen and stood beside my grandad.
'What's this?' he heald up my arm that had a cast on.
'uh.. i fell out of Mikeys tree last night' i blushed and he laughed. He put his hand on my cheek.
'Just like your father, always up to know good' he smiled and kissed my forehead.
'Wheres mama?' i looked around the kitchen. no sign of her. I can't even hear her fussing over anything.
'Shes gone to the shop, said something about no food in this house'
'And let me guess, the kitchen is full of it' i laughed fondly at my mama, there can never be enough food in the house, even though theres no room for anymore.
'you know your mama well angel' i hugged him and kissed his cheek.
'I'm going for a shower. If anyone calls for me, meaning Frank tell him i'll call him later.' i said as i ran up the staires.
'Okay sweetie'
I had a long hot shower, trying not to get the cast wet. I truned off the shower and wrapped the big white towel around me and went into my room. I put on my raido and turned it up, not to loud because i didn't want to annoy grandad. I dried my air and strightned it then i got dressed in gray sweats and a tank top. I wasn't going anywhere today so i thought i'd just have a slugish day. i jumped on my bed and grabed my teddy and held it to my chest. there was a knock on the door and i sighed, i turned off my radio.
'Come in' i shouted and sat up indin style holding my teddy. The door opened and bob walked in. I was shocked to see him, nobody ever sees bob on a saturday. i came over and hugged me, which shocked me more. Bob doesn't hug.
'You okay Emile?' he hugged me tighter and then let go and sat beside me.
'uhh.. yeahh.. why wouldn't i? i laughed. Bobs so weird.
'Well Frank called me, i called Mikey, then i came here. fuck mikey he's being a baby about the hole thing. wow you kissed Gerard. Big fucking deal. Don't let him get to you, and if he says anything to you, tell me and i'll kick his geeky ass.' He smiled. and i jumped on him, hugging him tightly.
'Thank you bobby' he laughed and hugged me back. We messed about for awhile, my gran came back and cooked us all a huge meal, Frank randomly turning up just as me and bob where called for dinner. That kid loves food. We all sat and talked and laughed and ate. we almost seemed like a family. Almost. all we needed was my dad. A wave of emoations hit me and i ran upstaires as fast as i could and into my room, tears spilling from my eyes thick and fast. someone grabbed me and pulled me around into thre chest.
'Shhh Em, tell me whats wrong' Bob rubbed my back as i clung onto him like he was my life line. I shock violently from my tears.
'I miss him so much bob, it's killing me. i can't take it. i just want him back, why can't i have my dad back.' i cried into his shoulder.
'Shh Emile, it's okay, its going to be alright'
'NO IT'S NOT. IT'S NOT O-FUCKING-K, WHAT PLANT ARE YOU ON. GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY ROOM. GET OUT GET OUT GET OUT.' I pushed him away from me he looked shocked and a little hurt but he didn't budg.
'I.SAID.GET.FUCKING.OUT.NOW' i picked up the nearist thing and fucked it at him. it hit the wall and smashed. he got the message and left. i slambed the door behind me. angry burning though my vains. i started smashing everything i got my hands on.
'What?' he spat.
'Did Gerard bring her phone back here? she can't find it' Frank asked softly. The door slamed and a moment later it opened and something hit my chest and fell to the floor and smashed.
'Theres your fucking phone, now fuck off'
'Mikey please i...' the door slamed once again. Frank standing there stunned. I looked down, my phone in peices on the floor. I didn't even pick it up. I just left. Frank had pulled out his phone and was shouting down it. I walked across to my house and opened the door. My Grandad pocking his head out the kitching door to see who it was.
'Hi papa, just me' I smiled.
'Come here little one' I sighed and walked into the kitchen and stood beside my grandad.
'What's this?' he heald up my arm that had a cast on.
'uh.. i fell out of Mikeys tree last night' i blushed and he laughed. He put his hand on my cheek.
'Just like your father, always up to know good' he smiled and kissed my forehead.
'Wheres mama?' i looked around the kitchen. no sign of her. I can't even hear her fussing over anything.
'Shes gone to the shop, said something about no food in this house'
'And let me guess, the kitchen is full of it' i laughed fondly at my mama, there can never be enough food in the house, even though theres no room for anymore.
'you know your mama well angel' i hugged him and kissed his cheek.
'I'm going for a shower. If anyone calls for me, meaning Frank tell him i'll call him later.' i said as i ran up the staires.
'Okay sweetie'
I had a long hot shower, trying not to get the cast wet. I truned off the shower and wrapped the big white towel around me and went into my room. I put on my raido and turned it up, not to loud because i didn't want to annoy grandad. I dried my air and strightned it then i got dressed in gray sweats and a tank top. I wasn't going anywhere today so i thought i'd just have a slugish day. i jumped on my bed and grabed my teddy and held it to my chest. there was a knock on the door and i sighed, i turned off my radio.
'Come in' i shouted and sat up indin style holding my teddy. The door opened and bob walked in. I was shocked to see him, nobody ever sees bob on a saturday. i came over and hugged me, which shocked me more. Bob doesn't hug.
'You okay Emile?' he hugged me tighter and then let go and sat beside me.
'uhh.. yeahh.. why wouldn't i? i laughed. Bobs so weird.
'Well Frank called me, i called Mikey, then i came here. fuck mikey he's being a baby about the hole thing. wow you kissed Gerard. Big fucking deal. Don't let him get to you, and if he says anything to you, tell me and i'll kick his geeky ass.' He smiled. and i jumped on him, hugging him tightly.
'Thank you bobby' he laughed and hugged me back. We messed about for awhile, my gran came back and cooked us all a huge meal, Frank randomly turning up just as me and bob where called for dinner. That kid loves food. We all sat and talked and laughed and ate. we almost seemed like a family. Almost. all we needed was my dad. A wave of emoations hit me and i ran upstaires as fast as i could and into my room, tears spilling from my eyes thick and fast. someone grabbed me and pulled me around into thre chest.
'Shhh Em, tell me whats wrong' Bob rubbed my back as i clung onto him like he was my life line. I shock violently from my tears.
'I miss him so much bob, it's killing me. i can't take it. i just want him back, why can't i have my dad back.' i cried into his shoulder.
'Shh Emile, it's okay, its going to be alright'
'NO IT'S NOT. IT'S NOT O-FUCKING-K, WHAT PLANT ARE YOU ON. GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY ROOM. GET OUT GET OUT GET OUT.' I pushed him away from me he looked shocked and a little hurt but he didn't budg.
'I.SAID.GET.FUCKING.OUT.NOW' i picked up the nearist thing and fucked it at him. it hit the wall and smashed. he got the message and left. i slambed the door behind me. angry burning though my vains. i started smashing everything i got my hands on.
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