Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Mama We All Go To Hell
It's been 6 weeks since i went crazy in my room. Me bob and frankie have become so close, Mikey still wont talk to me but i honestly give a shit now, he can be a dick all he wants. Me and Gerard have been hanging out alot, nothings happened since that day in my room, although i'm a little disappointed i love the time i spend with him. He just makes me so happy, if nothing ever happend with us, as long as we were friends i'd be happy.
Today though i had to go to the hospital to get my cast off, i'm so happy, it was really bugging the shit out of me, couldnt even shower without it getting in the way. I was on my way around to the way's, thougth i'd pop in and see Gerard since he had his first day of work today. I walked up to the door and just walked in. i never have knocked, why start now? i went into the kitchen knowing he'd be there making coffee. He was sitting at the table drawing, a cup of coffee sitting beside him.
'Hey Gee' I walked over to the and made myself a coffee.
'Hey sugar, hows your day?' i sat beside him sipping my coffee.
'Good, got my cast off' He looked up and i grined lifting up my arm.
'Thats awesome, now you can shower without any trouble' I laughed.
'Yes i suppose i can' He chuckled and kissed me cheek. i put down my coffee and put my hands on his cheeks pulling him in fr a real kiss. He smiled into the kiss and out his hand on my waist. i pulled away and smiled pecking his lips once more before going back to drinking my coffee. He smirked and went back to drawing.
'Your brother here?' Gerard nodded and mumbled 'room' I got up and went up staires to face mikey. i think he's being a dick long enough. I walked into his room, he was sitting on his bed reading with his ear phones in, i pulled at the ears phones and his head shot up, wow he looked agnry.
' wtf? get out of my room.' he spat.
'not untill you tell me why your being a dick' I crossed my arms over my chest.
'I don't have to tell you anything, not get out of my room; he shoved me away from him, i stumbled back and triped over his chair, i fell to the ground atomatically holding out my hands to save my fall. i landed on my hands, A sharp pain ran up my arm, i hissed in pain and got up, tears ran down my face, i looked at Mikey and i could see gulit in his eyes but his face stilll showed anger. i walked out and went down stairs into the kitchen, Gerard was still Drawing, not noticing i was there. i held my arm close to my chest.
'Gee' the pain in my arm was getting worse. His head shot up, looking at me, when he seen the tears he got up and wraped his arms around me.
'Shh baby whats wrong?' he was rubbing my back gently and he kissed my neck tenderly.
'He pushed me, my arm really hurts' i chocked out. he sat me down on his chair and kneeled down infront of me. His eyes heald concern and anger. He gently took my arm in his hands, running his fingers gently over my skin, looking to see the damage.
'I don't think it's broke baby, think it's just sprined, i'll get dad to check it when he gets home shh baby come here' he pulled me into a hug and i wraped my arms around him. i breathed in his smell, trying to calm down. He pulled away and kissed me lightly.
'i'll be right back, okay?' he got up and i took his hand and pulled him back gently.
'No, please don't, just leave it. please' I didn't want them fighting, i just wanted to cuddle up to Gerard, and try suse out what we were
'Sugar he can't go around treating you like shit, hurting you, i wont stand for that.' he walked out and took the stairs 2 at a time, i followed, just incase.
Gerard walked right into Mikeys room.
'Whats your deal mikey?' Mikey looked scared.
'w..what do you mean?'
'You, treating Emile like shit? Your suppose to be her best friend.' Gerard had his fists clenched at his sides.
'Well..well i.' Mikey sturttered
'Well nothing Mikey.You've been a compleat dick to her for the past 6 weeks and then today you fucking push her? she only just got her cast off, and you might have just broke her arm again. Do you know how dangrous that is? do you fucking know?' Mikey shock his head. 'Know i didn't fucking think so, your a fucking idiot. stay away from Emile, unless your going to say your sorry' Gerard walked over to me and gently led me down stairs. He cleaned up the table and we went and cuddled on the couch, watching Transformers, since its my favourite movie.
'Gee?' i think now would be the best time to get the'what are we' chat out of the way.
'Yeah sugar?' he kissed the top of my head. I sat up and looked him in the eye.
'What are we? like what is this? us? is there an us? are we friends? are we more? are we...' He kissed my lips gently and chuckled.
'stop talking so i can answer women' i giggled and blushed. 'I've been wanting to ask you for awhile, but since youve brought it up.. will you be my girlfriend?' He blushed, he actually blushed. I giggled and nodded.
'Yes' He gined and pulled me in for a brath taking kiss. a cough behind me caused me to jump little, almost falling of the couch, but my beautiful boyfriend caught me by the waist.
'Easy baby' He chuckled.I laughed and turned to who ever it was. A nervous, scared looking Mikey was standing at the door, he was shacking a little, tears running down his face.
'What do you want?' Gerard asked, his voice a little cold. I smacked his leg and sent him a glare. I turned to Mikey.
'You okay Mikey mouse?' I don;t care if he;s been a dick and he hurt me, he was my best friend and he was standing infront of me crying, my heart broke a little.
'I'm so sorry ellie, i'm so so sorry' He put his hands to his face and broke down. I shot up and wraped my arms around him. i was alot shorter then him so it was kinda hard, but i didn;t care. My Mikey mouse needed me.
'oh Mikey, its okay, shh i forgive you' he clamed down and sniffled and looked at me.
'Re..really?' i nodded and he smiled.
'Couse Mikey mouse your my bestfriend.' He huged me into his chest and i wrapped my arms around him. He pulled away and stepped around me to face Gerard.
'G..gee, i'm so sorry' Gerard waved his arm for Mikey to go over to him, Gee pulled mikey down to sit beside him and pulled him into a hug.
'I'm sorry too mikes. you just pissed me off is all, you hurt my girl' I smiled at him and he winked back. I giggled and so did mikey. He pulled away from gee.
'So are you guys together now?'
'Are you okay with that?' Gerard asked softly. Mikey nodded franticly a huge smile on his face. For the rest of the evening we sat and talked, all three of us. We were watching a movie when i started to fall asleep. I cuddled closer to Gee and felt him kissing the top of my head. I fell asleep feeling happy warm and safe.
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