Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Mama We All Go To Hell
3rd person P.O.V
'Bob wft?' Frank asked confused and slightly frantic.
'look i think she had some sort of break down, stay here. do not go into that room. she'll kill you. i'll be right back' Frank nodded, scared as he looked at the door. Bob ran down the staires and out the door, across the road and into the way's.
'MIKEEEY' Bob called through the house as he ran into the living room. Gerard was sitting on the couch watching tv.
'Wheres your brother' Gerard looked at bob and shurged .
'His room i think wh-'
'thanks' Bob cut across Gerard and ran up the staires. leaving a very confused Gerard alone.. once again.
'MIKKKKKEY FUCKING WAY' Bob yelled as he ran down the hall. Mikeys bedroom door opend.
'You need to come over to em's she fucking cracked man, she needs you. i can't control her on my own. i think she going to do something stupid.' bob said in one big breath tryin to get his words out and back to emile as fast as he could.
'why? what about her grandparents. there her looking after her, not me. i'm not her fucking dad.' Bob snaped and grabed mikey by the throat and pushed him against the wall.
'She has no fucking dad remember? he died almost 3 years ago, leaving her on her own. It;s hit her now Mikey and if your to fucking selfish to help, then your not worth her friendship. sit and rot in your room on your own. because right now theres only one person i fucking care about. and. its. not. you.' he shoved Mikey to the floor and turned around to face an angry Gerard.
'Touch my brother huh?' Gerard taunted. Bob wasn't in the mood for this.
'I'm not in the mood. i have to get back to Emile. since me and frank seem to be the only one who gives a fuck about her.' Gerards face softned a little.
'What do you mean'
'Shes fucking cracked Gerard. Shes having a mental broke down over there. now if you don;t mind you can kill me later but right now. i have to get back.' Bob ran past Gerard and ran down the staires, Gerard following. They ran across to Emiles and up staires where everyone, meaning Frank and her Grandparents where standing looking worried, her grandma even crying. Frank was pale as a ghost.
'You tried to go in didn't you?' Bob asked a little frantic now, Emile was still screamming and smashing things in her room. Frank nodded. Gerard put his hand on Bobs shoulder.
'Let me try. go down and make coffee. she'll need on after, and use all need one now. please. trust me' Bob looked unsure but nodded and took everyone down staires.Gerard took a deep breath and opened the door. Emile was standing in the middle of the room, everything was smashed on the floor. Her chest was heaving voilently from her anger and sobs. She had her back to Gerard and he walked over to her slowly, not sure if she'd take another fit and try to hit him.He got to her and wraped his arms around her, she tried to strugle but he had her arms lock at her side. Gerard was alot stronger then Emile, and taller. He knew once he had a hold of her he could control her. She gave up struggleing after a few minutes and started to cry again.
'Shh its okay sugar, i got you' Gerard cooed softly knowing she needed calm soft words so it wouldn't scare or trigger her off again. Gerard now new that Emile was a ticking time bomb, and she had just blew up. He loosend up his arms a little she turned in his arms and he tensed a little not knowing if she'd hit him or not. She looked him in the eyes. Her eyes heald so much pain and confusion he's ever seen in one persons eyes before.The kiss from this morning had left him a little confused, he knew he had cared for her, he just thought it was in a friendly, she's my little brothers best friend of way, but now he wasn't too sure, looking at her now, so frigiel and broken and all he wanted to do was fix it, make it better. Her voice startled him a little.
'I..i'm sorry' Her voice was an almost whisper, she sounded ashamed, scared even. He wiped her tears off her cheeks with his thumb.
'Shh, it's alright, nothing was broken that can't be replaced, i'm just glad you didn't hurt yourself' she nodded and her bottom lip trembled.
'I just want my daddy back' He pulled her into his chest and she wraped her arms around his neak and he let her cry. he didnt say anything, she didnt need nor want anything said. All she wanted was a cuddle. and Gerard was quite happy to give it to her.
'Bob wft?' Frank asked confused and slightly frantic.
'look i think she had some sort of break down, stay here. do not go into that room. she'll kill you. i'll be right back' Frank nodded, scared as he looked at the door. Bob ran down the staires and out the door, across the road and into the way's.
'MIKEEEY' Bob called through the house as he ran into the living room. Gerard was sitting on the couch watching tv.
'Wheres your brother' Gerard looked at bob and shurged .
'His room i think wh-'
'thanks' Bob cut across Gerard and ran up the staires. leaving a very confused Gerard alone.. once again.
'MIKKKKKEY FUCKING WAY' Bob yelled as he ran down the hall. Mikeys bedroom door opend.
'You need to come over to em's she fucking cracked man, she needs you. i can't control her on my own. i think she going to do something stupid.' bob said in one big breath tryin to get his words out and back to emile as fast as he could.
'why? what about her grandparents. there her looking after her, not me. i'm not her fucking dad.' Bob snaped and grabed mikey by the throat and pushed him against the wall.
'She has no fucking dad remember? he died almost 3 years ago, leaving her on her own. It;s hit her now Mikey and if your to fucking selfish to help, then your not worth her friendship. sit and rot in your room on your own. because right now theres only one person i fucking care about. and. its. not. you.' he shoved Mikey to the floor and turned around to face an angry Gerard.
'Touch my brother huh?' Gerard taunted. Bob wasn't in the mood for this.
'I'm not in the mood. i have to get back to Emile. since me and frank seem to be the only one who gives a fuck about her.' Gerards face softned a little.
'What do you mean'
'Shes fucking cracked Gerard. Shes having a mental broke down over there. now if you don;t mind you can kill me later but right now. i have to get back.' Bob ran past Gerard and ran down the staires, Gerard following. They ran across to Emiles and up staires where everyone, meaning Frank and her Grandparents where standing looking worried, her grandma even crying. Frank was pale as a ghost.
'You tried to go in didn't you?' Bob asked a little frantic now, Emile was still screamming and smashing things in her room. Frank nodded. Gerard put his hand on Bobs shoulder.
'Let me try. go down and make coffee. she'll need on after, and use all need one now. please. trust me' Bob looked unsure but nodded and took everyone down staires.Gerard took a deep breath and opened the door. Emile was standing in the middle of the room, everything was smashed on the floor. Her chest was heaving voilently from her anger and sobs. She had her back to Gerard and he walked over to her slowly, not sure if she'd take another fit and try to hit him.He got to her and wraped his arms around her, she tried to strugle but he had her arms lock at her side. Gerard was alot stronger then Emile, and taller. He knew once he had a hold of her he could control her. She gave up struggleing after a few minutes and started to cry again.
'Shh its okay sugar, i got you' Gerard cooed softly knowing she needed calm soft words so it wouldn't scare or trigger her off again. Gerard now new that Emile was a ticking time bomb, and she had just blew up. He loosend up his arms a little she turned in his arms and he tensed a little not knowing if she'd hit him or not. She looked him in the eyes. Her eyes heald so much pain and confusion he's ever seen in one persons eyes before.The kiss from this morning had left him a little confused, he knew he had cared for her, he just thought it was in a friendly, she's my little brothers best friend of way, but now he wasn't too sure, looking at her now, so frigiel and broken and all he wanted to do was fix it, make it better. Her voice startled him a little.
'I..i'm sorry' Her voice was an almost whisper, she sounded ashamed, scared even. He wiped her tears off her cheeks with his thumb.
'Shh, it's alright, nothing was broken that can't be replaced, i'm just glad you didn't hurt yourself' she nodded and her bottom lip trembled.
'I just want my daddy back' He pulled her into his chest and she wraped her arms around his neak and he let her cry. he didnt say anything, she didnt need nor want anything said. All she wanted was a cuddle. and Gerard was quite happy to give it to her.
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