Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Mama We All Go To Hell
'Hey, heey sweetie don't cry, it's okay, i'm here now, shhh' He rubbed me back ad lent his head ontop of mine. I looked up at him and he smiled. He wiped my eyes and i seen he had tears of his own. He pulled me closes to him and i clung to him.
'It's going to be okay, i promise you princess, i promise.' I nodded into his chest. I seen Gerard standing there awkwardly. i pulled away from Garry and sniffed.
'Sorry Gee, Garry this is my boyfriend Gerard, Gerard this is my uncal Garry. He is my Dads best Friend.' I smiled at garry and Garry gave me that look.
'Your boyfriend huh?' he held out his hand and Gerard took it shakly. 'Nice to meet you Gerard' He was pretending to be annoyed and protective, but in his eyes i could see the playfull ness.
'Ni..nice to you too'
'Sir' Garry winked at me and i tried ot to laugh.
'Nice to meet you too.. s..sir' I couldn't take it, i burst out laughing and so did Garry. I looked up at Gerard, at first he looked confused, then annoyed, then he blused and laughed a little. I took his hand and he pulled me into his arms, i hugged him and his kissed my forehead.
'Sorry man, just had to be done' Garry laughed some more.
'It's cool, no worried' Gerard laughed and kissed me. I I sliped me handsing to back pocket and kissed him back.
'Awh come on Em.. i don;t need to see this' Garry whined. I pulled away blushing and Gerard chuckled.
'Sorry, so why you here?'
'Well i wanted to see you shorty and plus jake wanted to see his Em-em' He opened the back door and i squiled and pushed him out of the way. Int he back seat was my little jacob. He was asleep in his chair/ I unstraped him carfully and picked him up, His body curled into mine and i sat him on my hip, his head resting on my shoulder. Garry Closed the door and The little baba stared to wake up.
Hey Jacob, Hey baba' I smiled at him and his little eyes opened and he made a little whinning noise and barried his face in my shoulder. I giggled a little.
'Gerard this is baby jaco, you going to say his to Gee?' I asked the little boy trying to snooze on my shoulder. He mumbled a hi and contunied his snozzing.
'Hey buddy' Gerard laughed. We went into my nana's and Garry was welcomed by her just like a welcomed him. Apart from the crying. Nana didn'y cry. Garry was like a son to my nana and grandad. His mom and dad died when he was my age and they took him in just like they did with me. My dad and Garry had growen up together, they were like brothers. I sat on the couch, jacob moved a little and got comfortable and went back to sleep. Gerard sat beside me.
'How old his he?' He asked as he took jacobs hand.
'He's 3 ina few days. He;s gotton so big, yet he's still so small.. if that even makes sence' Gerad laughed and nodded.
'I understand you baby' He leaned in and kissed me, being pushed away by the little human being on my lap.
'My em' He pouted and me and gerard laughed.
'You got some compition babe' I winked a Gee
'I guess i do huh?' He tickled jacob and his little giggled filled the room.
'Stop Gee' He whined but still giggleing. Gee stoped and Jacob moved around till his was sitting on my lap his head resting against my shoulder so he could look around him.
'He's so cute Em, so so cute' I nodded and kissed jacobs little head. I wanted kids one day, but only if they where like this little man.
'Hey Garry, can i bring his across the road to Gerard, i wanna show him off.' Garry laughed and nodded.
'Just let me get his shoes out of the car, little shit keeps kicking them off' Garry ruffled his sons hair and went to retrive his shes. He came back and slide them on his little feet, tieing the laces and kissed his head.
'He's all set shorty' He winked. I pouted and sat jacob on the ground. I stood up and took his little hand but he would bugd from his spot.
'Whats wrong baba' He grinded and his arms shot up, I laughed ad picked him up, he sat on my hip.
'Come one gee, Frankie and Bob are at your's' He looked confused.
'How'd ya know that?'
'Because i heard them when we where outside.' He nodded and laughed. We went across to gees and walked in to find Frank and bob restleing on the floor, Jacob Giggled and they stoped.
'Keep it PG boys' I said and Frankie pouted and bob laughed but nodded.
'I don't wannnnnna' He whined and bob picked him up off the ground.
'Yeah well your gonna have to because i don't want my nephew seeing you guys groping each other.' I laughed putting Jacob down, He ran over to Frankie and huged him, then huged Bob and ran and jumped on Mikey who was sitting on the floor playing the xbox. He droped the contorler yelling a little.
'WOOOOOOO whats going on.Hey little dudddde' Mikey said hugging the giggleing little boy. I laughed and jumped onto the couch.
'Guys that' I said pointing to Jacob stilling giggleing at Mikey 'Is jacob, My nephew.' Frank kneeled down on the gound, Jacob saw and ran for him, falling into his arms and hugging him while STILL giggling.
'Hey Jacob, I'm Frankie'
'HI Fwankie' Jacob said as he stood up and looked at Frankie.
'And his is Bob' Frank said pointing to bob.
'Hi Bob' He grined and waved at Bob, Bob waving back chuckleing Reciving the same hug as everyone else had gotten. Jacob steped back into Franks arms Looking at him again.
'And you see that dorky kid over there?' Frankie said pointing to Mikey, Jacob nodded his head giggleing.
'Heeeeeeey' Mikey whined, but still smiling.
'Well thats Mikey.'
'Hi Mikey' He waved and giggled more falling back into Frank for another hug. He Liked Frank.
We played with jacob for a few hours, He was winning the hearts over eveyone in the room, even Bob.
'It's going to be okay, i promise you princess, i promise.' I nodded into his chest. I seen Gerard standing there awkwardly. i pulled away from Garry and sniffed.
'Sorry Gee, Garry this is my boyfriend Gerard, Gerard this is my uncal Garry. He is my Dads best Friend.' I smiled at garry and Garry gave me that look.
'Your boyfriend huh?' he held out his hand and Gerard took it shakly. 'Nice to meet you Gerard' He was pretending to be annoyed and protective, but in his eyes i could see the playfull ness.
'Ni..nice to you too'
'Sir' Garry winked at me and i tried ot to laugh.
'Nice to meet you too.. s..sir' I couldn't take it, i burst out laughing and so did Garry. I looked up at Gerard, at first he looked confused, then annoyed, then he blused and laughed a little. I took his hand and he pulled me into his arms, i hugged him and his kissed my forehead.
'Sorry man, just had to be done' Garry laughed some more.
'It's cool, no worried' Gerard laughed and kissed me. I I sliped me handsing to back pocket and kissed him back.
'Awh come on Em.. i don;t need to see this' Garry whined. I pulled away blushing and Gerard chuckled.
'Sorry, so why you here?'
'Well i wanted to see you shorty and plus jake wanted to see his Em-em' He opened the back door and i squiled and pushed him out of the way. Int he back seat was my little jacob. He was asleep in his chair/ I unstraped him carfully and picked him up, His body curled into mine and i sat him on my hip, his head resting on my shoulder. Garry Closed the door and The little baba stared to wake up.
Hey Jacob, Hey baba' I smiled at him and his little eyes opened and he made a little whinning noise and barried his face in my shoulder. I giggled a little.
'Gerard this is baby jaco, you going to say his to Gee?' I asked the little boy trying to snooze on my shoulder. He mumbled a hi and contunied his snozzing.
'Hey buddy' Gerard laughed. We went into my nana's and Garry was welcomed by her just like a welcomed him. Apart from the crying. Nana didn'y cry. Garry was like a son to my nana and grandad. His mom and dad died when he was my age and they took him in just like they did with me. My dad and Garry had growen up together, they were like brothers. I sat on the couch, jacob moved a little and got comfortable and went back to sleep. Gerard sat beside me.
'How old his he?' He asked as he took jacobs hand.
'He's 3 ina few days. He;s gotton so big, yet he's still so small.. if that even makes sence' Gerad laughed and nodded.
'I understand you baby' He leaned in and kissed me, being pushed away by the little human being on my lap.
'My em' He pouted and me and gerard laughed.
'You got some compition babe' I winked a Gee
'I guess i do huh?' He tickled jacob and his little giggled filled the room.
'Stop Gee' He whined but still giggleing. Gee stoped and Jacob moved around till his was sitting on my lap his head resting against my shoulder so he could look around him.
'He's so cute Em, so so cute' I nodded and kissed jacobs little head. I wanted kids one day, but only if they where like this little man.
'Hey Garry, can i bring his across the road to Gerard, i wanna show him off.' Garry laughed and nodded.
'Just let me get his shoes out of the car, little shit keeps kicking them off' Garry ruffled his sons hair and went to retrive his shes. He came back and slide them on his little feet, tieing the laces and kissed his head.
'He's all set shorty' He winked. I pouted and sat jacob on the ground. I stood up and took his little hand but he would bugd from his spot.
'Whats wrong baba' He grinded and his arms shot up, I laughed ad picked him up, he sat on my hip.
'Come one gee, Frankie and Bob are at your's' He looked confused.
'How'd ya know that?'
'Because i heard them when we where outside.' He nodded and laughed. We went across to gees and walked in to find Frank and bob restleing on the floor, Jacob Giggled and they stoped.
'Keep it PG boys' I said and Frankie pouted and bob laughed but nodded.
'I don't wannnnnna' He whined and bob picked him up off the ground.
'Yeah well your gonna have to because i don't want my nephew seeing you guys groping each other.' I laughed putting Jacob down, He ran over to Frankie and huged him, then huged Bob and ran and jumped on Mikey who was sitting on the floor playing the xbox. He droped the contorler yelling a little.
'WOOOOOOO whats going on.Hey little dudddde' Mikey said hugging the giggleing little boy. I laughed and jumped onto the couch.
'Guys that' I said pointing to Jacob stilling giggleing at Mikey 'Is jacob, My nephew.' Frank kneeled down on the gound, Jacob saw and ran for him, falling into his arms and hugging him while STILL giggling.
'Hey Jacob, I'm Frankie'
'HI Fwankie' Jacob said as he stood up and looked at Frankie.
'And his is Bob' Frank said pointing to bob.
'Hi Bob' He grined and waved at Bob, Bob waving back chuckleing Reciving the same hug as everyone else had gotten. Jacob steped back into Franks arms Looking at him again.
'And you see that dorky kid over there?' Frankie said pointing to Mikey, Jacob nodded his head giggleing.
'Heeeeeeey' Mikey whined, but still smiling.
'Well thats Mikey.'
'Hi Mikey' He waved and giggled more falling back into Frank for another hug. He Liked Frank.
We played with jacob for a few hours, He was winning the hearts over eveyone in the room, even Bob.
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