Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Will you take me with you?


by CherriBoomBoom 0 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Humor,Romance - Characters: Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2011-08-05 - Updated: 2011-08-06 - 1060 words

No reviews? You guys still read this? >.> Hello? Anyone XD? Okay okay I'mma just post chap' 5 and see if you guys are still alive. XD

Chapter five

I stared at him as he looked down and waited for my answer. I sighed and folded my arms.

-What am I supposed to say?

He shrugged and looked up, saying I should say what I wanted to. No shit, Sherlock. Easier said than done. I thought about it for a second. What could I say? I didn’t want to let him know how I felt, yet I didn’t want him to stay away for like, ever. I ran my hands through my hair.

-Right. Well, I’m still pissed that you did that. You’ll have to work for me to forgive you and then MAYBE be friends. Depends on how I feel about you.

He looked at me with a child-like expression.


-If you make me repeat it, I might change my mind.

His face dropped.

-I’m kidding! But seriously, you’ll have to work for it. I mean it. I’m not easy. I’m not only playing hard to get. That’s how I actually am. Plus, I’m mad at you.

I actually meant that, in any way possible. But, of course, I didn’t need to explain that, did I? He’d have to guess. That meant I could keep him away for a while; that would stop me from wanting to be close. He didn’t need to know how I felt just yet.

-Thanks, he muttered again.

-You won’t thank me when you know what I mean.

With that, I turned around and walked away, leaving him with a lot to think about. We got to detention like planned later that evening. And it was BO-RING. Teacher tried to give us work to do but he decided boring us to death was enough of a punishment and left us with nothing. He even took my notebook away and claimed he would give it to me after it had ended.

-I am BORED out of my MIND, I whined, stretching my arms behind my head.

Mikey grunted in agreement. I suddenly had an idea, stood up from my desk and went for the chalkboard. I grabbed a piece of chalk and started drawing. It wasn’t anything in particular, I just let it out. I got so into it that I didn’t see or feel Mikey observing my every move nor did I hear the teacher checking in on us. When 7 o’ clock came, I was covered in chalk, my arm hurt, and my hand was sore, but when I stepped back, it was worth it.

The teacher came back in just as I finished. It was a naked woman, stretched in a graceful pose (nothing obscene or sexual; the purpose of the drawing wasn’t to focus on that) whose heart was exploding out of her chest. It wasn’t gory, it wasn’t just for the blood; it symbolized pain and beauty, pouring your heart and soul into something so much it hurts.


I jolted. I knew I wasn’t supposed to draw, I knew I’d get in trouble...

-This is beautiful! I never knew you could draw! This is amazing! Exclaimed the teacher.

I felt myself blush and I could see Mikey grinning at the back of the class.


-You need to do something with that! You can’t not use your talent!

I felt myself flush a deeper shade of red. I could still see Mikey grinning like an idiot, sitting at his desk. I wanted to throw something at him so he could stop smiling.

-Like what? I timidly asked.

-I don’t know, you could illustrate the student newspaper or something, but we have to get you involved!

-I... I don’t think this is such a great idea... I muttered.

-I’ll let you think about it. I’ll talk to you next class, said the teacher. You’re free to go.

And he left the classroom. As soon as the door was closed, I threw the piece of chalk, along with the brush, right at Mikey’s head. He giggled and ducked.

-Fucker! Stop smiling like a moron, this is all your fault!

-Shall we go home now?

I didn’t answer, grabbed my stuff and left. I heard him gather his things and follow me out. I ignored him and carried on walking.

-Lia! Stop!

I didn’t slow my pace and growled at his demand:

-I told you, you’d have to work for my forgiveness. That’s what I meant, amongst other things. Give me a good reason to slow down and I will. Otherwise, bye.

I started walking even quicker, leaving him behind. I heard his discouraged sigh and thought I had won. I was hoping he’d leave me alone. That way, I wouldn’t have to deal with the strange feeling that had been there ever since the first time we spoke. It was half of me wanting to punch him and run away, and half of me wanting to get to know him better. For Christ’s sake, why is it always so complicated with me?

That’s when I heard him quicken his own pace to try and match mine. I grunted. This was not going to be easy. When he finally reached me, he adjusted to my rhythm and followed me, grinning, obviously proud of himself.

-Stop fucking smirking.

He shook his head, chuckling softly.

-Why can’t you just give up? For fuck’s sake! It would be much simpler that way! I groaned, annoyed.

His grin got even wider. FUCK I wanted to wipe it off his face. It was kind of annoying because I knew he wasn’t grinning WITH me; he was grinning AT me. Ugh.

-Because YOU gave me a chance. You gave me the option to be forgiven. I hate myself for what I’ve done and it’s been torturing me ever since. But now I can fix it and actually feel better about myself, and not feel as crappy around you.

So I had inflicted this on myself?! What an idiot, giving him the opening of forgiveness! Lia, you are a MORON!
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